Spirit & Truth Reality about Some Stories and Concepts in Life

Spirit & Truth Reality Facts about some things in Life You May Be Familiar With :

.....would you understand that San Diego the City in the USA was built up through con-artistry, why if you know a video game turned from a card game simillar to "monopoly" called "Where In The World/On Earth Is Carmen **San Diego**", and that "San Fransisco" being most popularly known for having deep rooted "LGBT" *earliest history recording* of the Central Americas was as if a "Spin Off" foundational from the same kind of lifestyle and ideology, why a title "San Fransisco RUSH" would have been someone "Rushing To Conclusion(s)" as if such a lifestyle of con-artistry was condonable  just because money is "unrighteous mammon", ordeals of profiting from false-witness & fraudulence being with use of sexual immorality as a curtain and shroud for it's existence? Also in the same category of "con-artistry", if you ever saw a movie called "Catch Me If You Can" with Leonardo Dicaprio as the main actor as a child of a con-artist named "Mr Abagnale", where-in he choses to follow the "father-ish" footseps of someone he did not even know or grow with due to the continuously "ON THE RUN"/"IN THE SHADOWS AWAY FROM PUBLIC" lifestyle having learn't a few of the basic tricks from a trade which is not a trade but deception of its own demise before its deed or doing, making Extravagant Public Fraudulations and various Sorcery like escapisms consisting of the same lying Spirit of Deception and Fraudulence?         

[:**In Example, the mind of a thief, in context of any story you would have heard about "bank robbery", is to "steal 1 000 000 (1million) dollars, live on the run spending 750 000 dollars in escapism to live on 250 000 from the 1 000 000 (1million) dollars**, the actual reality turning out 900 000 of escspism, 50 000 of basic needs, and 50 000 leftover AS IF the person can spend any of it freely, ALL ANYWAY VOID IN THE OVERALL REALITY THAT THE 1 million is all of theft, and God is Just concerning all happenings in life, others affected, as well as the person's actual intentions, "a thief whom steals because they are hungry" from Proverb about it, DOES NOT VOID THAT IT IS THEFT, LYING, DECEIT OR EVEN RESULTANT MURDER OR VARIOUS OTHER THINGS, IT DOES NOT COUNT IT AS GOOD ESPECIALY WITH GOD, hence "let those who stole steal no more.." written in the New Testament, the utmost problem with this, is people already missunderstanding unrighteous mammon and any detail to the fact that such thought "riches" are actualy debt, basicaly meaning "wages are debt", if someone to ask "how much you got paid this month?" for a job as a till worker for paper and coin currency, it is asking "how much debt did you accumulate in wages this month?", WHICH STILL DOES NOT VALIDATE SOMEONE TO "*HAVE THE RIGHT*" TO TAKE YOUR PAPER AND COINS THAT ANYONE WHO IS FORCED TO USE TO GET/BUY ANYTHING IN "the shambles"(what makes them of that word otherwise 'storehouses and distributes'), JUST BECAUSE THE SYSTEMATICS OF IT's **VALUE** ARE BASED ON SCARCIFIYING (*scarcity*) TOTAL ACROSS THE BOARD ACCESIBILITY TO LIFE'S ABUNDANCE OF THE FRUIT OF THE EARTH & OTHER FACILITATABLE EXPERIENCES**:]

This above  para-phrased mention of context and relevance of the movie screenplay "Catch Me If You Can" is in "conjuncts" with a Movie called "Road To Perdition" 'starred by Tom Hanks', making a contextualy note-worthy story-lining in context of the explained "Catch Me If You Can", both simultaneously released during the same period of "Hollywood seasonal" amongst movies and screenplay, this story in particular of it's nature, bearing the befallen of evil upon itself (---*** "...kills with the sword will be killed with the sword..... takes captive will be taken captive..." synonymous with the discerned and differenciated righteous obviousness "who gives life is given life and has life, who sets free is set free and free indeed" ***---), in the same message and story-lining that "Catch Me If You Can" has, but with mortal consequence in the depiction and context, as well as the refference towards sentiment "honourable tresspass" concerning abuse and fraudulent ise of kindred and the like, having a significant ending scene in context of the whole movie's story line which would need to be fully understood, but also revealed in the context of the ending as mentioned in paralello-'graph' with "Catch Me If You Can".


....would you also also understand that "Shurlock Holmes" being a Scottish/Irish derivative of actual "Police Investigation Ongoing" recorded in History amassedly amongst such as is called "Serial Killings" during a time where Ocult Worship AS USUAL at all of its "self collapsing" dwindling to nothingness "peaks of demise" had people of Outright and publicized Devil Worship's nature Muredered One By One in masses and hoards across time of seemingly unsolvabe mysterious Rampantness having had to seek out such a nature of person as the "Shurlock Holmes" Charachter from where the name became just as famous to spin of into the Children's version of story called "Inspector Gadget", Homles known for his very attentive remark to detail and noting that such Occult on Occult killings we're actualy serial killers kidnappers, human sacrificers in overlaps of killings of one another (-Re: the Book Of Revelation "who kills with the sword will be killed with the sword, who takes captive will be taken captive"-), also to note that this kind of story having in it's story lining the same consists of things like a game called "Diablo" made in the early 2000's where as if a demon going amongst demons slaughtering and murdering them for money in apearance of some sort of "conquest" in "a realm" of ongoing or "experience amongst demonic communities" that even trade and fashion weapons and sell them, making potions and all sorts of things?

.....would you understand that "Lara Croft" *Tomb Raider" and it's happenstance to represent such kinds of expeditions and ventures of ongoing journeys in places like Egypt and other "Ancient Ruins/Burial Dites" with orients of Objective to retrieve important information or documentations that we're hidden and burried in Tombs and Structures like the usual understanding of Egypts "Ancient Pyramids", where the cultures and traditions had peple burried with manuscripts, arrtifacts and various objectives, e.g. during the time of the (seeming) invention of electricty and more modern people "discovering" the use of zinc metal and copper to create energy current with lemons and potatoes and such kind of "basic electronics" that had actualy been known of Old throughout the 2024 years that we are at the 24th year after 2000 as well as before through the 10 000 to 13/15 000 before, zinc metal and copper, even lemons and potatoes, as well as "tungsten" or any other similar kind of metal used in light bulbs "not entirely the most recent of discovery" BESIDES CONTEXT AND REASON FOR APPLICATION AND USE THAT GREATLY DIFFERS FROM ANY PAST DISCOVERY OF ALL THE THINGS THAT WE HAVE TODAY *e.g. "magnets and such magnetic rock and metal material being used for compases, audio speaker cones and to fasten things for usage like magnetic pouch pocket/bag fasteners instead of zippers and velcro, instead of making idols and objects to make people worship them by deception with lack of knowledge of what the things realy are?".


If you are African you would know of when people we're isolated after a century or half a century of isolation from other peoples, then presented those of different lighter color skin and made apear as if they we're to be worshipped by whatever means of deceptive lack of knowledge, WITH THE SAME TOKEN that so many get offended by this in, where people of darker colour skin we're taken to those places of those whom we're only of the lighter and we're presented the darker skinned people as to be worshipped by whatever means of deceptive lack of knowledge, THESE BEING ACTUAL FACTS OF HISTORY FROM THE PAST 500 TO 1000 even 1500 and 2000 years AS LOOKS AT WITH EARTHWIDE ACROSS THE BOARD SPIRIT AND TRUTH BALANCE.

If You are Christian, you know as many people who we're lied to and still are today "as if God uses Sickness and Pain & Torture" to drive people towards doing Good, instead of understanding that all forms of disease are demonic manifest of the Devil, so many people being deceivedly taught evil as if good and good as if evil, e.g. "1 Timothy4" that All things God made are good <soils, waters above & below, & all animals>, people being miss-lead to believr worldly man made doctrine that wanted to profit from their sickness, them knowing that Jesus Christ is Lord, accepting Him by Confession and willful word of mouth, but being made to serve idols temples of demonizing God's creation and sowing divions smongst each other by what others ate or drank and even how they did so (*besides the mutilation of self e.g. syringing*) them being made to believe that they had to mutlilate themselves in order to injest or consume something on the premise of it being "medicinal", WITH THE SAME TOKEN OF RELEVANCE IN 1 TIMOTHY 4 that some today still ignore and others are deceived from understanding IS THE REALITY OF ONENESS OF FLESH AND BEING, WHICH IS ETERNAL AND FOREVER MORE IN GOD AND CHRIST MADE IN OUR HEAVENLY FATHER'S IMAGE JUST AS THE ANGELS CONSIDERING FAITHFULNESS AND FIDELITY INSIDE AND OUT OF EACH MAN AND WOMAN HAVING THEIR OWN MUTUALY CHOSEN ETERNALY FRUITFUL ONENESS OF BEING AND FLESH , both of these missunderstandings and man made doctirnal examples OF ALL THEIR KINDS making manifest those very things that ARE NOT SENT FROM GOD BUT "FRUITS OF THE FLESH (*fleshly conscience*) WHICH IN THEMSLEVES ARE NOT EVEN OF THE SELF-SAME INDWELLING HOLY SPIRIT OF OUR HEAVENLY FATHER, whom in His Word has told us already that such is not of Discernment in Christ's Body (*1Corinthians11:*30**), that making more sense of evil collapsing upon itself just as the Book of Revelation in writting of those that kill with the Sword and those that take captive.....

Some Food For thought about history's Spirit and Truth Reality...


- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM