["Foundation-al Wisdom" **Updatings**] Book Of Revelation (JPEG) Scriptural Pictoral Break Downs Of Present Reality [Monday 26-Aug-2024 G.M.T. 8:32 A.M. Last Updated]
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(Lord knows those whom steal, lie of work that is not theirs, manipulate, fraudulate & bear false witness, deceive others EVEN WITH THE BIBLE ITSELF physical or digital)
I would Hope you would have read the Last Chapter in The Book of Revelation (22) & what it speaks of God's Word, the words:
"....if anyone 'add to or takes away', (--meaning changes it from it's truth to a lie/alters to lie with/deceptively manipulates/interceptively exagerates even by false witness TO DECIEVE OTHERS EVEN THEMSELVES--)*<<[which is not like DIGRESSING- EXPRESSING DETAIL e.g. 1Tim4 "ALL >THINGS< GOD CREATED ARE GOOD"<how good ALL plants/animals/waters above & below are or all good things--e.g. all other individual "things" & fashioning & good use from/with them)] >>*from 'the words of THIS BOOK'-->ALL The Plagues of it will be upon them", [when it is the book of REVELATION >>OF CHRIST JESUS<(Messiah of ALL PEOPLE=word of God)>
>MEANING FOR GOD'S ENTIRE LIVING BREATHING ETERNAL WORD< AS A WHOLE (Our Individual & collective Testimon<-y/-ies> In Jesus Christ Included)]
Revelation 22:18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
22:19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
Galatians 6:2 Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the(perfect)law(Liberty) of Christ.(PERFECTION OF LIBERTY)
6:3 For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing(without Christ), he deceiveth himself.
6:4 But let every man(AS MEMBERS OF THE SAME BODY WITH THE SAME HEAD) prove his own work(IN/OF CHRIST), and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone(AMONGST OTHERS ALSO WITH THEIRS IN SPIRIT & TRUTH), and not in "another"(works that are not his but STOLEN/FRAUDULATED AS THOUGH).
6:5 For every man shall bear his own burden.(OUTWORKING OF FAITH BY WORD & DEED)
*******6:6 Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things.*******
6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
6:8 For he that soweth to his flesh (-FRUIT OF THE FLESH<witchcraft,lies,deception,false witness,harmful-evil-mortal deeds/speaking/thinking/planning,adultery,sexual immorality-) shall of the flesh(fruit of the flesh) reap (their/its)corruption(s)(<he who takes captive will be taken captive, he who kills with the sword will be killed with sword>); but he that soweth to the Spirit(-FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT-LOVE, JOY, PEACE, LONGSUFFERING<resisting the devil & endurance towards all goodness & good things>LIBERTY WHERE THE SPIRIT OF GOD IS<he who set's free will be & is set & free, he who gives life is given & has life>) shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting(fruit OF THE SPIRIT).
6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not (if we dont turn away from being& doing good to being & doing evil/light to dark).
6:10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.
<They Are Also Downloadable If Necesary>
(1) - The 3 Areas of life (Things, People<Man & Woman>, & Stewardship Of The Fruits Of The Earth & Life Itself)
(2) - Genesis - Creation "Break-Down"
(3) - Creation Of Man & Woman (Spiritual Manifestation & Physical/Fleshly Manifestation)
(4) - "From The Throne Out"
A Breakdown of The Entire Book Of Revelation From Chapter 1 up to Chapters 17 & 18 which lead into their outcome of Chapter 19 and 20, the First Resurrection at what is commonly called "The 2nd Coming" Of Christ Jesus, whom
Has Left us The Holy Spirit as "The Comforter",
Whom Leads us into the Truth of all things, especialy what is already Prewritten in The Book Of Revelation giving the ongoing as well
as outcome of this very day and age.
Some Detail To Analysie Concerning our Earth Wide Spirit and Truth Reality, such as all ongoing's evidence of us being at the 6th Trumpet and 6th Bowl which both have significance according to the drying of the River Euphrates that Flows past Iran in the Middle East being it's main water source, of note, that the "span of Middle Eastern countries from Israel, having Iraq at its eastern border, sandwiched with the "Gaza Strip" concerning
Abrahamic "Seed Of Ishmael & Seed of Isaac" inheritance 'dispute', as well as Palestine at Israel's southern bordering concerning the same matter. After Iraq, in the Eastward Direction is, of course, Iran (of which location used to be where Babylon was situated), which is surrounded by the likes of "Turkey" and other "Islamic" 'Seed of Ishmael' "territorial disputes" amongst themselves alike the initial "Isaac & Ishmael" 'division between "Torah-nic (Deutro-Levitical-Mosaic) & Kora-nic (Rebelious-Mosaic)" based Religious foundation's of "siding", altogether consisting of "Messianic" Complex amongst doctrinal and Teaching subjugation, sub-sidiar-ization, and extended "Nationalist Developments derived from these", why it is found that "Boko-Haram" & "Hamas"(Which is also the name for a Kora-nic based Holy-Day) <amongst others earth-wide> Have applied and consist of Declaring themselves "Nations of peoples", despite geographic displacement and certain other kinds of socio-infringement struggles because of 'descendantry' as centuries into the last 'some' decades of time have passed.
All of this is EXACTLY in line and of Light shed by the Book Revelation Being The Revelation of Christ & Spirit and Truth Reality as we know it.
The 6th Bowl and 6th Trumpet's significance pertains to the corruption of man made doctrine by the mentioned "3 frog like spirits", that which come "out of the mouth" only being teaching and doctrine, this between the 3 Spiritual Entities against mankind, firstly the devil himself/itself, then what is depicted as "The 7 Headed Beast with Ten Horns" that is "Ridden by the Harlot City of Principles" known as Babylon concerning the fornication and Harlot-ly immoral corruption of the stewardship of the Fruits of the earth and life amongst people earth-wide, and lastly "the False Prophet" being "the seccond Beast" from Revelation Chapter 13, which is mentioned in the 6th Bowl that reveals of these "3 frog like spirits" coming "out of the mouth of these three", MEANING ANYING WHOM STEPS OR MOVES INTO BECOMING A MOUTHPIECE FOR SUCH, reminded of the 4 Angels that we're bound at the River Euphrates.
To be clear about the mention of 4 Angles that we're "Bound at the River Euphrates" synonymous with it's drying between Trumpet 6 & Bowl 6, these "Angels turning into/influencing amongst 200 Million 'Soldiers' that kill a Third(1/3) of mankind for 'not repenting from "THE WORKS OF IT'S HANDS", again in line with the 3 Frog Spirit's that infact are the doctrinal influences amongst the "THREE SIXES" of the "Mark Of The Beast", (which number is "OF -A- MAN<[i]man-[ii]madeness, [iii]man madeness, man madeness x3>), such corruption aginst God's SPIRIT AND TRUTH REALITY even in Teaching and Doctrine of THE 3 FOUNDATIONAL AREA'S OF LIFE AS WE HAVE ALWAYS, DO NOW, AND WILL KNOW, being "(1)-Things<soils, waters/liquids & physicaly breathable(s), plants & animals>,[Everything God Made Is Good] (2)-PEOPLE <Man & Woman> concerning *Eternal Oneness Of Flesh & Being Made in God's Eternal Image*<given dominion over all "things">[Oneness of FLESH/BEING IS AN ETERNAL REALITY], and (3)-STEWARDSHIP AMONGST ONE ANOTHER of the fruits of the Earth and life, even in Knowledge and Experience [FREELY GIVING AND FREELY RECEIVING], as per "the mark of the Beast" being all that do not agree or go against God's Spirit and Truth of these 3 Area's in Life, "RIGHT HAND" meaning 'the works of one's hands', and "Forehead" meaning 'what one believes in and has faith in', the People Of God also SEALEDCON THEIR FOREHEAD IN GOD'S SPIRIT AND TRUTH REALITY OF THESE THREE THINGS, the mark of the beast to refused of it's receiving such corruption and false-ness of reality.
The "Two Witnesses" [2 Olive Lamps & 2 Olive Tree's] Before God's Throne
can be "principaly found" in Psalms Chapter 89 verse 14 which reveals "(1)>a>Judgement & <b>Justice, and (2)<a>Mercy & <b>Truth", also quite and very parallel to Proverbs Chapter One in its's 3rd verse speaking of receiving the instruction of (1)<a>WISDOM, <b>JUSTICE, AND (2)<a>JUDGEMENT, AND <b>EQUITY, (God's Judgement being WISE, Justice Doubled on the 2nd Arangement of Wording, God's Mercy Being His Orient Of Judgement, and EQUITY BEING OF HIS "TRUTH" before His Throne of Judgement, also, AND ESPECIALY, as written in Proverbs21:3 as wisdom, "TO DO JUSTICR AND JUDGEMENT IS MORE ACCEPTIBLE TO THE LORD THAN SACRIFICE".
(5) - Chronological Biblical Timeline"
Is a Breakdown from Genesis up to present date with the outcome of the finality of Babylon's Fallen-ness into the 1st Ressurection of Christ's Seccond Coming, as well noting the Relevance Of The New Heaven And New Earth which is The Promise That Is And Is To Come.
(6) - "A More Detailed Chronological Biblical Timeline"
A More Detailed Specific Refference of the Outcome between those who receive the Mark Of The Beast, and those who Do Not Receive It Concerning The 1st Ressurection & Outcome of Jesus Christ's 2nd Coming, as well as to consider the 1000 Years passing where there is no such thing as "money", No Beast (TAKEN/Captured & cast into the lake of fire), No False Prophet (TAKEN/Captured & cast into the Lake Of Fire), & The Devil is bound with a great Chain and Cast into The Bottomless Pit, only to be released AT THE END of the 1000 years to deceive Gog and Magog, whom are the offspring of those who live from the 1000 year's begining, being we whom do not receive the mark of the beast (the 2nd death having no power over us/them, & the Rest Of The Dead not raised or living until the Thousand Years is over, Gog and Magog the only ones able to be deceived having never experienced the presence of evil spiritualy or physicaly, at the End of The Thousand Years having the Devil Cast NOW INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE, Final Judgement commencing with ALL THE DEAD FROM ALL TIME UP TO THEN RAISED AND **THE BOOK OF LIFE** as well as "Many OTHER Books" of man's own evil works any apart from Those Of The Book Of Life, ANYONE NOT WRITTEN/FOUND IN THE BOOK OF LIFE CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE WITH THE DEVIL, BEAST AND FALSE PROPHET, as The New Heavens and New Earth which is the Promise That Is And Is To Come for us "EVEN NOW (UNDERSTOOD BY HOW THE 1000 YEARS >>on this earth that we know now before the new heaven & earth<< DOES NOT HAVE THE PRESENCE OF THE DEVIL, BEAST AND FALSE PROPHET <pre-reflective of NOW from the begining Throughout as time passes>).
A little more than what is on the Initial Post of the blog having the Seals, Trumpets & Bowls side by side, with a small "minimal-specific" caption-al re-cap of history from the past 10 years with relevance concerning Seal 6, Trumpet 6, & Bowl 6 Which we have most recently been and are currently on concerning the drying of the river euphrates, and significant global Spirit and Truth Happenings Of Note.
(8) - "Babylon(Harlot City of Principle<s>) sitting On The 7 Headed & 10 Horned Beast"
This is a Break Down Of The Harlot City Of Principle Called "Babylon" in Revelation Chapters 17 and 18, in Chapter 17, it being depicted as sitting upon a 7 Headed Beast, with an 8th Head which is the Beast itself, but "is of/alike/likened to the 7", with 10 Horns that "Hate The Harlot City and "Burn Her With Fire" specifying the "Great Violence" thT is written of in Chapter 18, the 10 Horns being "king's without a kingdom 'as yet' ", and such kind being of military orient that is displaced unevenly amongst the 7/8 Heads as "10 'Divison' ", so to speak.
The "Harlot City Of Principles" is based on the tying of giving and receiving to receiving and giving, politicaly constructing the denying or "consideration and ruling out" of any Freely Giving and Freely Receiving, this truly where any "currency" has it's fulcrum of which it's resource of whatever kind of "accountability mechanism" is SCARCIFIED and made less than available for the largest portion of people concerning entire and/or full access to whatever are considered "Goods and Services", these forever being ON THE INCREASING INCREASE, as well as PEOPLE THEMSELVES always ON AN INCREASING INCREASE, both on a daily basis regardless of "GDP" analysis' and any "death rate focus" adverse to "Earth Wide Birth Rate", As God Has from the begining set ordinance of Fruitful Multiplication Amongst Mankind By His Eternal Word and Reality".
The List of Spiritual into Physical manifests given amongst the "Seals, Trumpets and Bowls", such as "darkness and pain on the Beast's kingdom", "locusts from the bottomless pit" (actual spiritual beings that 'sting' mankind - "bottomless pit" sysnonymous with where the Devil is bound with a great chain and cast at the begining of the Thousand Year First Resurection) concerning ongoings of time and interaction amongst the physical realm, as anyone can relate to as many "bodily sensations" that worldly wisdom and knowledge will not and do not attribute to anything of spiritual happening, especialy to outrightly admit the existence of either demon's or Angels themselves, considering that what separates the physical "Waters 'from Below' ", and physical "thinner" and breathable "Waters 'from Above' ", IS INFACT >>>HEAVEN<<< Our Father in Heaven's very Kingdom >>WITHIN US OURSELVES<< Just as Jesus Christ Taught, confirms, re-affirms and continualy exposes to be such, not that worldly "science(s)" fathom to understand as much from the word of God besides calculations that are based on the fleshly realm in order to try and understand anything otherwise, yet everything Physical Is Made Manifest Firstly from The Spiritual before the Physical Such as Creation in Genesis 1 and 2 which are very clear EVEN OF MAN'S CREATION, CONCEPTION IN THE SAME IMAGE OF THE FATHER THROUGH THE SON AS THE ANGLES, AND HIS FORMING FROM THE DUST OF THE GROUND BEING PLACED IN THE GARDEN HAVING WOMAN MADE FROM HIS RIB.
What is known as "the image of the beast" that is DIRECTLY IN LINE WITH The Mark Of The Beats itself, the very "resounding of such 'CONSCIENCE' amongst people because Doctrine and Teaching come with Spiritual Effect manifest through People whom are indeed the highest Spiritual Beings on the Physical Plane pf Existence, "the image" having to do with such teaching that promotes the harlotry of corrupting any idea or warping the actualy reality of Oneness Of Flesh and Being, denial that EVERY THING That God has created IS GOOD, and perverting the Spirit and Truth of Stewardship, any "conscience(s) of evil or fearfulness "imaginationaly" constructed through "the works of mans hands<man madeness>, why the Right Hand concerning the mark of the beast means "the works of one's hands", is because such is WHAT ANYONE TEACHES OTHERS CONCERNING ANY OF THESE THREE AREAS OF LIFE.
(9) - "Clothing And Covering" -> [UPDATED- with Historical to Present Reference & Fullness<Still to be completed>]
This is A "Pictoral Break Down" Based on Revelation Chapter 1 Concerning "Clothing And Covering", from where it is written of "The Vision Of The Son Of Man", Our Father In Jesus Christ Is Shown In Raiment & The Garments Of Covering are explained in enough detail for anyone even today to understand such concerns and matters Of Ourselves Made in Our Father's Image Through Jesus Christ.
The Break Down Consists of quite a "REALITY CHECK" at what the difference is between "THE WORLD'S 'PRINCIPLES OF UNSERSTANDING' and GOD'S HEAVENLY PRINCIPLES OF SPIRIT AND TRUTH WHEN IT COMES TO "CLOTHING", a word which means "COVERING", that being "OF ONE'S NAKEDNESS", which entails even the consist of Concern about each Man or Woman's ONENESS OF FLESH & BEING amongst Brothers And Sisters in Christ Made In Our Father's Image Just AS THE ANGELS are also made, being Fellow Brethren In Christ also with their Oneness Of Being each "Male And Female" In Eternal Order Of Beings, we On Earth As It Is In Heaven.
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