Did You Know #03 INFO - Denim Was Origionaly Created as very thick Utility Dressing Material then later layered with appropriacy & even "Water-Proof-ness" *AS WELL AS FIRE-PROOF-NESS* [:-*fireman clothing IS SUPPOSED TO BE NORMAL FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS AND PEOPLE(s)*-:]
Did You Know #3 INFO - Denim Was Origionaly Created as very thick Utility Dressing Material then later layered with appropriacy & even Water-Proof-ness (-As well as Fire Proof-ness-) [:-*fireman clothing is supposed to be normal for all departments and people(s)*-:]
It is Interesting How DENIM was actualy origionaly first made AS THICK AS ONE'S SMALLEST FINGER to begin with, having been made **FOR UTILITY REASONS** (-construction site, factory workings and many other hands on britle-less-necessity [:-*needing not to be easily broken on contact with items of such constructive works*-:] needs-), not just **"to look" 'like'** anything (-e.g. "SEXY"[:-*a word in refference of/for one's oneness of flesh (-which is lost in comparison-)*-:]-), WHY AND WHERE FROM **DENIM FABRIC** GOT IT'S CURRENT "POPULARITY" TO BE USED FOR "JEANS", which is A VERY SERIOUS MATTER OF INFORMATION AND OVERALL SPIRIT AND TRUTH REALITY ABOUT THE "CONCEPT OF CLOTHING"....
(-Factories and Plans destroyed by the BIKINI #ShirtsAndSkorts [:-> Https://RevelationMusicZim.Blogspot.com <-:] SEXUALIZATION SCANDALS AND MASS SABOTAGES - STILL TO DATE AND SINCE ALWAYS POSSIBLE AND DO-ABLE, THEN DONE BY THOSE WHO DESTROYED IT, just that those of Spirit and Truth whom we're suffered of the sabotage to loss of family friends and all things we're grievingly wearied of heart, BUT FOR A SHORT TIME EVEN WITH SUPERNSTURAL RESTORATION(s) EVEN OF LIFE/LIVES-Resurrecion(s) [:-*numbers too vast to blanket analyse and totalitarianism whom and why because of "man made prestige and respect of person's even evil" in comparison to the entirely pure in Spirit and Truth*-:] FROM WHERE THE IDEA AND TRUTH CAME HAVING HAD ENOUGH WITH BEING FORCED TO ONLY WEAR ANYTHING OF NAKEDNESS-)
Clothes are not the one's that protect us, AS THE SAME TIME GOD OUR HEAVENLY FATHER IN AND THROUGH CHRIST (-REVELATION CHAPTER 1-) FULLY GIRDED/COVERED TO THE PAPS (-wrists, ankles, neck topmost-) WANTS US AS WELL ALWAYS TO BE FULLY CLOTHED AND COVERED as is normal for all people and both their physical as well as Spirit and Truth WELL-BEING.