"DID YOU KNOW?" #01 - The Truth & History About "Paper & Coin Currency Versus Barter Trade"



DID YOU KNOW? That the first "paper based currency" was an "I.O.U." (I Owe You) note basis of credit receipt when someone took goods on credit having no silver gold or nickel "coins" for payment, this just after the "Worldwide Barter Trade" period of time where the lines of understanding we're blurry for people who thought just because they transacted "goods for goods" that it was not payment BUT IT BEING THE EXACT SAME THING because of metals used for blacksmithing and fashioning of things that people use anyway? 

Giving & Receiving in Principle Diagramatic Of Reality

(1)-freely giving
(2)-receiving and giving
(3)-giving and receiving
(4)-freely receiving

Example (A)

Normal instances of stewardship amongst people in life


Example (B) :

The lying policy of the babylonian construct, that is further worsened by the enforcing of SCARCIFIED "currency" of any sort

(?x?1?x?)    (2)-**-(3)    (?x?4?x?)

Re : "Giving & Receiving" diagramatic above.

Infact, as well to note, that the "paper & coins" system is not a "Western Civilization" idea as many people are defrauded ro believe, but one from "Eastern Civilization" where A HUGE DIFFERENCE in the past 2000 years will show to anyone attentive enough, that "the transact" ideology of anything and everything in life came from a "resurfacing" of the very spoken of "Babylonian Harlot City Of Principle" in the Book of Revelation, where not so much as a conversation, acknowledgement of existence or basic greeting was ever exchanged with anyone 'if the respondent could not "PROFIT FROM THEIR INTERACTION WITH THE OTHER PERSON" ', such to note of things that are shameful to speak of considering the ideology of Harlotry itself, meaning even children not being had if they or either spouse could not profit materialy from one another, leaving the relationship wether from child to parent or parent to child suffering the same in example of mothers unwilling to breastfeed their children if they we're not to be "paid to do it" or directly from the child profit materialy, adversly children in turn not willing to acknowledge any parenting(s) from if they are not paid to do so in profitsble wages of receipt, often turnint some to "blackmale on basis of never having asked to be born or exist".

As if a "Cinderela Syndrome", Siblings would not even acknowledge others for these reasonings which can vary in so mang descriptive ways of reasoning e.g. "a first born being 'bred to be a political leader, a seccond born bred to be a colluseum superstar of sport or gymnastic, and the third born only known to cook very well made as if insignificant and unworthy of the first two, or the third born being a writter and scholar of knowledge or having literature and expertise in understanding and discernment, or basicaly for the point of this written example's sake, A BELIEVER IN JESUS CHRIST KMOWLEDGABLE IN SCRIPTURE AND LIFE AS A WHOLE IN GENERAL OF SPIRIT AND TRUTH EVEN MOTIVATEDLY PRAYERFUL FINDING JOY IN THE LAYING ON OF HANDS AND PRAYING FOR PEOPLE AND SEEING RESULTS, even of example being OME WHO KMOWS THE FRUITFULNESS AND VALUE OF ONENESS OF FLESH AND BEING, NAMELY ABOUT ***FAITHFULNESS*** INSIDE AND OUT, TGAT ONENESS OF FLESH AND BEING ARE ETERNAL REALITY FOR ALL MEN AND WOMAN, and because of such "TRANSACTUAL PEOPLE" who's tendwncy and actuality is or multiple husbandry and "polygamous nature", the 3rd born person in example being found insignificant and "unprofitable" compared to the prestige and mass man oriented Honour bestowed on political leaders and colusseum giants known for wrestling lions with their bare hands and fightings to the death "like Achiles in Troy" (*you may have seen the movie*), THESE BEING ACTUAL PROBLEMS AND ISSUES THAT OUR HEAVENLY FATHER HAS WITH SUCH BABYLONIAN HARLOT CITY PRINCIPLES.

These are some historical facts and reasosn why God the Father in Jesus Christ calls it exactly what it is in the book of Revelation, and why so much THROUGHOUT THE OLD TESTAMENT, e.g. The book Of Daniel very focused on the Remnant of Captivity in Babylon of God's People after long havimt come out of Egypt OF THE SAME NATURE shows the point of 'Mhene Mhene" having been necessary, HOW BAD WHAT NEBUCHADNEZAR (*and other Babylonian kingships*) DID WAS, for Daniel to have geen givem as far Down the Line in Dreams and Visions of LITERAL OUTCOME(s) of what then WAS SEALED in Chapters 11 and 12, NOW REVEALED IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION.

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- TeQ NiQ - KSDM - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa