The 1000 Year Reign With Christ on The Plane of Existence we know today

The 1000 Year Reign with Christ on this very plane of existence and earth that we know today

The 1000 year reign with Christ known as "The First Resurection", happens and is on this very plane of existence with heaven and earth as we know it writtin of in Revelation Chapter 20 coming after 19 where the beast and false prophet are taken/captured & cast into the lake of fire, the devil bound with a great chain & cast into the bottomless pit, & those whom having received the mark by the time Jesus comes are slain by the sword of his mouth & those alive (who remain:1Thess4) have the dead that did not receive the mark who died before this happening, risen to be "caught up" in the "clouds"(of witness) receiving thrones & reigning with Christ for 1000 years. Those who had died before this having received the mark are not raised and obviously those slain by the sword of Jesus' mouth are not present for the 1000 years as it writes "the rest of the dead did not live until the 1000 years were over.

There are 4 significant things of this timeframe, (1) there is immediate casting into the lake of fire for the fasle prophet(false religious) spiritual entity, (2) there is immediate casting into the lake of fire for the beast (econo-socio-political) spiritual entity, (3) the devil is cast into the bottomless pit, and (4) there is no babylonian harlot city of principle tying giving to receiving and receiving to giving.

The other significance of those whom are present for this 1000 years, as it is written "The Seccond Death" has no power over them.

This "seccond death" is when fire comes down from heaven devouring those deceived by the devil having been released from its prison & cast into ghe lake of fire after the extremely short deception, then all the books are open of mans works, the One Book Of Life, and "The Great White Throne Judgement" is done, having death and hades cast into the lake of fire as well as those who are not found in the book of life cast into the lake of fire.

For the 1000 years what are written of as "Gog & Magog" in the four corners of the earth, which are the ones noted being deceived, it very much evident why it is written "Blessed and Holy is he who has part in the first resurretion", naming them as priests of God and Christ reigning with him for this 1000 years.

From a timeline look, knowing that being fruitful and multiplying will not stop, & why Gog and Magog are descriptively numbered "as the sand of the sea" whos grains are not possible for man to count, they are obvioisly the offspring of those whom the seccond death has no power over, and for 1000 years have no exposure to any evil spiritial entity between the 4 significant absences of the beast, false prophet, babylonian harlot city & the devil itself.

When the devil is released for a short time, it is more than evident they are the only ones able to be deceived besides those who begin at the taking part of the 1000 year reign with Christ having overcome not receving the mark of the beast & resisting the devil's spirit and having come out of the harlot city of principle having had experience beforehand to discern such when the devil is released for that short time.

Some people are fed a mixture of perceiving this 1000 year reign as though it were "a different earth" or as though "it is happening right now" as though Gog and Magog are knowable now, which is not true.

Given the scriptural Chronology from Chapter 19 of what is usualy called "the seccond coming" of Christ written of as "The Marriage Supper of The Lamb", it is obvious there is mo babylonian harlot city during Chapter 20's 1000 Year Reign of the first resurection, why chapters 17&18 speak of its fall with and in great violence in one hour meaning extremely suddenly, why the "one taken and one left" portions in Luke17 & Mathew24 are written of between two in one bed at rest, two in the field of harvest, and two at the grinding mill of processing harvest.

Rest assured & rejoice knowing that as long as there is such a thing as "monetism" or currency, there is a very soon coming end to all such, even the spiritual and physical plaguing of the beast and false prophet spiritual influence and entities. Also rejoice in knowing that this is part of the promise of belieivng in Jesus Christ now as we live whatever happens and ourselves outworkint our faith in His finished work at the cross as the sheep who hear his voice.

The New Heavens and New Earth are in Chaptrr 21 and 22 which are after the end of the 1000 years where those who died receiving the mark are not present until being raised for the seccond death and the Book of Life Opened being all castings of the devil and those who are not found in it into the lake of fire.

The mark of the beast is doctrinal between the 3 areas of life, (1) things, (2) man and woman made in Gods image, (3) stewardship of the fruitd of the earth and life, being the various oposite "man made" doctrines(why it says it is "mark of a man" given the no 6 three times) that pervert & do not agree with the word of God seeing that (1)All things God made are good(soils, waters, breathables, plants, animals), (2) Oneness of flesh & being are an eternal reality, (3) freely giving and freely receiving.

The right hand means what one teaches others and forwards or promotes/furthers in life (works of ones hands), & the forehead means what one believes and has faith in, God's people also being sealed on their forehead with the word of God in Soundness.

Because of it being teaching and doctrine, it is for anyonr who has come to the knowledge of Christ to simply reject and reform, being renewed by the word of God & not conformed to the world(which is doctrinaly/teaching based).

The word "receive" in context of the mark of the beast is rejecting the word of God's teaching which is of the being & nature of the Holy Spirit.



