Some People Try To See Life Like "Black 8-Ball's Sinking Themselves/Each-Other & Bowling Pins Rolling at Bowling-Balls"

Some People Try To See Life Like : "Black 8-Ball's Sinking Themselves/Each-Other & Bowling Pins Rolling at Bowling-Balls"

 ..... some people chose to rather see life like rolling a pin at a set of balls, in the same as if life we're an 8-Ball Sinking Itself or rather another 8-Ball likewise ..... (-***Note:the white ball in pool just doesn't have the black paint and the number 8 on the sides, but they're the same, "'s smaller because it's younger...", imagine, all those colour's, stripes, and numbers, but so much confusion over 'one-young-buck'-[:*the oldest trick that is sorcery and not a game-Rev18*:]***-) .....

.... Then somebody else'll 'be like' " : ".... dude, it's when the 8 ball rests and the number is sideways that really gets me thinking, knowing nothing can oppose infinite chances....." [-*"sideways-8"*-:] 




- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM