Our Spirit & Truth "Flour In The Pottage" - Christ Jesus FOR ALL THINGS - "Elisha/Elijah Specific Situations" Amongst Us Today [: End of July Written & Posted on Aug-9-2024 :]
Elijah & Elisha In Christ Amongst Us Today In Sprit & Truth - Redeemed From All Nations Tongues Tribes & People(s)
**2 Kings 4**
Jesus is our flour in the pottage of all creation, by the very firmament of the heaven and our Father's Kingdom Within US IN HIS SELFSAME INDWELLING HOLY SPIRIT, for all time and eternity, with thanksgiving & rememberance of Him in Christ Jesus.
The "Son's of The Prophets already knew that everything God made was good as obviously also reminded by Obadiah as he would encounter Elijah, Obadiah having "hid them in 50's" as it is written, much to which they we're the purest of those unexposed to what Jezabel doctrine was doing to people, but over some time having heard of such that in that recorded time as "baal worshiping", the interesting looking like "Elijah apeared out of nowhere" amongst scriptures (obviously not so, an ongoing concerning Faith between God's people & those otherwise bearing fruit of many hapenings & Individuals amongst in Spirit & Truth).
Thinking & knowing of these 50's of people being hidden, & that because of those slain by Jezabel of GOD'S PPROPHETS, & because the outcome on mount carmel was as if "Theatrical" in context of "showing of power", it is not obvious for some to see, but very evident that the ongoing prior encounters between "Jezabel's prophet's of baal" & "God's prophets of Spirit & Truth" was a similar ongoining, such kind of evil person's and "wagers"(betting) another vice of Jezabel's "weakening process" to make it seem as though such was "casting lots", which is not the same, and why Elijah's first mention and confrontation with Ahab was the perrceptive declaration & already knowing God's wrath upon the Land towards mercy of reinstating His Kingdom's glory was very kindled, Elijah having that much self control of His own heart & tongue, as well as understanding of the Lord's will, more so, the same outcome of Mount Carmel's killing of the baal prophets, God's prophets slain by Jezabel being Elijah's Spirit & Truth Brothers, obviously a lying "wager of captivity" actualy concealer plot to murder e.g. Jezabel stating "If your God of Israel "win's" <a deceptive form of presentation>, ***xyz promise-will be your'slaves/servants/bow down to the God of Israel***, & 'if baal "wins" ****you will be captive to us**** " (the sort of evil that Jezabel and Ahab we're engaged in, no need to imagine "rigging" & any kind of "jurry judging of false witnesses" & such various other detestable manipulations used against those of God to frustrate them "towards weakness"), all such from "the pottage and Elijah telling them to put flour in it" very evident, such of course God had been continualy doing, these thousand having fearfuly heard of why they we're hidden in 50's.
Refferential Thought : Genesis19 - Lot > Post Sodom & Gommorah Escape - Moab & (Benammi) Ammorite Issues
Elijah & Elisha Context:
The "setting" Where Elijah & Elisha come in, with the "backdrop" of Jezabel & Ahab issues arising in so many places that have from the name mention in refference amongst the message to the Churches FOR VERY SPECIFIC REASONING, as well as through what are known as "The Books of the Prophets" the same kind of "remnant surviving" of name mention concerning Babylon (Revelation 17 & 18 - these times to their end of 19 & 20), there is that much that THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST GIVES US IN ACTUALITY OF OUR REALITY IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH AMONGST THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES being the Seals, Trumpets & Bowls (we being on,the 6th of all 3), & with very much encouragement through our ongoing until & with the very utmost outcome(s).
In 1 Kings 18 after the fire came down and consumed what was set on the altar that elijah made, it is not written that the Lord told him to slay the prophets of baal, yes indeed the Lord extremely angry at the doctrine & demonic manifests & murders because of the Balak/Balaam/Jezabel/Nicoliatan Doctrine reffered to in the book of Revelation, yet it is also in the very next chapter how sorrowful Elijah was for their deaths somewhat "being at or by his hand", yet through to the happenings concerning the very usualy noted as "succesion" of Elijah being caught up in the whirlwind & chariots of fire at the witness of Elisha having Elisha "receiving his mantle", the same lesson is learned of How God's mercy overcomes "sacrifice", God himself being the bearer of vengance which is seen through Elijah's constant retreat from his summoning as "Man of God" resulting in that very same fire now consuming the resultant bloodthirsty soldiers behind each that came to him when he sat on the rock alone, just as in Elisha's succession & same persecution with his companion-brother-servant in 2 Kings Chapter 6 when surrounded by the army which he led in their blindness to the King Of Israel & "Ordlerly head-ness" of such as they we're sent by, whom asked Elisha if he should smite them (smite meaning harmfulness implying less degree than death but can be similar), Elisha telling him of the very mercy the Lord desires, for him to give them to eat and drink & send them to "their master".
Recording of Elijah starts at 1Kings 17 with his immediate confrontation of Ahab, then apearing as if hidden after his killing of the prophets of baal (such "hosts" of female concubinal harlotry ritual sexual imoralities that we're dear to Jezabel enoufh for her to want to kill him<1Kings19>), Elijah recorded apearing as though in hiding until the death of Jezabel being eaten by dogs(1Kings21:23, just as he said on the next confrontation with Ahab concerning her directly in 1Kings21, where the Lord does note Ahab's humbling of himself
1Kings 17 is where Elijah's recording of being noted by those of baal in his face to face encounter with Ahab & His declaration of no rain until his saying, this coming after Ahab's "taking wifery of Jezabel"..
2 Kings begins with as much Mercy through God's restoration of Order Especialy Healing After Healing & Redemption from any kinds of people that "want to permanently be evil".
2 Kings' recording in the 1st chapter begins with Moab's rebelion against Israel through & after a long drawn out persecution of Elijah & His "mantle passing" onto Elisha also at the first Chapter of 2 Kings' reccording, the ongoings being much of the remnance of the fall of Jezabel & Ahab's Evil in Baal worship, which are of Nicoliatanism doctrinal elements (As titled in the Book of Revelation THAT WHICH THE LORD HATES), very much revealing in numerous ways and happenings why so, even described amongst Jezabel's indoctrinal corruption across nations with perversions of sexual immorality, the same kind of Evil that Jesus was amidst Himself, in the book of Acts written where Pilate & Herod-ian-ism forsook Godliness in what is written of as "Pilate mingling/mixing the peoples own blood in their daily sacrifices/food/drink", THIS VERY SAME ISSUE exposed in Elisha's visiting of the Sons of The Prophets & having pottage(food made), when it comes to their attention of "poison in the pottage" claiming as though something of wild fruitage or vegitation as the cause of "the reaction/sensation<knowing there was something wrong & truly God making aware of such hapening>, Elisha then telling them to put a handful of flour into the pottage, it becoming "unharmful" (their conscience & knowledge of what happened to it being un-seared & of course more communion time spent with Elisha<note as written of in the same chapter that some of the Son's of the Prohets also had wives as the widow He visited was of one of them before the pottage incident).
This last description of example very much so given as why to know ON SUPERNATURAL GROUNDS OF SPIRIT AND TRUTH FOUNDATION, why Christ Jesus IN HIS ONE AND PERFECT ETERNAL SACRIFICE IN CRUCIFIXION AND RESURECTION, Had to let known of all peoples nations tribes & tongues exactly what was signified by "the handful of flour", which is exactly what was done as the veil ripped & the Lord's spirit going to all ends of the earth FOR ALL THINGS, ALWAYS, EVERY ONGOING INTO THE FAITH AND BELIEF OF HIS RESURECTION, as well as much as such kinds of Herodian-Pilate-like-Jezabel "happening" which are made stubborn by wanting doers of evil.
The pottage made in 2 Kings 4 comes from the recording of Elisha's visit to a surviving widow of one of the Son's of the prophets whom she said died, her having had a severe debt crisis and his visit to do with her single small pot of leftover oil, and it being miraculously multiplied, seccondly for her to go and sell the oil that it is enough for the debts, the next encounter being with a Shunamite woman and her husband who are very generous with lodging and having helped Elijah several times with food and daily sustinence, the wife perceiving Elisha as a Godly person and to make room for him whenever his need for passing through in the area they resided themselves, Elisha notably giving word that by such time in the next year her and her husband would be of child.
Through the numerous encounters that Elijah and Elisha had amongst the turmoils and tribulations, the "sons of the 'numbered prophets' " as descendantry describes from deutron-omical & levitic-al priesthood(s), the scatterings abroad as well as God's singular or multiple raising up from every gentile setting(s), all of these in Spirit & Truth, up to, from, and as of now concerning Jesus Christ Come in the flesh toward what one would deem "finality of babylon's fall" as en-titled by the Book Of Revelation, there is so much of New Testament/Covenant Encouragement through actualy understanding what we are witnessing and ministering all of our stewardship(s) of Life through and amongst without the confusion of worldly man made ideologies and so much that does not describe in detail such "fullness of knowledge's/Time's" manifest, for as many that would ask "what electricity is", save even such understanding of Technology, which sorts of mentality minglings, because of the world's ideology always mixing wisdom from below with any abundance of knowledge instead of the wisdom that is from above, God's people are persecut-ively/-ingly taken advantage of for sakes of lack of knowledge yet maintained in their Love for the Word of God & Christ Jesus, any deceptions only resultant from the very confusions of such worldly ideologies amidst a rapidly exponentialy increasing population of eathwide people despite the certain adversities, as well as the very fruit(s) of Life and such mentioned fullness of time(s) and knowledge's exponentialy increasingly-increasing development and its utility of application, the world's upside down, or backwards wisdoms, unable to draw any kind of "fine lines" in spite of actualy continualy crossing them because of the wrong sort of wisdom's application and refferential of understanding with experience and virtuous fruit in Christ.
A perfect example of the worlds error in wisdom and application of any knowledge is found in what so many try to "Bite-Size" or "Trunctuate" everything in life as though one word or two word answers solve anything, the example being "defining liberty".
The world will in it's bite-sized "one word" "two word" definition also hypocriticaly not even bring to mind why a "dictionary" is "contextualy EXPLANATORY", and perhaps answer the definitition as "Freedom", which still says nothing in particular, the real answers being in the what's, why's, and all else in context of liberty, usualy overlooked of any person IN THEIR OWN PERSONAL QUESTION OR ANSWER OF OTHERS, always rather with the inherent fearfulness of "OTHERS" being where "one's shoes are considered" when thinking of "putting yourself in someone elses shoes", which SHOULD BE considered of any good, but worldly wisdom initializing on any "defencive", why the word of God has for us to LOVE OUR NEIGHBOURS AS WE LOVE OURSELVES.
The "Liberty to do good" is a place that is overlooked in any "definition of considerability", which is why God's word is so important, the fruit of the Spirit being of all good things for oneselfs and obviously for others.
The liberty "to 'do what' specificaly" usualy becoming questionable, because of the world's own ideologies which are never 100 percent entirely good, e.g. "The liberty to dress oneself", with the word "apropriately", or "presentably" attached, now have the analysis of "dressing", and anyone who is a person knows that the world's idea of "fashionable presentability", for the most, is divided between the sexes of "male & female", the "presentability" on grounds of "attractive-ness" or "attractability" always in foundational consideration between either the "sexualy based substance of identity" of either two, yet a blatent "get to the point" observation of the idea/ideology of "revealing clothing" for the female category with such a "concept" of "cleavage" is exactly the kind of problematic standard when back-tracking to adressing the "liberty of presentability" exactly in the very "meaning" of all "goodness", this meaning that the world's idea of fashionability deems it good for any female person to be "partialy naked of the breast" and it considered "good for everybody to see such", which is infact women's nakedness of flesh and being which are grounds for the fruit of the loins and womb (oneness of flesh/being), so much that even an example of the specific garment considered as public wear called a "bikini", which covers the same surface area as female undergarments is considered "good for public atire/clothing", with all obvious hypocricy to look at within itself of purpose, reasoning, context and clarification of reality e.g. such being mostly naked.
This is a very small example of so many Heart oriented and founded concerns with Spirit & Truth reality's overal & people's interaction amongst one another of more than "surface/face value" or "what they appear to be on/from the outside", this one already "revealing it's naked truth" to no excuse of the truth that a person can bear the same kind of heart with full covering, which obviously still does not make it any good or "ok/alright" to or to have to consider "public majority nakedness" as if it is a normalcy.
This is quite a decent example seeming as though it is only about clothing-some people even making arguments as to why they should "have the liberty" to "at will want/discretion/as-though-necesity" make regular contact with certain or any body parts of the oposite sex e.g. "sister's sitting in brother's laps or the inverse "because public transportation or some sort of 'seating arangement' would be over filled" making comparison with "any other regular time" as though it we're any excuse, some subjecting the holding of hands while walking in comparison to contact with sexual organs just because clothes are worn & using even such excuse as "breastfeeding babies" whom are our little brothers and sisters from our loins, why said "the world unable to draw any kinds of lines or appropri-ability with its wisdom from below, yet the word of God as well from the very begining in 'a man<male/boy> & woman<female/girl> "...leaving their mother and father...(-'s intimate confines of maturity even of their own growth of their bodies made in God's image such as we are even brethren & sisteren with the angels)" ', this surely having to do with oneness of flesh of course, yet all as such appropriateness very much definable so much as contextualy understood & derived from such "development of individual", especialy now in the context of "liberty" & so many teaching and doctrinal experiential matters and aspects of life to consider.
It would be easier for the world's wisdom to say "the liberty to eat/drink", which is almost simple in "general context", especialy with the word of God's applicability and reminder that all >things< (fruits of the earth & soil) are to be received with thanksgiving, yet the world's kind of thanksgiving with the afore-mentioned "consciencial nakedness in the ideology of clothing", now such Liberty in the context of dressing, being more affective as well as effective of "one's own conscience", before even any consideration of "other people's conscience" (knowing firstly, "these are not even our own kind of thoughts made in our heavenly father's image through Christ", & "that our liberty should not be 'judged' by the conscience of other<s>-ness"=SUCH BEING SOBRIETY USUALY QUESTIONED OF EATING & DRINKING).
This reveals that the Liberty to eat and drink has nothing to do with "drunkeness", quite interestint how it is hidden from so many that the word "drunkeness" or "drunk" has as much to do with harlotry/sexual immorality/multiple husbandry in the hebrew(s)/<aramaic(s)> & greec-ian languages that are most reffered to of scripture origin, that have nothing to do with people's food & drink choices, even in the english of the New Testament, the word "wine" & "excess" in so much context when used in the sentences "riot (of the tongue-cursing) & excess of 'banqueting <intersexual envious display amongst serving of food>", such "excess always refferencial within context of the very interaction and "commun-ity, commun-al, & commun-ion", where for such kinds of "commun-ication's" sake, Jesus was very blunt even in such an answer of few words "...it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person but what comes out 'from the heart' (indicatint fruit of the flesh, the fruit of the spirit not defiling anyone)".
[1Kings21:*23*] (2Kings9:30-37)
1Timothy4-(Sound Doctrine/Teaching)
Philipians3:2-3 (no one has ever had to cut their stomach open to put food inside it & sow it up again in order to eat or drink anything)
Revelation 2 (Rev2:14-29) [:(1)Balak-Balaam-(2)Jezabel-(3)Nicoliatan Doctrine:] <Same Thing(s)> - [:<(1)Male-Son&Father> - <(2)Mother&Barren-ization> - <(3)Nationalism of Such Doctrine>:]
Mathew7:15-24/Luke113:25-27/1Timothy4 (What Makes Any Good Ministers in Christ &,What Separates True From False Witness & Belief In Christ)
[**Revelation19:10 ->The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy**<Mathew22:30] -> [(Sheep vs Goats)--->>>Mathew25=(Teaching of things)--->>>1Timothy4=(Oneness of Flesh)--->>Genesis1:26-27/Mathew19:4-9<Mathew22:30>/Mark10:6-12/**1Corinthians7:15**]
***Acts2:21*** [All whom call upon the Lord will be saved]
-TeQ NiQ - K.S.D.M.