There is no such thing as "Mental Health"
Preface :
Because the world, over the past 50 to 100 years has succumbed to false and fake " 'democrization of'of knowledgability, wisdom, actual consistency, progress and literate understanding", not only of man-kind being man/men and woman/women itself/theirselves but also the earth itself and life's progressive existence, there have been entirely too many diverting from any spiritual understanding as though people we're objects and items themselves, even animalistic approachings that deem as though man-kind and the very food(s) we are given by God of all kinds were on the same applicable plane of knowledge, wisdom, and physical understanding of activity and discernment, otherwise also "Spiritual Subjection", where without even such acknowledg-ability of Spiritual Reality, makes subject to the before mentioned.
So many people have grown to even hate any idea of life being any kind of "Spiritual", wether reality or at least any kind of consideration, leaving them subject(s) to superstition(s) of themselves, ongoing(s), hapening(s), all element(s) of the earth's realm, and any fruited manufact(s) of items and object(s), not to mention the very Spirit and Truth Reality overall of Man-Kind Being Made In God Our Eternaly Heavenly Father's image.
The very basic matters such as the subject or "considered 'concept' " of time and existence, being lapsed (degraded backwards) toward non-understanding, for the sake of "time" being such that passes, any of the above mentioned kinds of man made doctrine(s)-teaching(s) void of even basic conclusion and obvious things about considering "Eternity", otherwise said more plainly "forever", which is simplified that in order for time to pass, Eternity is there in order for it to do so, which SHOULD BE NORMAL MINDSET AND THINKING FOR EVEN CHILDREN'S UNDERSTANDING, just as it is inherent of all men and women as conceived in the womb and manifest of life, all "other-wise oposite" (miss-)understanding not of life, nor God Himself in Christ Jesus.
Spiritual realityvia as obvious to the point of such kind of what is known as "common sense" (inherent discernment that all people have as man-kind), even from the understanding of time having such "passing", more to note of any minds that deny Spiritual Reality by thinking the oposite as though eternity takes time to exist, end up back-pedaling in denial and very blasphem-ic ungodliness in worships and divulges of darkness that are all "Anti-Life", in outrightness being Anti-Christ-ic of all aspects by their understanding(s) and void of "existence", especially of "selves".
This is literally the beginning of where any such denial cannot even discern "light from dark" physically, to note of "light from dark" Spiritualy, again to any discussion or discerning of "end-all-ness", utmost-ness, total outcome and Outlook of progressive RESULT(-ANCE), in it's obvious(-ness/-ity) that ENTIRETY OF LIGHT, EVER PROCEEDING TO FULLNESS *EXPONENTIALY* (increasingly increasing) IS THE ACTUAL REALITY OF LIFE ITSELF BEING OF ETERNITY, MAN-KIND BEING OF GOVERNANCE AND DOMINION IN, OF, AND BY LIGHT, such being the FRUITFULNESS AND FRUITION OF ONGOING LIFE, TIME AND ALL THINGS IN AND THROUGH CHRIST AS GOD OUR HEAVENLY FATHER HAS MADE OF US AND GIVEN TO US.
For Sakes of "Mental Health" and any "describe(s)"/description(s) of the meaning, is to AT LEAST concern with the word "MIND" which in all languages, even if to take from biblical reference of the Hebrew langauge, the word "mind" MEANING SPIRIT, and such UNDERSTANDING by Wisdom of knowing Man-Kind Are People 'significant of'-(above/other than) ALL THE REST OF CREATION, everything of this preface should make concern-able sense without "sensuality"-(questionable, dark, alienated sensibility or purposeful reasoning), THAT JESUS CHRIST IS REAL, GOD OUR HEAVENLY FATHER OF THE UTMOST CONCERN FOR ALL THINGS, and to note any kind(s) of "Messianic Complex", therefore only coming from voiding that any of life is actually prayerful, resultant Spiritualy manifest into the present outworking of and on the plane of reality, as well that man-kind are the targets of any spiritual adversity that we should note is (a) already defeated, and (b) only stubbornly evil to it's own downfall and demise, IN THE SAME WAY THAT LIGHT'S ETERNAL ACTUALITY AND PROGRESSIVE EVER-PRESENT ENTIRETY IS VICTORIOUS IN THE FACE OF DARKNESS WHICH IS ALREADY DEFEATED AS WELL AS EVER EXPONENTIALY RECEEDING/REGRESSING-(decreasingly decreasing).
Hypothesis :
The world thinks itself backwards in it's treatment of selves and others concerning such idea it attempts to maintain, both without TANGIBLE REASONING, or any EVIDENCE, AS WELL AS SUBSTANTIAL CONSISTENCY, always divertant to everlasting hypocritical theoretical about "the human mind"-(it's terminology), subjectingly causing those who THINK OTHERS OF SUCH, to animalistic "prey" of anyone otherwise thinking of themselves, very many obvious observations being LACK OF KNOWLEDGE BASED by those who accuse and bear the false witness of others to deem any "Mental Health" of concern, in short of their and this/such mind's saying OF ITSELF BEING "STUPID-(un-wanting to learn) PEOPLE THINKING SMART-(wanting to learn/learned) PEOPLE ARE CRAZY", which is an extreme "oxy-moron"-(complete/continual ridicule/hypocricy) concerning the availability of knowledge to all, overall resultant to aplicable/applied wisdom of understanding(s), being either from below, or that from above biblically speaking.
Instead of the world, as written in the Word of God, "loving it's own", it choses to blacklist, defame the character of, abuse, cheat, continualy and purposely offend this exact kind of accusation it has of anybody, which is uncompassionate, self hating before any of the accused subject(s), AS WELL AS IMPOSING THE VERY ACCUSATIONS OF SELF ACTUALITY UPON ANY IT DEEMS OR TERMS OF SUCH "MENTAL HEALTH".
The truth of this is basicaly saying that "those who call others crazy are crazy" and void of spiritual understanding that worship of any darkness' is resultant in failure of actual being and existing of person(s)/people(s)" - the same understood avenue of other seemingly but totally unrelated areas being "those who call others 'addicts'(of any kind) are 'addicts' themselves", the only similarity in the title of this writing by Realitiy of Concept that "THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS MENTAL HEALTH".
You find people in 2024, as such situations where false information, falswe witness even financed, also such "adamande to prove", having anyone with such accusation of "Mental health" being persecuted and taken advantage of, e.g. the person that is slower to think because it wise to think before acting in all knowledgability of consequence amongst life and inter-communal activity, while thinking and making entirely fruitful effective and affective decision, being stolen from, harrased and bullied as though weak BY THOSE WHO DO NOT WANT TO THINK UNTIL AFTER DOING, WHICH ARE ALWAYS EVIL PEOPLE OF SUCH DEEDS AND DOING, which should speak volumes and abundance towards the very understanding of any such kinds of accusation, e.g. "Depression", where such people are "made fun of" in such joking manners of even creating frightful and tormenting situations or circumstances towards such accusations PROVOKING AS WELL AS POTENTIAL MORTALITY IF WE'RE EVER TRUE, instead of loving such person in adherence to the accusation and doing such things as to make them and keep them happy to and of the utmost opposite of "depression", other people even HAVING ABANDONMENT HABITS AND TENDENCIES ON PURPOSE OF ANY SUCH KIND OF ACCUSATION TOWARDS OTHERS, more threatening to their own minds, thinking and actual states of being of PEOPLE WHOM ARE CONSIDERED "HUMAN", any compassion and thoughtfulness being that very "JOY AND FOUND REASON TO DO GOOD", the obvious opposite behaviour speaking enough volume(s) of the acccusers besides even such accused WITH-STANDING AND UPHOLDING THEIR INTEGRITY AGAINST DOING THE SAME KIND(s) OF THING TO THOSE WHOM PERSECUTE THEM.
If someone was ever of any such "handicap(s)", they would be given and done more for than "regular people" whom are (supposedly) not of any such, more so to note that it is already concluded that THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS MENTAL HEALTH, such resultant(s) from Spiritual Siding(s) either with Light or darkness being the teaching/doctrine based character based personal-ities assumed by anyone, either of themselves in Christ Jesus By God, or otherwise(s) which are un-godly.
A Basic worldly (man made doctrine-"dogma") example of Itself :
If someone was a drunkard and found sleeping on the street, it would not be for people to take money from their pocket(s) and steal their items and either leave them there, or accuse them of such "loitering" or even drunkenness, it would help the person to find a place to rest and return them home, this possibly even happening from hunger and having nothing available (possibly safe) to eat, resultant of being robbed of basic liberty of feeding themselves, which would also mean to get them some food and such that they actually want/wanted etc.
(-the world would not even discern that the man was tired and had to walk miles just for a bitter drink and fell asleep when resting after 24 hours inclusive of such persecution besides possible 24 hour work load and living condition differences-)
- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - K.S.D.M.