(Informalized) People Conditioned to think that God Doesn't/Must & Should Never Make Sense for anything to be Godly (#P3C-No.3)

... .Then I was like : ....

"Lord what kind of person says '..what kind of Jesus actualy makes sense?!?!...' or '...what kind of God actualy makes sense?!?!...'..."

.... and God in Christ was like : ....

"...well you know how many 'partial-ized theorists lead people one to the next after the last losing any little actual God-Sense into and because of the "theorism/theolog-ism", so by the time some get to the present date and day 'it seems so far away' and they get lost in the '-ism's', like the so called "Rapture" that few who think they are enthusiastic about even look to the very chapters of the words "Marriage supper" from where the name is coined to put together the pleasurably and ceremonial read "caught up" in 1Thessalonians4 and both Luke17 & Mathew 24 about "taken & left", no word "rapture" anywhere, TOTALY SKIPPING "the actual marriage supper's" depict in Revelation Chapter 19 which results in 20, interestingly enough it actualy tells you "what/who is taken" even in accordance to the "taken-left" in mention of a "body/carcass where the eagles/birds will gather", 19 making much more sense that 'good people dissapearing/vanishing & evil people 'left behind', as written word for word "the beast taken, the false prophet taken, and these cast into the lake of fire, with those who receive the Mark (-needing to at least think of life's 3 obviously basic areas of things, people and stewardship amongst-), this also obvious that there will also be those who haven't received the mark alive, as elsewhere in Revelation has My(-God's-) people sealed on their forehead (-which means what one believes in, such "works of the hands" and teaching others very"hand-ily" revealing-), and to note some dying having received before then, as well as those who die not receiving/asleep in Christ only those without being raised for a particularly described Chapter 20 of this very earth-as-it-is-in-Heaven that we know now ....."

and I'm BARELY like : "oh yeah....." by this time...

- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM