STEWARDSHIP WISDOM -> Abundance & Lack - 2Cor8:12-15 - Parable of the Unjust Steward/Root Of All Evil Expo - Falleness Of Babylon (*A #Revelation18SnapBackReminder*)
...Your ABUNDANCE is "supply" for their lack, and their ABUNDANCE is "supply" for your "lack"...
Scripture Refference :
2 Corinthians 8:12 For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not.
8:13 For I mean not that other men be eased, and ye burdened:
8:14 But by an equality, that now at this time your abundance may be a supply for their want, that their abundance also may be a supply for your want: that there may be equality:
8:15 As it is written, He that had gathered much had nothing over; and he that had gathered little had no lack.
A lot of times, people are over exagerated the idea of the POPULAR PHRASING "The Little That You Have", given examples such as 1Kings17 and 2Kings4 (1)-WHERE THERE WAS A, DROUGHT after Elijah was fed by ravens and the brook dried up as he was sent to a certain Widow's house WHOM WAS ON HER LAST **HANDFUL** MEASURE OF MEAL AND OIL, and BECAUSE THERE WAS A DROUGHT AND FAMINE WITH NO THINGS AS WE'RE DESIRED FOR FOOD ***GOD DID NOT ALLOW IT TO DRY UP UNTILL IT BEGAN TO RAIN ON THE LAND JUST AS ELIJAH SAW AND DECLARED TO HER OF THE MATTER, also the same WHERE ANOTHER WIDOW WHO'S HUSBAND'S DEBTOR WAS ABOUT TO DEMAND HER CHILDREN FOR PAYMENT FOR HIS DEBT SINCE HE HAD DIED, ALSO THAT SIGNIFICANCE of ***THE LITTLE OIL THAT SHE HAD*** was to REPAY THE DEBT AND BE FREE'D FROM IT, obviously other than such AS WELL AS AFTERWARDS the Lord Surely Provided as he always does and verily will ongoingly concerning our needs and such desires of His Goodness and ABUNDANT Will For Us beyond even what we can ask for and think EVEN WITH THAT WITH OUR WILL IN HIS.
These are some places where people repeatedly use the wording of "THE LITTLE THAT YOU HAVE", but God is not the kind of person and Omnipotent Father of all to not Give us ABUNDANCE TOWARDS AND FOR HIS WILL AND PURPOSE THROUGH US TO OTHERS, which is different concerning perhaps whatever else THAT WE OBVIOISLY NEED FOR OURSELVES INDIVIDUALY, that being not as much what people can judge of each other, often concerning with money to think that the only thing that should be in abundance concerning one's own or other people's livelihood and well being AS IF ONLY THAT IS A SIGNIFICANCE AND REASONING EVEN TO ASSOCIATE WITH OTHERS FOR, but Our Heavenly Father notably knowing, Just as Mathew 6 speaks of Our SEEKING THE KINGDOM FIRST AND HAVING ALL THINGS FOLLOW, as well as HIM KNOWING WHAT WE NEED AND WANT EVEN BEFORE WE ASK OF HIM which encourages us to live in continual unceasing thanksgiving for and of each day.
So many times because of "Prosperity Gospel Theory", and other devices used by people who are "Motivational speakers" more than "GOD PRACTICAL TEACHERS", even any idea of God Our Father In Heaven being ALMIGHTY AND EVEN SUPERNATURAL escapes peoples minds AS IF HE IS NOT ALSO PRACTICAL AND CONSIDERATE OF OURSELVES **BOTH INDIVIDUALY AND COLLECTIVELY AMONGST ONE ANOTHER IN SPIRIT & TRUTH**.
Prosperity Gospel's orient that focuses people on "monetism" (-unrighteous mammon-) AS IF IT WAS ANY KIND OF RICHES causes people to flock in certain kinds of "message oriented groupings BASED ON THE DECEPTION THAT anything called money is riches or wealth, OFTEN USING OUTWARD APEARANCE AS THE CATCH AND DRAG-NET TOWARDS PEOPLE'S ASPIRATION AND INFLUENCED WILL AND WANT FOR "PROSPERING" which is attached to and stems from either their individual drive for progress, or any pressures of Family nature either being espoused, or having children or other brothers and sisters to take care of and help.
This is is also because of LACK OF KNOWLEDGE concerning "Money", knowing the DEFINITION OF IT, what it truly is, AND THE ACCORDANCE WITH EVERYTHING ELSE IN OUR LIVES EARTH-WIDE on the Face Of The Earth.
If anyone is learned enough to have researched about WHAT MONEY IS, e.g. having looked up "Reserve Banking", which is derived from a certain set of principles that are revealed in e.g. a book called "Modern Money Mechanics", where IN IT'S 1ST 2 PAGES reveals that "Money Get's It's Value From Scarcity", inevitably meaning "The Less Money In Circulation The More Value It Has", which is NO WONDER WHY OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR FROM THE BEGINING ESPECIALY IN THE NEW TESTAMENT GIVEN TO US TO KNOW IT AS "UNRIGHTEOUS MAMMON", in no way normal, how God Our Father in Heaven expects us to operate or for anyone to have others do so, AS WELL AND ESPECIALY IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION'S OUTCOME OF THESE VERY TIMES PRE-WRITTEN AS "THE FALLENESS OF BABYLON" in Chapters 17 & 18 EXACTLY AS WE ARE AND HAVE BEEN WITNESSING EARTH-WIDE IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH **WITH-ALL GOOD NEWS OF THE GOSPEL IN CHRIST AND OUR HEAVENLY FATHER'S KINGDOM AT HAND**.
Just knowing that in life there are 4 instances of hapenstance that occur depending on both our individual as well as collective navigate(s) WITH EACH OTHER and the very Liberty that life is, (1)-freely giving and (2)-freely receiving are not foreign experiences FOR ANY HIMAN BEING/PERSON man or woman made in God's image as if to say "regardless if they believe in Christ or not", even for such UNRIGHTEOUS SYSTEMATIC TO ATTEMPT IT'S EXISTENCE, it is in-fact IN THE VERY FACE OF THE SPIRIT AND TRUTH OF THESE TWO FURTHER-MOST AND INCLUSIVE OF THE OTHER 2 HAPPENINGS which are (3)-giving & receiving, and it's deceptive inverse of (4)-receiving & giving.
The overal in proper order and revealing context, as YOU WOULD HAVE SEEN IN THE FULL BREAK DOWN ON THE #Revelation18SnapBack Blog, is as follows :
(1)-Freely Giving
(2)-Giving & Receiving
(3)-Receiving & Giving
(4)-Freely Receiving
Then having the two PERCETIVE arangements of our given Spirit & Truth Reality amongst ongoingly in Life's fulness being :
[:A:] - Life As Usual As We Know it Discerningly in Spirit & Truth Happenings that Vary & Differ Amongst
(*?-1-?*) [: (2)-----(3) :] (*?-4-?*)
From [:A:], it is obvious where freely giving MAKES THE UTMOST SENSE AS 2 Coritnhians 8:12-15 speaks of ABUNDANCE SUPPLYING THE LACK OF OTHERS whomever as ALL CAN PUT OR SEE EACH OTHER IN EACH OTHER'S SHOES CONCERNING NEEDS AND WANTS OVERALL AS WELL AD INDIVIDUALY, kne person if having an abundance of tomatoes & lacking all else and another an abundance of onions and lacking all else, a 3rd an abundance of rice and lacking all else, THAT THESE THREE IN WANT OF RICE WITH TOMATO & ONION SOUP ***HAVE EVERYTHING THEY NEED WORKING OUT OF THEIR ABUNDNlANCE TOGETHER (-in this, them giving & receiving for "ONLY this particual SINGLE thing of onion & tomato soup with rice-). ***THE SAME GOES FOR EACH IN ANY AREA OF SINGULAR ABUNDANCE BEING SOMETHING STEWARDABLE AMONGST BY ***FREELY GIVING*** and such FREELY RECEIVING.
[:B:] is the hypocritical systematic that makes as if there is no simply "giving" or simply "receiving" going on by the "POLITICAL TYING OF GIVING & RECEIVING TO RECEIVING & GIVING", monetism as mentioned of anything called "CURRENCY" using whatever kind of "uni(t)-lateraly<"*whichever*">-single" scale of refference to "Accountability" THAT CANNOT facilitate any such accomodation firstly for (1)-GOODS AND SERVICES, WHICH ARE ULTIMATELY & ALWAYS ON THE INCREASING INCREASE OF AVAILABILITY, ***the more so and (2)-PEOPLE OURSELVES **MORE IMPORTANT AND MADE IN GODS IMAGE ALL FREELY GIVEN DOMINION TO STEWARD THOSE VERY THINGS** ALWAYS INCREASINGLY INCREASING IN NUMBERS AS WELL AS PRODUCTIVITY ON ALL FRONTS OF LIFE AND ITS FRUITS BOTH OF THE EARTH AND OUR VERY STEWARDSHIP AMONGST IN EARTH-WIDE SPIRIT AND TRUTH***.
More so to concern " 'UNRIGHTEOUS' MAMMON" and such AS IT IS the Fallen-ness of Babylon, the VERY VERSES that speaking of it's unrighteousness also with MUCH GOD GIVEN WISDOM that often the world and man-madeness' ABUSE IN DISHONESTY OF SUCH-APEARING-AS-IF-GAIN in their/it's heart and soulful being's manifest REASONING TOWARD APPLYING THIS WISDOM but in THEIVERY & DECEITFUL LYING TO GAIN ADVANTAGE OF THEIR OWN SELVES NEVER TO BENEFIT OTHERS OR FOR ANYONE ELSE INVOLVED's betterment of Good, the same verses which should be very familiar to any and all whom have been their whole lives of for some time having study of Scriptures as they apply to everyone's Spirit & Truth Reality.
"The parable of 'the unjust steward' " Should be remarkable for anyone whom has ever understood as much said about why it is even in modern day terminology of "Accointing" pertaining to that very fallen babylonian sytematic such a thing as "bad debt accounts", as well as CONSIDERING THAT THIS IS NOT A COP-OUT or EXCUSE to make as though the Fallen Babylonian Principle Harlot City is of any good or significance in light, it actualy EXPOSING THAT VERY FALLENESS AND SHOWING AS MUCH THE NATURE OF "UNRIGHTEOUSNESS" that the lying "giving to receiving tying policy" of mammon is, as well as GIVING REVELATION OF GOD'S FREELY GIVING & RECEIVING AMONGSR ALL WITHOUT LACK OR DEFECIT TO ANYONE'S DISADVANTAGE, showing that it is indeed not "**RICHES**", but RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE LACK AND POVERTY OF OTHER'S concerning it's "currential"/"currency" BASIS OF CLAIMED-ACCOUNTABILITY for anything which is only being a "hindrance to" and not a "medium of" exchange.
Luke 16:9 And I say unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations.
16:10 He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.
16:11 If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?
16:12 And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own?
16:13 No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
JUST IN JESUS REVEALING HERE concerning Stewardship of "what is another man's/Person's" revealing the systematic accountability of claimed "riches" being REASON/RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE LACK OF OTHERS and making that it's VALUE POINT, also the very "Wisdom" that Jesus Spoke of, saying it "FAILURE TO MAKE ANY SORT OF FRIENDSHIP BY UNRIGHTEOUS MAMMON, ONLY TO HAVE WELCOMING IN OUR FATHER'S HEAVENLY KINGDOM", that portion being of "DEBT CANCELLATION", which was JUST TOWARDS GOD, and UNJUST TOWARDS THE WORLDLY MASTER WHOM HAD HIM IN STEWARDSHIP OF HIS SHOP'S GOODS.
The problem with many people is that they do not understand to separate God's commending of debt cancellation in the face of Him revealing that such a systematic is against and oposite of freely giving and receiving as the Unjust Steward Had Done in the First place having been asked from notice by the shop's owner to give accountability for that which he gave to whom ever, OBVIOUSLY HAVING DONE SO ONLY TO GAIN FAVOUR FOR THEM AND ACTUALY NOT IN THE PURPOSE THAT ONE WOULD DO IN FASHION OF SEEKING PEOPLE TO PROVIDE FOR WHOM HAD NO WAY OR MEANS OF PAYING BACK, BUT THESE PEOPLE HE GAVE TO, ABSOLUTELY ABLE TO HAVE PAID FOR THE THINGS THAT THEY WE'RE FREELY GIVEN IN THE FIRST PLACE OF TAKING THEM, the unjust steward being a "child 'of the world' " TRYING TO GAIN FAVOUR IN THEIR SIGHT, which of today's daily exampled could be a harlot slave owner whom he gave things freely to fulfill his lust for fornication and sexual immorality encounters on each daily basis at a brothel, or the kind of giving where the person's prestige and "societal positon" was just so that he could be known as "the person whom gave **such-and-such** in power seating abc-xyz AS IF THEY WE'RE LEGITIMATE ACQUAINTANCES OR UNCONDITIONAL FRIEND(s), any association only BOUGHT by such Freely giving, THAT BEING WHAT ***THE UN-JUST STEWARD*** REALLY MEANS CONCERNING THE WORD IN TITLE "UN-JUST", which is inevitsbly evident in the course of of the wording Jesus used very "juxtaposingly" saying "THE CHILDREN OF THIS WORLD ARE WISER THAN THE CHILDREN OF THE KINGDOM", giving the example of the Unjust Steward's Cancelation Of Debts, WHICH WAS DONE IN DECEIT OF THE WORLDLY MASTER/SHOP OWNER saying to those he had advantageously given freely saying "...QUICKLY, TAKE YOUR 'RECIPT' e.g.(1) "of 100 and write 50", e.g.(2) "of 60 & write 40", AND SUCH WAS WHAT JESUS WAS IDENTIFYING IT GOOD TO CANCEL DEBTS, AND IT EVIL TO BE DECEITFUL, IT GOOD TO FREELY GIVE AND FREELY RECEIVE, BUT IT EVIL TO DO SO ONLY TO GAIN ADVANTAGE AND ESTEEM FROM EYE-SERVICE AND TO APEAR AS IF ONE IS DOING ANYTHING HONOURABLE, ***NOT COMING FROM THE BOTTOM MOST AND SINCERITY OF HIS HEART HAVING IDENTIFIED SOMEONE'S LACK AND ABILITY IN SPIRIT & TRUTH TO SUPPLY THE VERY NEEED OF THE PERSON'S IN QUESTION WHOM WE'RE CALLED BACK AND ASKED TO HALF-CANCEL THEIR DEBTS, again as final concerning "debt cancelation" ON TOP OF DECEIVING THE SHOP OWNER WHO PUT HIM IN STEWARDSHIP, ***STILL RETAINING AND MAINTAINING PORTIONS OF THE DEBTS***, that being the actual fulness in foundational basis exposed by the Parable that Jesus Spoke which indeed is THE REALITY CONCERNING STEWARDSHIP AND MANIFEST OPORTUNE TOWARDS PEOPLE AMONGST ONE ANOTHER INDIVIDUALY AS WELL AS COLLECTIVELY IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH EARTH-WIDE.
The other saddening obviousness that "Prosperity Gospel" has spoiled people's in a "IN THEIR OWN FACE AND THE VERY THINGS THEY ARE READING OR LOOKING AT" fashion, is the other popularly claimed phrasing and statement of scripture AS IT IS WRITTEN VERY PRECISELY JUST AS THAT ABOVE WHICH WE HAVE JUST REVEIWED CONCERING THE UNNUST STEWARD, but few for the wanton of their own desires and succumbing to EYE-SERVICE and man made prestige of the such, do not see it in the light that it is in, concerning the words "UNRIGHTEOUS-MAMMON", and the POPULARLY QUOTED "...the love of money is the root of all evil..." WITHOUT PROPER UNDERSTANDING AND WISDOM APPLIED.
1 Timothy 6:10 For THE LOVE OF money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
This scripture is very clear, AND TO CONSIDER THE ENTIRE LIGHT AND FULLNESS OF UNDERSTANDING THAT WE HAVE GONE THROUGH TO THE READING POINT OF THIS WRITE OUT, to simplify IN THE MOST ACCURATE-NESS of Godly wisdom, which can be in basic QUESTION WITH ANSWER, for example, "IF YOU CANNOT LOVE SOMETHING, CAN YOU LIKE IT?", which became of so many people's unkowing self and community resolve when being PROSPERITY GOSPEL presented with this verse EVEN FORGETTING THE WORDS BEFORE IT AND WHERE IT COMES FROM EVEN IN THE VERY SAME SINGLE VERSE CONCERNING "piercings through with many/any sorrows", and not taking the time to consider where they would or could be coming from, though it coming from speaking about GODLY CONTENTMENT.
1 Timothy 6:6 But godliness with contentment is great gain.
6:7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. 6:8 And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.
6:9 But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.
6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
6:11 But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.
6:12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.
ALL OF THAT IS RARELY DIGESTED AND CONTEXTUALY UNDERSTOOD FOR ALL THAT IT IS ETERNALY WORTH, so let's finish THE POINT AND CASE OF THE SUBJECT IN THE "popular quoting" about "THE LOVE OF MONEY", now that we know in this write out that "(1)-"money gets it's value from scarcity" though goods and services more so people are ever on the increasing increase, (2)-it getting its "VALUE" from not being available making it AT LEAST a "responsibility", firstly for THE LACK OF OTHERS, and more so understood that IT CANNOT ACCOUNT FOR ANY-THINGS IN LIFE'S FRUITION, and thirdly (3)-to ask one-self IF THEY CAN LIKE IT, THE IDEA OF IT, TO DECIDE IF IT CAN BE LOVED, WANTED, NEEDED, TOLERATED, now knowing WITH ALL SPIRIT & TRUTH OF EARTH-WIDE AND EVERY DEMOGRAPHY OF REALITY THAT IT IS A HINDRANCE TO EVERYONE KEEPING AS MANY FROM EXPERIENCING THE FULLNESS AND ABUNDANCE OF LIFE WITH IT'S FRUIT(s)/FRUITFULNESS, lastly and for Scriptures ake to look at the IN OUR FACES VERY AND EVER APARENT WISDOM OF THAT VERY WORDING, the portion "the love of", with the obviously VOID CONCLUSION OF ALL THE ABOVE, THAT IT CANNOT BE LOVED, LIKED, TOLERATED, THOUGHT OF GOOD, THOUGHT OF NORMAL, THOUGHT OF ANYTHING EXCEPT THE ENDING OF THE VERY WORDS "...**THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL**...", even exposed in The Book Of Revelation as we have been noting THE FALLEN-NESS OF BABYLON, with it's already PREWRITTEN OUTCOME of the beast being taken, the false prophet taken, and any remnant in doctrinal/teaching/believing of choice and liberty of self being made in God's image of the mark of the neast OPPOSED TO GOD'S SEALING OF EVERYONE WHOM BELIEVES IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH OF CHRSIT JESUS, whom are **SLAIN BY THE SWORD OF HIS MOUTH**, only those whom died before HAVING NOT RECEIVED THE MARK OF THE BEAST IN THE 3 AREAS OF LIFE ***RAISED TO REIGN WITH CHRIST & LIVE FOR THE 1000 YEARS OF THE 1ST RESURECTION. those who would not have received the mar by Jesus' 2nd coming being WE WHOM REMAIN such to be and IS IN-FACT clesrly evidence of complete absence of THE BABYLONIAN HARLOT CITT OF PRINCIPLE(s) being that very tying of giving to receiving and vica verca.
It is very beautiful how proverbial wisdom also carries the very weight in the same Understanding and complete wholeness with these words :
Proverbs 23:23 Buy the truth, and *"sell it not"*; also wisdom, and instruction, and *understanding.*
This is also very derivative of Jesus spoken to us all in the message to the Churches in the book of Revelation, directly correlant with the falleness of Babylon's havimg us called out of the Harlot City with much Blessing Blessed instruction as such Sheep that we are made in Our Heavenly Father's Image :
Revelation 3:18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
Mark 16 also in these and the overall of Our Earth-Wide Member-ing with the Same Head as Christ in Spirit & Truth :
Revelation 2:5 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.
Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
18:5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
18:6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.
18:20 Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her.
18:21 And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.
- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - K.S.D.M.