Harmony Of The Gospels (Mathew,Mark,Luke,John-Synonymous Order) - For Any that May Have Had Disputed of "Difference"
Harmony Of The Gospels
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Downloaded From www.blueletterbible.com [Be aware of any other man made doctrine(s)]
So many people have that one conversation with with either someone also without understanding, or someone trying to confuse or deceive them otherwise than the bible when in question of "Are Mathew Mark Luke and John The Same?", or "Why are Mathew Mark Luke and John 'written DIFFERENTLY' ?" as most people chose to argue, WHICH IS NOT A QUESTION AT ALL, CONCERNING A LITERAL NEED FOR THE VERY QUESTIONS OBSERVATION AND UNDERSTANDING TO *ACTUALY STUDY THE MATTER AMONGST THE FOUR* PUT THEM ALL SIDE BY SIDE COLLECTIVELY.
It is interesting that upon finding this PDF from the blue letter bible website which was given to me by an acquaintance, that I HAD PERSONALY BEEN DOING THE STUDY MYSELF across a spreadsheet of 4-5 A4 pieces of paper stuck together, noting for each colum of (Mathew-Mark-Luke-John) each consecutive order of similar recording or one left out from the other, or if one was in one and not the other four, already knowing all of them were synonymous ALL PUT TOGETHER SIDE BY SIDE, just as when having looked at the book of revelation and the Holy Spirit having noted to me between the Seals, Trumpets and Bowls, that the numbers of each speak the exact same issue, 7 Seals, 6 Trumpets and 7 bowls, SIDE BY SIDE being EXTREMELY EVIDENT in Trumpet no. 6 having to do with the River Euphrates and 4 angels tu4ning into 200 000 000 soldiers to kill a 3rd of mankind (sounds like "terrorism and violence" - e.g. 9/11 and issues surrounding "the middle east", and Bowl no.6 Also having to do with LITERAL EVIDENCE OF THE EUPHRATES RIVER DRYING (since at least 2012), 6th bowl, 6th Trumpet, leaving NO QUESTION about the 6th Seal (Cosmic disturbances and issues pertaining to a finality/totality of a darkened sun and a specified long period of "reded moon").
So here are the screenshots for you to understand what i meant concerning theu sual quite useless argument concerning any "difference" and if you ever we're told there may be or we're given reason as though was anything "left out from either four", realise also, that these event were a period of time that has not been EXACTLY verified by all, but "close enough" if you were to consider ever having heard that "Jesus *began his ministry*(so to speak, even from a baby he did) at the age of 33(water to wine at the wedding, and died at the age of (Estimated) 33 Years of Age, so that makes all recordings from the water turning to wine and just before, to the crucifixion about THREE YEARS(3 years), of recording, THESE OBVIOUSLY BEING OF GREAT IMPORTANCE TO SIGNIFY ALL ELSE EVEN OF ANYONE ELSE INVOLVED WITH HIM CONCERNING SUCH TIME PERIOD.