HAVING COME/COMING OUT OF CONSTANT-CONTINUAL DEPARTURE(s) : How-To Understand/Discern Your Personal Given Position of Eternal-Oneness-Of-Flesh-and-Being in Jesus Christ (-With Basic Diagramatic-)

HAVING COME/COMING OUT OF CONSTANT-CONTINUAL-DEPARTURE(s) : How-To Understand/Discern Your Personal Given Position of Eternal-Oneness-Of-Flesh-and-Being in Jesus Christ (-With Basic Diagramatic-)

As People Grow to their maturity of individual fullness of reception of the very understanding Eternal Oneness Of Flesh And Being, because we are all made in God's Image, this being quite the significance of PURPOSE/REASON/MEANING WITH-ALL OF OUR HEAVENLY FATHER'S LOVE FOR US AS SON'S AND DAUGHTERS, ALL OF EACH's ETERNALY-MUTUAL-COMMITMENT-IN-PRE-DESTINY's-ACCORDANCE-OF-GOD's-HONOURING.

Because as many as have been very bombarded by man-made godless perversions of insult towards both the idea of life, living, anything go do with the sexual identity of a man or a woman, and to mention ONENESS-OF-FLESH-AND-BEING calling it "marriage" by right of describing " 'a-kind-of-relation(s)' EXPECTED TO BE ACCEPTED AS THE UNION OF A MAN AND WOMAN's LOIN-/WOMB-AGE "INTERACT", though it is nothing but concerns OF EVERYTHING ELSE BESIDES AND EXCEPT ACUTAL SPIRIT AND TRUTH PEACEFULNESS-JOY-AND-TRANQUILITY-IN-STABILITY that "is become" of two whom are no longer two but now one (-of both each other's person's male-and-female-), only based on aparence of "other people's" convincing, AND NOT EVEN THEIR OWN "MUTUAL-OF-TWO-INDIVIDUAL-SEXUAL-OPOSITES-WHOM-ARE-ONE-PERSON-AGE", but by and many several other anything-else's all besides and having nothing to do with actualy understanding such a relationship with and in Christ By God with-all from the abundance of the Fruit-Of-The-Spirit's Heart-and-Mind-Fullness outworked as Being-On-Earth-As-It-Is-In-Heaven REGARDLESS OF ALL THE OTHER PERVERSE AND GODLESS-NESS' THAT AS MANY THINK NORMAL WHICH ARE OBVIOUSLY, EVIDENTLY, AND ENTIRELY NOT.


*-*-*-* : - HOW TO DISCERN FOR YOURSELF IF YOU ARE WANTON/IN-WANTING OF AN ACTUAL Wife/Husband, and to carefuly know why and what matters the utmost for the Union Of Onensss of Flesh - : *-*-*-*


- Eternity Exists so that time can pass and be measured and is the Over-All Reality Of ANYTHING-ON-EARTH-AS-IT-IS-IN-HEAVEN.

- Life Has 3 things ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN - > (1)Things, (3)People-[*Man/men-and-Woman/women*], (3)-Stewardhsip of The Fruit(s) of the Earth and Life (-knowledge, experience-s, growth and ongoing-) amongst *IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH*.

- LIFE ITSELF and Living, Just like time HAS AND IS ETERN-AL/-ITY, only otherwise of non-belief, false doctrine-teaching and any seemingly on going doctrination(s).


- Departure from Oneness-Of-Flesh/Being when having now on earth as it is in heaven after having mutualy chosen one-another being a single Man and a Woman, is firstly to think it not Eternal and to not want it to be that if either espoused die in Christ "for this time and age's sake" that IF THEY DO INDEED CHOSE ANOTHER PERSON OF ONENESS-OF-FLESH-AND-BEING AFTER-WARDS, that they are BECOMING ONE FLESH WITH SOMEONE-ELSE AFTER HAVING BEEN WIDOWED (***--- : *If Having died ****A SPIRIT AND TRUTH BELIEVER**** SUCH meaning "fallen asleep in Christ"-different from dying having received the mark-of-the-beast, THOSE WHOM DIE NOT RECIEVING, still and to be IN-AND-OF-THE-1ST-RESURECTION-AND-PROMISE-THAT-IS-AND-IS-TO-COME* [*Rev-Ch.20*] : ---***), being why 1Corinthians7 speaks of *** IF THE BELIEVER WISHES FOR THE NON-BELIEVER TO DWELL WITH HIM/HER, BUT IF THEY DEPART, LET THEM DEPART, A BROTHER OR SISTER IS ON NO BONDAGE-(-*obligation-to-commit-to-continual-departure-and-recconect between themselves and whom-ever else because of the non-believing claiming wife/husband whom is sexualy of interest with every or anyone else*-) EVEN THAT INWARD DEPARTURE OF SUCH PERSON e.g. the world calling it flirting, claiming it traditional to call all other brothers the fathers of their children(-if female-), and calling all other sisters the mothers of their children(-if male-), the kinds to call their brothers and sisters ALL INORDINATE AFFECTIONS THAT ARE RESERVED FOR ONENESS OF FLESH AND NOT FOR BROTHERS AND SISTERS, the infamous "DEAR" expandingly interesting of it's excuse claiming 'dear-brother' or 'dear-sister' AND PURPOSELY NOT SPECFICYING ***WHICH IS VOID OF REASONING ANY "MOST-DEAR" whom can only be Oneness of Flesh/Being --- [-***: - > even the term "best-friend" having absolutely no grounds whatsoever ESPECIALY for such being any kind of th oposite sex wether shared or not shared womb, at all and every kind of maximum being "brothers and sisters", even the word "parent" < - :***-] --- FOR AS MANY (-aclaimed/titled/identified-) CULTURES with as little residue of Spirit and Truth anything, actualy not having defined what culture or tradition actualy are e.g. LIES THAT MULTIPLE HUSBANDRY IS A CULTURE, WHEN THERE ARE CERTAIN PEOPLE THAT SEXUALY-ENCOUNT WITH 2-3 DIFFERENT PEOPLE EVERY DAY ALL AT THE SAME TIME, CONSECUTIVELY, OR INTERCHANGABLY DIFFERENT EACH DAY, in the same light of "PAYMENT FOR HAND IN MARIAGE' WHICH IS "FOUNDED-ON-SEX-AND-FRUIT-OF-LOINAGE" WITH THOUGHTS THAT DOWRY IS ANY TRADITION OR CULTURE, AS WELL AS THERE BEING WOMEN ON THE STREETS EVERY NIGHT WHEREVER BEING PAID TO BE SLEPT WITH BY MULTIPLE MEN EACH NIGHT AS A LIVING AND FORM OF INCOME ****WHICH HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FAITHFULNESS AND FIDELITY**** : (---**what oneness-of-flesh-and-being-IS-ACTUALY-ABOUT-SO-THAT-GOD's-PROVISIONAL-HONOURING-AND-HERITAGE- ALSO COINCIDE WITH THE INWARDLY-OUTWORKED-ETRRNAL-MUTUALITY-OF-SPIRIT-AND-TRUTH**---) : in His Will of which ourselves is also inclusive of ourselves as He made Us besides all and any un-godliness that is darkness of other-wise.

- (-1Cor7-)Departure --> (*from oneness of flesh/being*) -- is resultant of non belief in any of the 3 areas of life, being (1)-Things, (2)-People, (3)-Stewardship of The Fruit(s) of the earth and life's living itself amongst one another IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH OF ALL OF THESE.

- God has AND WILL NEVER OBLIGATE ANYONE TO COMMIT AND BE FAITHFUL TO INFIDELITY AND UN-COMMITMENT - > [ : **-- : commiting to un-commitment is partaking in the un-commitment itself and also one-self not being commited even to God in such as they walk, interact, live, breathe, think and act CONTINUALY DEPARTING INSIDE AND/OR OUTWARDLY WITH THE ACTUAL ACTS WHICH ARE JUST AS BAD IN ONE's-OWN-SELF EVEN WITHOUT THE PERSON BEING LUSTED OVER's IMMEDIATE-PRESENCE : --** : ] < - **why as written of people-sinning-against-their-own-bodies, here-in example of such lying to, deceiving, stealing from WHICH REQUIRE ACTUAL OTHER PEOPLE, EVEN PHYSICALY HARMING OTHERS AND DESIRING SUCH TO BE NORMAL AND SUCH OF LIFE, is also that very element of sinning against one-self, TO NOTE THAT ALSO THERE IS ANOTHER PERSON BEING PHYSICALY HARMED, STOLEN FROM, MORTALY-ENDANGERED ***PURPOSELY*** BY YOURSELF, AND TO NOTE ALSO, ***SUCH KINDS OF PEOPLE WHOM PRETENTIOUSLY LIE IN WAIT AND WORKS OF DARKNESS TOWARDS AGRAVATION(s) TO THOSE THAT THEY WANT TO OR ALREADY STEAL FROM TO PROVOKINGLY CAUSE THEM TO ANGER AND MAKE SEEM AS IF THEIR STEALING, LYING, CHEATING, AND SEXUAL IMMORALITY OF DEPARTURE TH SUCH PERSON(s) IS JUSTIFYABLE, NORMAL, RECOMPENCE, OR ANY SORT OF "**LESSER-SIN**", the worst of these kinds of people " 'making themselves' towards" their thinkings of keeping others alive so to repeatedly do such Evil/Harm/Malice-Of-Choice with their thought benefit at any kind of expense of a or multiple people(s), also to clearly define that "TURN-THE-OTHER-CHEEK" does not mean "because it is right that they are hiting you on the cheek", nor does it mean "if someone takes your tunic also give them your coat" DOES NOT MEAN THAT GOD WANTS YOU TO BE STOLEN FROM, THAT THEIR TAKING IS NORMAL/JUSTIFIED/RIGHT-ED("rited")/OR ANY KIND OF RECOMPENSE FOR AND BECAUSE OF YOUR ACTIONS.


The resident and Nature of Each Man and Woman as we all are of one or the other, having such "IMAGE OF GOD" in each of their Chosings-and-Mutuality-of-Oneness-Of-Flesh-And-Being which is inclusive of HIS HONOURING OF THE MARRAIGE BED.

Remember that GOD DOES NOT TEMPT ANY OF US TO SIN, REGARDLESS OF WHAT WE MAY HAVE BEEN TAUGHT OTHERWISE AND BY WHOM OR HOW MANY AT WHATEVER TIME EVEN OF THEIR CONFRONTATION(s), the beautiful part about basic things that a person can Learn About Themselves Being Made In God's Image, and keeping focus as much as we have and can sharable know amongst each other, FOR THIS SPECIFIC CONFINES AND DEPARTMENT OF LIFE CALLED ONENESS-OF-FLESH-AND-BEING, even the very between each other's Learning IN THE OUTWORKING OF ONENESS-OF-FLESH-AND-BEING, because it is not the same as being a single man alone not yet having and even having been departed from wether or not left with or taken of children, the same for women, ALWAYS EXPERIENCE OF ACTUAL ONGOING GROWTH AND SUCH SUPPORTING-FOUNDATION OF OUR HEAVENLY FATHER AND GOD'S HONOURING-OF-THE-MARRIAGE-BED, which means Honouring of the both inward and outward unceasing commitment regardless what anyone else thinks of their eternal oneness of flesh and being.

THE LEARNING AND GROWING PART HAS THE USUAL SUCH ELEMENTS OF LIFE FOR OTHER RELATIONSHIPS, BUT SIGNIFICANT EXACTLY AND EXTREMELY SET APART FROM ANY " 'EVER-GOOD' LIKENESS" OF BROTHERLY OR SISTERLY AND PARENTAL-LOIN/WOMB-AGE THAT ONE WAS MANIFEST THROUGH ***BY HIS-HOLY-SPIRIT-OF-LIFE*** : (----> no one is one flesh with their mother or father just because they we're birthed/born through their flesh of loin or wombage <----) : --->> AND BECAUSE OF IT BEING THE UNION AND RELATIONSHIP ITSELF THAT THE FRUIT OF THE WOMB COME FROM AS WELL AS OURSELVES WHOMEVER WE ARE MAN OR WOMAN, if 4-10 people changed their mind consecutively with you and left you with even 4-10 children, IT DOES NOT VOID ANYONE OF HAVING THEIR PRE-DESTINED-MUTUALY-HONOURED-CHOSING-OF-COMMITMENT of Eternal-Oneness-of-Flesh-and-being STILL WITH THE/IT'S FRUIT OF LOIN-/WOMBAGE-AGE FROM THERE ONWARD, to note as much with due concern to Children Being an Heritage to/of/by the Lord, and obviously Brothers and Sisters FROM/OF-OUR-LOIN-/WOMB-AGE, just as those whom are of other, even those from who's we came, ALL EVERLASTINGLY BEING CHILDREN OF GOD IN CHRIST.


Here are some things to consider, even with diagramatic, if you would like to know at least a few identifications FROM ANY FRUSTRATIONS THAT YOU MAYBE HAVING INTERNALY BEFORE CONSIDERING ANYONE ELSE'S WRONG DOING TO YOURSELF WETHER IN DEPARTURE, OR LYING AND CHEATING BOTH IN AND OF OTHER THINGS BUT SURROUNDING (-as they often and usualy are-), for sakes of anyone whom has been RITUALY ABUSED BY MULTIPLỲ-CONSECUTIVELY-PURPOSELY-ORIENTED-CONTINUAL-DEPARTURE-**RITUAL-ABUSE** and your frustration came from commiting Whole-Heartedly and Entirely WITH ***FAITHFULNESS*** AT ALL TIMES, also for those othter eventualy without BECAUSE-OF, then it is good to remind yourself of these few things, though all of our individual situations may differ, the overall collective in Spirit and Truth of Describe doesn't change concerning MULTIPLE-CONSECUTIVE-AND-CONTINUAL-DEPARTURE-RITUAL-ABUSE.


(1) - > You may have been departed from once or consecutively over time even with child, which means now only of having memory and experiential refference to certain people THAT ARE NO LONGER OF YOUR ONENESS OF FLESH, even any "from their departure" and any recent experience OF ABSOLUTELY NO RESIDUAL ONENESS OF ANYTHING, EVEN IF WITH CHILD OR CHILDREN FROM ANY PAST ESPOUSAL-SHIPS.

(2) - > For as many whom only begin to either look for, or knowing that through Life and Stewardhsip of Living on Earth as It Is In Heaven, there is the obvious that they can find someone, though any focus without having been departed from only has any refference to DEPARTED PEOPLE OF WHOM ALL OTHER ELEMENTS SUCH AS LYING, STEALING, CHEATING OR ANY KINDS OF WORKS OF DARKNESS DONE AS WELL AS THE DEPARTURE ****ARE YOUR ONLY EXAMPLES OF ANY KIND OF RELATIONSHIP ****, which can also taint/tint some people's expectant outlook or "search criteria" if thinking that utmost Godliness is alright with nakedness and comfortable without full covering, TO ALSO NOT OF THE KINDS OF PEOPLE WHOM FULLY COVER THEMSELVES AND PRACTICE MUTLIPLE HUSBANDRY/WIFERY AND TEACH OTHERS THAT SOME THINGS THAT GOD CREATED ARE BAD, OR BASICLY ALWAYS WANT TO TEACH PEOPLE SUPERSTITION(s) OR WITCHCRAFT, EVEN HOW TO LIE, STEAL, CHEAT AND MANY MORE OTHER THINGS.

(3) - > FROM WHERE AND WHEN YOU ARE AT ALL TIMES, TO KEEP AS CLEAR AND "**WITHOUT-TAINTED-EXPECTATION-OF-OUTCOME-OR-PRESENT-INTO-FUTURE-SELF-OF-BEING-ONGOINGLY**", to remember that the first step as "Christ's 2nd Return"(---***: IT IS NOT CALLED AS SUCH BUT ***THE MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB*** :***---) and becaus you would also need it to be clearly understood as THE OUTCOME OF THE PRESENT-EARTH-WIDE-SPIRIT-AND-TRUTH-REALITY, asthe Book Of Revelation Has it from the Outcome's note in Chapters 17-18 being 2025 years up-to ... --- [: *** : Chapter 19 being resultant or the two either(s) of being "taken-left", as accorded and Chapter 20 being the First-Resurection of 1000 years ON THIS EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN THAT WE KNOW NOW, Gog and Magog ARE OUR OFFSPRING THROUGH THE 1000 YEARS : **** :] ---- So, For You to not think it impossible for God to put flesh to a rib : (-If you are a Woman-), or for God to do the same that He Did for Adam : (-If you are a Man-), THERE BEING NO EVIL PRESENCE FOR THE 1000 YEARS, AND THEN FROM WHERE TO NOTE AT THE DEVIL'S EXTREMELY SHORT RELEASE TO ATTEMPTEDLY DECIEVE GOG-AND-MAGOG WHOM HAVE NEVER EXPERIENCED EVIL PRESENCE BEFORE, NOT ALL THAT SURROUND THE CAMP DEVOURED BY FIRE FROM HEAVEN AND THIS WHERE EVERYONE FROM THE BEGINING RESURECTED EVEN THOSE WHOM WE'RE NOT PRESENT FOR THE 1000 YEARS AND DEAD HAVING RECIEVED THE MARK OF THE BEAST, AS WELL AS THOSE OF GOG AND MAGOG WHOM HAVE NEVER EXPERIENCED EVIL WHOM JUST GOT CONSUMED BY FIRE ***** HERE THE BOOK OF LIFE AND MANY "OTHER(-not of life-)'BOOKS' " OPENED ***** <<<---- This point of time being.

(4) - > YOU ARE ALLOWED TO REMAIN AS YOU ARE AS NECESARY, AND ESPECIALY WIRH LIBERTY NECESARILY FIT AMONGST ALL OF OUR RELATIONSHIPS WITH GOD, HIM NOT WANTING ANYONE JOINED TO HARLOTRY OF COMMITING TO ANYONE'S UNCOMMITMENT AND "*PUTTING-THEMSELVES-IN-BONDAGE"/COMPULSIVE-SLAVERY to any circumstantial-situational-predatorial-lyings-in-wait BECUASE OF SUCH KINDS OF PEOPLE, others even waiting and maintaining "waiting-untill-after-child-bearing-reasoning" for them to keep anyone in bondage for whatever kind of reason obviously being many kinds of evils attached to DECEPTION/FRAUDULENT*WITNESS/HAPPENSTANCE/LIVING*STANCE/ONGOING*STANCE-BY-ONENESS-OF-FLESH-INVOLVEMENT*", using the sanctified endearment of the interaction as a playing field of manipulation for whatever reason.


These "life's-length-based-ritual-abuses" of Oneness-Of-Flesh/Being are not any kinds of things that you are obligated/forced to think normal despite anyone's majority lies--(:***--: e.g. divorce-rate with no faithfulness-rate, even to note "(average-d of??) 'death-rate/life-expectancy with no ACTUAL birth-rate balance' biased-'hamper-ing' :--***:)--"and debaucheries of biases wanting to believe any "more-ish-ness" of evil than Good, that of any way as if even such only physical immediance can be of any "God-Can't-Do-Anything(s)" simply because you might be the only monogomous (*singular-life-partner-in-oneness-of-flesh/being*) person at a class attendance, others drunk-in-want-for open relationships with no faithfulness and commitment, or any other kinds of perversions to mention or not, OF WHICH SUCH KINDS OF ANY SITUATION SHOULD BE OF COMPLELTELY NO DISCOURAGEMENT OR "TO-TAKE-AS-NORMAL" FOR YOURSELF OR ANYONE ELSE.


- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM