2025 - Pre-to-Post Millenial Year 2000+ September 11th : Time(s)-and-Relevance-Conjunction with 9-11-11(Sept-11-2011) and Post 2010 to 2025 - "Informal Info-Commentary/In-Short-ness" (*Jan-7-2025*)

 2025 - Pre-to-Post Millenial Year 2000 September 11th : Time(s)-and-Relevance-Conjunction with 9-11-11(Sept-11-2011) and Post 2010 to 2025 - "Informal Info-Commentary/In-Short-ness" (*Jan-7-2025*)

 ... Some historical land-marks un-lost from the past decade but just tucked away from anyone's noticing or noting at some times ...

... The popular kind of video and audio recorded play-back-able with persons in "battle-field-things-to-say-out-loud-like-'Saving-Private-Ryan'-confrontation(s)"------> [***... Private Ryan was always privately out in the open, as much as being accused of having no privacy and trying to rob people of theirs which exposed things done in the dark ...***] ------> having American accented people saying "who wants some!!!" and "Come Get Some" 's history dwindled to "safety orange 'Get-Some' ", having British and other European accentuating of "WHOM WANTS SOME", "WHOM WANTS A BIT", "BACK FOR MORE?" as a question, and even this person asking "Get What, come get some what? 'worry-some-less' is serious, even about, trying to joust like croquet and bowling all at once... 'sheesh' they say in the face of shisha 'smoke/vapour-flavĂ©' " from india and now elsewhere this being 2025"..... ------ [**(--date/time when was typing this--) I'm hapily sorry to do more next time, but it's 2 minute noodles time and other stuff, so for now that seccond one is very significant**] ------ in the contimual 2nd example of "why do we keep needing to say 'who wants some' out loud when we already know who placed the order for us to 'bring-it-on'?"... again for that 2nd example ...

... There are many past " 20 to 'more of plus' " years record or accountability of both allied British and other European countries as well as the U.S.(of)A. That can actualy be attested of "HAVING JOINED THOSE DEPARTMENTS JUST TO HEAR THOSE WORDS BETWEEN THE TWO SETS OF ACCENTUATION "AS-THOUGH-FOR-'LIFE-LONG-COMICAL- SPIRIT-AND-TRUTH-RELIEF-AND-NOT-OCCUPATION' " by both their own testimony as well as others finding out how much people are lied to as speak of things they don't know, even in part always exceeding the part-ness of other-than-Spirit-And-Truth, e.g. people watching News Channels and such Live Broadcasts besides re-run-in-live-updates-with-initial-significant-coverage-identity-context-and-if-any-individual-digress-amongst-multiple(s) [**all of Spirit and Truth Orient OF Course**] ...

... e.g. the renown day of 9-11 (Sept-11) and seeing a kilometer(s) level sky-scraper fall-pillar-implosively-directly-on-top-of-itself and such "demolition" 'inside-job' sides of stories, there being some very basic common sense ----> [:***---- 'Zeitgeist' or 'Farenheit 9/11' - Neutraly-Biased Documentaries for residual easily youtubable or web-searchable video footage of the "pancake-skyscraper-demolition" nature etc & facts like "timeframe" and other attempted piecable-togethers (*NOT-Book Of Revelation-Context*) -> certain focuses on paganized christian-isms and other "New-Age" versions of refference in "Borderline-'God-put-down' " and significant of the further mentioned in this writting " 'Modern.Money.Mechanics.' easily-googleable-freely-downloadable-pdf " where is too evident of the 2nd pages fact----***:] ----> "AS INDEED TO KNOW A BUILDING OF IT'S TYPE WOULD NEVER FALL FROM SUCH", THE ONLY ATTEMPTED RATIONALE OF A PERSON WOULD BE TO HOPE THAT IT WAS PURPOSELY DEMOLISHED FROM SUCH THAT LONG TIME'S TAKING NOTE OF WHERE AND HOW IT WOULD HAVE TO BE HIT TO DETERMINE HOW LONG AND WHAT KIND OF REPAIRS WITH TIME-FRAME WOULD BE NECESARY FOR EMERGENCY FUND BASED UNDER AVERAGE MINIMUM "NEXT 5-10 YEARS EXPECTATION" (**----**: building prototype and continual trial test structures of such kind in remote area's for security reasons using maximum excess of e.g. demolition tests with explosive devices and cases of plane collissions as per "sky-scraper-standard" is something not everybody thinks about even when they think of their breakfast bowls and any purchasings of anything including ball point pens or mechanical pencils etc, there being a lot to life about CONSTRUCTION that as many observe know the wisdom overall THAT YOU CANNOT "STUDY 'CONSTRUCTIVITY WITH DESTRUCTIVITY' " especialy and even for so called "backwards-engineering" which both in concept and habit of so many facets is not a constructive habbit, these different from actual lesrning studies e.g. ".... pool granule hth chlorine and milk in a lip balm sized container air tightened loosely and shaken for them to reactively-mix which warms up by the way ..." :**----**) FOR SOMETHING PRESTIGIOUSLY SO TALL OF BUILDING STRUCTURE METHOD OF CRETION AT IT'S TIME OF INITIAL COMPLETION INTO THE PHASE IT WAS HIT BY 2 PLANES, THERE MAY BE FEWER WHOM THOUGHT TO THEMSELVES THAT ANYONE TRIED TO CALCULATE WHAT THE MAXIMUM WEAKENING EVEN IF LEFT STANDING AND CONDITIONAL RELEVANCE OF THE TWIN TOWERS WAS AFTER THE 2ND PLANE HIT (----that having been a very serious time from the first one----) ...


- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM