Jesus' parables we're not just parables : 40 Days-40 Nights "Every Word That Proceeds from the Mouth Of God(-1Timothy4-)" - Spirit and Truth
...... Jesus' "parables" we're not only and merely "parables", if you can see that when speaking in bulk report of witness and testimony of hundreds to thousands as well as having those very present people in more than example but of the Spirit and Truth Relaities adressed, you can find that in the "Vine-Yard's Owner" parables where his sent servants got consecutively beaten for attempting to fulfill his request of accountability and just yo simply communicate the ongoings of the rented out vine-yard, the last of all being sent being His Verry Own Beloved Son in represents of Jesus Christ as amidst even parables such as "those who beat the other servants they are stewardship-ing" and amongst, having the master's return catching them out-of-order(s), also that the Sheep and Goats of Mathew 25 parallel with the many neighbourly ascent-ives that Mark, Mathew, Luke and John have amongst the Synoptic Gospels of Jesus' life that are recorded in them synonymous .......
...Would you be, or "are you" angry that the stone being eaten in a/the wilderness full of (-1Timothy4-) Good things that Our Heavenly Father Has Made only other to the "towns-made-ness" of where Jesus departed from and as written "fasted for 40 days and nights"?...
...It should not disssapoint you that in the devil's tempting command to tell Jesus to turn the stone to bread, even if a little pebble of less than the smallest finger's tip length and particularly as a grain of sand (-knowing the devil's darkness of "conspirac-sized 'dwindling froms' "-), saying to Turn it into bread, Jesus answering that "Man Shall Not live by Bread Alone But BY Every Single Word From The Mouth Of God", and also ABLE at and "in all of liberty's perfection" TO EAT THE GRAIN OF SMALL STONE AS IT IS, *** -->> KNOWING THAT ** "THE DUST" THAT " 'THE SERPENT' LICKS" ** BEING THE DEVIL "THAT (-spiritualy-eternaly-dark-) SERPENT OF OLD" AND SUCH "LICKING" ACTUALY BEING IN REFFERENCE TO MAN-KIND HAVING BEEN "BREATHED(-of-the-eternal-breath-of-life-and-God's-Selfsame-indwelling-Holy-Spirit-Of-Life-) FROM THE "DUST 'OF THE EARTH' ", the earth having specificaly and refferencialy different colours of soils that are similar to the many cascades of man-kinds outer-flesh(-skin-) and it's "infa-variable kinds of colours"...
- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM