You Will Not "See Anyone In Hell" : We Will All See Each Other Before The Judgemenet Seat After the 1000 Year Reign With Christ On The Earth As We Know It : (-If you Are Not There For That You would have been "Taken-ly Slain by the Sword Of Jesus' Mouth-Rev19-20-) - [:***Re: Death where any died IN CHRIST-->*AND ARE RAISED FOR THE 1000 YEAR REIGN WITH JESUS* & Hell/Hades are not the same things***:]
You Will Not "See Anyone In Hell" : We Will All See Each Other Before The Judgemenet Seat After the 1000 Year Reign With Christ On The Earth As We Know It : (-If you Are Not There For That You would have been "Taken-ly Slain by the Sword Of Jesus' Mouth-Rev19-20-)
"...if your enemy is hungry/thirsty, feed them/give them to drink.... 'in doing so you will heap coals-of-ember/fire upon their head'...."
This is in direct conjunction with "egg and scorpion" Spirit-and-Truth Reality, where one answers in any asks of 'giving one what they ask to drink of, if it sweet juice, being sweet juice, if bitter, being bitter drink, if water then water, if they ask for chili sauce on barbaque chicken and you only have two slices of ham, and they have determined that they don't want ham right now having had it so much to want to have it their own way other than being forced to, IT IS DIFFERENT FROM ALWAYS SEEKING TO GIVE YOUR ENEMY WHAT IT DOES NOT WANT TO DRINK EVEN LOOKING FOR WHAT IT IS TO PURPOSELY CAUSE THEM TO LACK IT AND ONLY HAVE WHAT YOU YOURSELF, OR NOT EVEN WHAT YOU YOURSELF WANT TO DRINK EITHER AT ANY TIME, AND FORCE THEM TO HAVE THAT FROM YOU ON PURPOSE OF ALWAYS BEING WHAT THEY DO NOT WANT TO DRINK OR EAT..... (-there is no such thing as diet - "chasing a pink dragon" that does not exist, OTHER-WISE AS IF "BUD-WISER" FROTHY BEER, WE ARE RIGHT BACK AT RED BULL ENERGY DRINK FROM DRAGON ENERGY DRINK, BECAUSE RED-BULL IS PINK FIZZY GINSENG, GINGER-ISH AND VITAMIN FLAVOURED LIQUID-) in the same way that racism is colourless and not of any colour of people(s)-) ---> "There is No Such Thing as Mental Health" on Https://[:***Re: DEATH where any died IN CHRIST-->*AND ARE RAISED FOR THE 1000 YEAR REIGN WITH JESUS* : & : HELL/HADES are not the same things***:]
No, You will not see anyone else in hell, you won't even see yourself, your body, your hands or feet, taste even any saliva, have any teeth to gnash with, (-where the "weeping and gnashing of teeth" comes from-), you will have no things to do anything thing with, no sight to see, and no being to be.....
For those who live by the words "...see you in hell....", WE WILL DEFINATELY SEE YOU IN HEAVEN AFTER YOU ARE NOT THERE AND POSSIBLY IN THE SAME KIND OF PLACE FOR 1000 YEARS WHERE **"the rest of the dead did not live until the thousand years was over"**, AND THE BOOK OF LIFE(-all being written in it of their "eternal-chapter-books" of THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION OF the book of life-) IS OPENED, AND THE ***MANY OTHER(-conflicting, unagreeing, un-eternal, and all terminal without any others-) BOOKS*** ARE OPENED - : - CONCERNING FINAL JUDGEMENT WHICH IS ***ONLY AFTER THE THOUSAND YEARS*** [:***--where there is no beast or false prophet (***----remember as according to the book of Jude ---> ETERNALY departed from even it's own abode of self being by Genesis1:25-27 as Men and Women amongst brothers and sisters in Christ are of their Eternal-oneness-of-flesh-and-being, the one already defeated and attemptedly-imposing-teaching-and-doctrinaly-influencing part being the babylonial harlot city of principle and the other a "double
'*male-ish*' split" of the first and seccond beast in Revelation13-----***) ---> and the devil(-spiritualy eternaly evil-)IN A BOTTOMLESS PIT--***:] -> that is NOT A SECCOND CHANCE FOR THE DEVIL....
....We guess or at least hope you will repentfuly decide after 1000 years IN SUCH CONDITIONS of such and will not be bitter towards God or others if you find BEING ALIVE right now bad enough or anything?....
- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM