The "Perfume 'Wars' " Era - a.k.a. "the 'smell-ish' world war" - (#P3C-No.1)

Well, now we have a refference point of VERY PARTICULAR 1 TIMOTHY 4 ERROR IN DISCERNMENT AND HYPOCRICY.....

When the roll out advertising for "globalizing perfumes" became the "perfume-deodorant 'wars' ", which idk, you could count as world war 58, but whatever.


we knew there were sweet smells, bitter ones, evem sour one's, and mentholed alcohol or oil mixtures (-keep your eye on the birdie about the green chlorophylic "visene" eye drops truth and LIQUID SNUFF a.k.a. Nasal Spray "therap-y/-ies, and dont forget upper firmamential particulars of kinds of vapours resultant from flame application or even firmamential sun exposure/shade exposure **wink-wink**-).

So, the Musky smells were particularly cross-ified in the artilery reinforcement of backlash given claims of Old-Wives Fable Advertising(s) such as "....attracts women...", and ".....attracts men....", so to speak, the digested battlefront became a tumble-dried stomach churning belch of a movement without eyes to see or ears to hear, and the entire kangaroo skipping along from many other areas of foodery/drinkery BECAUSE PEOPLE FORGOT THEY CAN TASTE WHAT THEY SMELL AND CAN SMELL WHAT THEY ARE EATING, lo and behold, it became a mystery concerning perfumes made from onions, even those from garlic and ginger, UNTIL ONE FINE DUSK OF AN AFTERNOON'S EVENING DAWNING, SOMEONE BROUGHT OUT AN AGE OLD PRESENTED "ANCIENT RECIPEE" OF GARLIC SHAMPOO AND GARLIC MOUTH WASH, which totaly re-vamped the entire scene of the crime into an interesting sprinkle of things like onion flake dust for cosmetics, finaly to bugs and worms and such, these being HISTORICAL 1 TIMOTHY 4 FACTS OF THE PAST 50 AND SOME YEARS, as we recently have had the re-run of the "Hydrogen Peroxide" phenomenon.(**-"yellow hair maker-*depending what your origional hair color is firstly, no it was not suposed to be like magic that eminem, excuse me, marshal mather's hair was not actualy yellow-**) THIS HYDROGEN PEROXIDE HAS RECENTLY BECOME THE NEW GARGLER/MOUTHWASH/LIQUID COUGH DROPS... Jesus Christ is so impressive.

Yes, Garlic Perfume was to be made popular by all means, and make no one cry with onions was the mission, but it was forgoten that what one is eating is smellable by themselves, as well as the obvioucity of as many that we're persecuted and even killed or socialy ssbotaged for using any kind of powder nasal snuffage, needless to say, here came the liquid snuff(-nasal spray-), which held it's breath under water particularly well, until it was necesary to make eye-drops, if you recall visene, it was basicaly water by the time the war was over into another area of life, hoping that no one would retreat to thinking shower or bath water in their eyes was bad, so many noting that shampoo actualy does not burn anyones eyes at all [:---CONSCIENCE ->1cor8-11(11:*30*)---:].

(-a "brittish literature group book reader accent" rolls that one out qiuite well, and i think an australian or asian one would really slam the sandwich with any african ones in the mix, i wonder if anyone has ever made sandwich smoothies of their favourite sandwich [**you use a blender to chop it up like makint veggie drinks and protein shakes**], sheesh, those who be like "you can't drink meat", beersticks and bottled mozzle-toffee liqouricé-)

By the way, that 2nd a in "Austr-alian" was made an "e" before, and actualy started social wars with many re-displaced casualties, by the time a descendant culprit was found, all he could say was "...oh..... no i didn't even do that on purpose..." after false issues sprang up about "Aliens", (-alian/-alien-), they we're pretty offended by the one's who used that gap of commumication to sow division by heckle-bot-pea-mut-gallery barkings up the wrong leaf, not knowing how they even got onto the branch in the first place.





- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM