Confirmation & Affirmation (Give no Place to The Devil) - The Ultimate Spirit & Truth Revealer - God's Relationship with Us Is Very Much an Example of Ours With Others & Others With Us - (#P3C-No.5)

Give NO PLACE to the Devil 

a #Revelation18SnapBackReminder


CONTEXTUAL REFFERENCE : - Confirmation & Affirmation/(-Consistent-)Re-Affirmation

Some people are lied to that "checking" is doubt or sin in their relationship with God, for as many reasons that would do with one-self, for sakes of their Discernment about anything Our Heavenly Father's self-same indwelling Holy Spirit Reveals to us, about ourselves, about our situation, anything surrounding, and others often falling prey to having no discipline towards the concern of other people in cased of the kind of assurance(s) that also pertain to our relationship with God when in need of confirmation and Affirmation about certain things that have to do with them.

i) - Eternal Oneness of Flesh/Being :

For people's sake, the first most intimate example having to do with oneness of flesh/being, when it comes to faithfulness and fidelity both inwardly as well as outwardly, it being important always for us to know against any " 'suspicions' of departure" that the devil's exterior may try to impose when none, and in the face of there actualy having or being any, of the same token in lying to one-self that there isn't, oneness of flesh-being the most intimately vital relationship of ACTUAL BEING AND PERSON or either male or female made in God's image, with it carrying even the effect and affect of both fleshly and spiritual well being, these when of the certain kind can be discerned of such nature.

In Short words, IT IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE OF A MAN AND WOMAN IN THEIR EXPERIENCE OF ONENESS OF FLESH/BEING TO HAVE THIS CONFIRMATION AND AFFIRMATION BETWEEN EACH OTHER, even if any seeming doubt, or just question may arise, firstly knowing that the devil hates faithfulness, and at any point where other people become vessels of attmepts to draw their oneness of flesh and being apart, it able to be of so many persons that they would only have each other to trust for any confirmation and affirmation of their inward and outward faithfulness and fidelity, which is something that Our Heavenly Father carries great Honour upon their "Marriage Bed's (-of their eternaly mutual inward self/selves-)", it being priority of such concern which results in their ongoing interaction amongsr other people as brothers and sisters in Spirit and Truth community, hopefuly not ever being those whom "attempt vesselage" towards the/any departure (inward or out-ward/-worked) of others, as subjectively mentioned in this con-text.

[:---* it is never dissapointing for both of Mutualy Eternal Commitment and Faithfulness to confirm one another, which is different from the world's standard of thinkings that such is tresspass to even ask, in the example of both being physicaly apart in different places for any amount of time and sharing the Spirit & Truth of anything that either experienced with the other by direct communication from each other, ALSO TO NOTE THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT ALSO AS WELL DOES THE SAME, this being the strength-ening of Discernment in this part of our lives, and therefore only bringing more closeness of Trust and Overall actual Solidity if there have been any kind of attacking towards their faithfulness to one another, of course all Eternal mutual commitment always begining without a doubt and with all solidity despite anyone or anything else besides God Honouring Their Sanctity and Decision to Eternaly Commit to one another. *---:]

- To note, concerning 1Corinthians7:15 if any resultant departure because of jezable doctrine and such works of darkness that attempt to affect one's faith, THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT ALWAYS AND SURELY REVEALS THOSE KINDS WHICH WE MAY NOT SEE FIRST-HQAD WITH OUR OWN FLESHLY EYES, AS WELL TO NOTE THAT THEY WILL INDEED BE REVEALED AS MUCH BEFORE US TO CONFIRM i.e. the constantly and consistently departing spouses that keep deleting messages of their communication and departure from any of "their 'supposed' " Oneness of Flesh-Being spousal, to the point of them not seeing even the physical interacts or resultant "rendevous" of departure, THESE ALWAYS WITHOUT FAIL being revealed by the Holy Spirit, firstly as even "noticeable of one's own self-being" in that person's resultant inward or outward departing beign Spiritualy AFFECTIVE OF THEMSELVES (<--e.g. with experience of knowing one's own "beingly-affect" when one is believing a lie, especialy of this sort being of any "attach/detach" concerning theor oneness of flesh-being, which is THE HIGHEST POINT OF UNCEASINGLY PRAYERFUL CONTACT CONCERNING ANYONE MALE OR FEMALE, with all due regards to disciplined attention of one's own heart and Spiritual Self outworking overall at all times for all things-->)

*** : to always be clear of the Sanctity of anyone and everyone's state of oneness of flesh-being, having the choice to remain as they are, with the understanding of this time and age that we are living through unto Christ's Marriage Supper into the First Resurrection and 1000 years reign with Him on the Face of The Earth that we know now WHERE THE DEVIL IS IN A BOTTOMLESS PIT FOR 1000 YEARS (-where there is no such thing as the babylonian falleness of tying giving to receiving [:monetism:]-) , that being even before THE FINAL JUDGEMENT OF MAN-KIND WHERE THE BOOK OF LIFE AND MANY BOOKS ARE OPENED AND THE DEVIL THEN CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE WHERE THE BEAST AND FALSE PROPHET ARE, AS WELL AS ANYONE NOT WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE, then being "The New Heaven & New Earth".

ii) - Basic situations, circumstances and ongoings of things in Life pertaining to other people, happenings around us & concerning, even as much as the Discernment of our Faithful out-working(s) of all kinds as well as our Spiritusly Discerned Physical well being in healing and health


The bottom line, is that GOD WANTS YOU TO KNOW OF ALL SPIRIT AND TRUTH CONCERNING ALL THINGS THAT MATTER TO YOUR LIFE, BOTH IMEDIATELY, AS WELL AS OVERALL EVRN CONCERNING OTHERS THAT YOU INTERACT EITH OR MAY INTERACT WITH, there being so many facets and areas of life, especialy in this time and age of 2024 being a calender year, THE MORE SERIOUS THINGS that the world of man made principles and teachings thinks irrelevant can be the most vital of kinds, e.g. someone thinking because bread costs a dollar that the dollar is important, in a small example being, the bread is what you need to eat even daily of other and all kinds of foodstuffs, any other description of the dollar being "opitions" 'based on that dollar', the worst kinds of thinkings even making it seem as if the dollar is what is eaten instead of the bread, then to consider one's life of "basic" needs (-Which is quite harlotry to even have to term such as "basic", the fruits of the earth, knowledge of it and them, as well as experiences of so many kinds in Spirit and Truth of existence given to us by Our Heavenly Father, means that is where the "luxury & delicacy" of words used in Revelation Chapter 18 come from, otherwise in all Spirit and Truth, no one able to pay for it to rain, nor for anything to grow, or for animals/living things to grow even after having fed them-), such basic needs being food and drink, clothing and housing, the portion of visitation of the sick and imprisoned, again having as many facets to the point of so many being imprisoned from knowledge, as our Heavenly Father tells us that we and others are persecuted because of lack of knowledge which the world tries to sell to people, even to deceive with lies that are not the truth, where sickness comes in from 1 Corinthians 11:30 "for this reason, many are weak, sick and many sleep" (-as Lazarus was said to be 'dead', but was asleep in Christ BEFORE HIS TIME OF THEN-), [:considering that verse coming from NOT DISCERNING THE LORD'S BODY:] - in the light of both of things he created that are all good, and also Spirit & Truth, FOR THIS DISCERNMENT OF BOTH AREAS TO DO WITH COMMUNION BOTH ON-DWELLING AND IN-DWELLING OF (1)-Oneness Of Flesh/Being, as well as (2)-Other People and other things of circumstance, even informationaly concerning Spirit and Truth of anything, -> we not needing to believe any lies, when said that "Love Believes ALL THINGS", knowing that Lies are non-existent of Spirit and Truth in overall reality, "THINGS" being of 'EXISTING' meaning THE TRUTH, as other teachings and doctrines pertain or contain as if "wrathfulness & destructive-ness towards others" is any normal THING for people whom are all made in God's image, such "ANGER" then un-discerned of difference from ZEALOUSNESS, and as many not able to tell the difference between jokes(-LIES-), AND "HUMOUR"(-TRUTHFUL INIGHFULNESS OF ALL FRONTS OF HAVING JOY, PEACE, INFORMATIONAL CONTEXT, AS WELL AS REVEALING OF ***ALL SERIOUSNESS***-), without any need to say "I'm just joking", basicly revoking whatever Said, BECAUSE IT NOT BEING TRUE, where "Chickens Have Wings But Can't Fly", is humourous and of all reality to no argument of "they can flap for a little bit and have to come back to the ground", such a kind of example of humour, versus a lying joke of anything, and other things almost void of reason to say e.g. "WHY DID THE CHICKEN CROSS THE ROAD?", IN *question*, and then the person acting as if one is suposed to not know and ask "I DONT KNOW, WHY?", then just for them to say "TO GET TO THE OTHER SIDE", it very obvious that any chicken can cross a road for such reasoning, and more to note, but such very passive-aggressive ULTERIOR MOTIVE OF SAYING ANYTHING, EITHER TRYING TO "GET A LAUGH OUT OF ANYONE", JUST TO THEN PRETENTIOUSLY DO OTHER THINGS WHICH ARE ALWAYS LYING, STEALING AND CHEATING OPORTUNES CONCERNING FOLLOW UP, even a reason for anyone saying anything about a chicken having wings but not being able to fly would be validated only if they did not notice, if they noticed the person they are saying such to did not notice, or if even deeper for sakes of knowledge about all kinds of "Beasts of the Earth/Field"(-Creatures-) considering all creeping and crawling things, as such "wings of a fish" can actualy be considered about "FLYING FISH", those that literaly jump out of water and fly for very long numbers of meters in rivers and streams of certain places etc, again to note catfish that burrow through mud & to the surface at many times but being water based dwelling creatures.

- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashev David Murapa - KSDM