There is no such Thing/Christian-Speaking-Of as "Going to" and " 'Coming From' Church" (Re : " 'my-your' church" differenciation/division - re : 1Cor8-11 (no offence to Jew-Greek "THE COLLECTIVE OF BOTH BEING 'THE SPIRIT AND TRUTH CHURCH OF GOD' - ***with all due refferencial doctrine/teaching discipline of 'the 3 area's of life' 1Cor8-11 being about food-drink - entire blog refferencial for other details-)

There is no such thing/Christian-Speaking-Of as "Going to" and "Coming From Church" [:--*Re : " 'my-your' church" differenciation/division - re: 1Cor8-11 (no offence to Jew-Greek "THE COLLECTIVE OF BOTH BEING 'THE SPIRIT AND TRUTH CHIRCH OF GOD' (***with all due refferencial doctrine/teaching discipline of 'the 3 area's of life' 1Cor8-11 being about food-drink - entire blog refferencial for other details***)*---:]

- GATHERING is a group of people in communion of learning/learned example by teaching and doing etc (-in short-)

- SPIRIT AND TRUTH MEANS : "The Sky/Firmament is Our Church Ceiling & such 'buildings' being 'rooms' of functional dwelling(s) made of man's hands STILL OF OWNERSHIP AND STEWARDSHIP OF THE LORD GOD IN CHRIST AND JESUS *AS WE ARE IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH* (-in short-)

John 4:21-24 there is no "going to", and "coming from" CHURCH, "the sky is our church ceiling and such 'building & demography" are all rooms built with mans hands, such to be called "gathering", and when asked of "religion", 'christianity' meaning "little christ like ones" coined during historical happenings, it is safe to use the word "charity"(James1:25-*27* Re : Mathew25<**Sheep** vs Goats>) for any resourceful disputes/order/guidance to discernment (2 Corinthians 8:12-15) & (Acts 20:35/1Thessalonians5:14)

In many cases is always asked "WHAT church do you go to?", when there really is and has never been such question with Christ Jesus. The only "DIVISIONS" identified in the Gosepl are "Jew & Greek", only two sufficient IF ANY ARE SUPPOSED, of which even when written "give no offence to the Jew or Greek or to "THE CHURCH of God", the COLLECTIVE OF THE TWO MEANING "THE CHURCH OF GOD" in Spirit and Truth, also written that "sectarianism/divisional-ism --[:-*not what Paul noted in 1Cor8-11 meaning - "MADE NOTE OF ANYONE'S WANT TO BE EVIL/SEXUALY IMMORAL/LIE/STEAL/CHEAT*-:]-- - (what people today call "denominational-ism) is evil", as well written "there is neither Jew nor Greek, Slave nor Free, "Barbarian (unsophisticated) or Sycthian (sophisticated)".

Gathering is not a bad thing and is very good for group teaching, experience and display/group showing edification, strengthening and exhortation of sound doctrine and many other community experiences, but there become certain issues when temporary gathering is called "church".

[:-*e.g. when Jesus "fasted for 40 days and 40 nights", the supposing he had no food is void by 1Timothy4, with all understanding of the difference between "TURN" this stone into bread, from "e.g. Elijah having woken up cakes baked/baking on coals, "quail and manna of specific request falling from the sky", for the refferencial of Jesus's particular situation having been driven to a ledge with all disarm, also noting this dispute of such "Jewish" culture separating food from wilderness, market, and home HAS ALL SORTS OF OBVIOUS REVEALING WITHIN FULL CONTEXT, JESUS OBVIOUSLY LOVING ALL THAT IS AND WAS IN THE WILDERNESS AT THAT TIME, also because of the Holy Spirit having him even teaching at a young age of even 6-5 (-staying behind when John and Mary Had to go back and get him-), also obvious of BOTH his knowledge of how to make fire, more so as mentioned example of Elijah*-:]
***AND TO NOTE THAT MARK MATHEW LUKE AND JOHN WRITTINGS ARE *AT LEAST 3 YEARS OF JESUS' LIFE, VERY POSSIBLY MORE CONCERNJNG CALENDAR CHANGES, BUT TO NOTE : REST TIME(s), LIBERTY OF ANY AND ALL SORTS EXCLUDING ONENESS OF FLESH "INDULGENCE/HAVING" IF ANY CONCERN BEING Re: -> Marriage Supper Of The Lamb" - Revelation19-20 *** [:- FOR THOSE WHO WOULD HSVE BEEN PERVERSLY LIED TO : --> we will not, do not watch him "have it with our sister's flesh of Jesus' Eternal Oneness of Flesh & Being, each and every one of us with our own Oneness of Flesh and Being amongst Sisters and Brothers : *DISCERN*-:] ***
(-still in short-)

Some people also like to quote "do not forsake the gathering" concerning this temporary demography, yet if anyone considers the 1000 people gathering at any building conference for a 5-6 hour session the only time being gathered in the presence of the lord, it should also be remembered that the rest of the city besides that conference center are gathered, the surounding cities and throughout what is considered the wilderenss, the rest of that country, continent as well as face of the earth. This is more of a PERSPECTIVE difference, also a consideration towards WHAT IS BEING TAUGHT, seeing the many "congregatings" that are actualy embarased by, neglect or completely condemn sound doctrine of 1Timothy4 setting at par with the world's standards e.g. considering that aclohol consumption is actualy any source of drunkenes, or even considering like the world anything to be "a drug", some even condoning fornication and multiple husbandry in the name of Romans1:27 where it is written "the natural use of the woman" which is actualy speaking of ONENESS OF FLESH & BEING inside and out, seeing both man and woman made in God's image have this predestined purpose to chose to experience it now, or further wait(1Corinthians7) until the 1000 year reign with Christ on the earth as we know it now.

Paul also wrote of the "I am of Apollos, I am of Cephas" issues, reminding people that WE ARE OF CHRIST BY GOD all in all, which is the same as the modern "Man Of God" trend/craze/phenomenon, where should be acknowledged each and every one of these teeminologies "Pastor/Deacon/Prophet/Teacher/Healer", ALL MEAN ***EXPERIENCED BROTHER/SISTER", whom is reminding all gaining from the experience that SO ARE THEY, which is also what Jesus taught His Disciples to teach others, Jesus even rebuking being called "GOOD TEACHER" seeing their comment and use of words came from identifying/only adressing/only reffering ot and placing the flesh above the selfsamd indwelling Holy Spirit of Life eternal, such being worshiping of his specific fleshly apearance (-e.g. color of skin, clothing choice of that moment/day/circumstance/situation-) Jesus Himself saying "why do you call me Good? There is no one Good BUT THE FATHER"(who's selfsame indwelling spirit quickens our mortal flesh working all gifts through all members outworked in love amongst).





- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM