Eternal Oneness of Flesh & Being Revealed : The Demonic Reality of what they call "Soul Ties", the Similarity with and how "Generational Curses" do not exist & "marine spirits" are Spiritualy Super Imposed Manifestations

Oneness of flesh & the reality about and for people dealing with past oneness of flesh relations and being taught about "Soul Ties", sometimes otherwise reffered to by others in context of "Generational Curses".

So many people are deceived to believe that Oneness of flesh and being is a temporary reality when in fact it is an Eternal Everlasting one since the begining of Creation, Genesis 1 is where Man and Woman's Spirital Conception before the fleshly manifest and placement in the physical realm extremely confirms this, God adressing the heavenly Hosts whom he has made in His image already, then making Male and Female, man and woman IN HIS OWN IMAGE where oneness of flesh and being can be seen from Adam's first words "......they will become one flesh", of course understanding why ".....on earth as it is in heaven" makes sense from the first line of Genesis1:1(a quick fall for darkness in vs2) to the first line of Genesis2:1 considering the Hosts's of both the Heavens and Earth as adressed by God in man's spiritual conception in Genesis1:26-27, His Fleshly Conception between Male and Female from Genesis 2:7 to its end of verse 25.

(For clarity on "the tree OF KNOWLEDGE of good and evil" & what happened between the physical snake and the devils serpent like spirit interacting with eve, Go to the posts ("Detailed Breakdown - Tree OF KNOWLEDGE of Good & Evil" and "An Insightful Look into the Old Testament through New Testament Eyes")

The only reason the concept and idea of "Soul Ties" exists is because the reality of life is that Oneness Of Flesh is the Highest point of contact between and amongst people in its nature and bond between a male and female counterpart mutualy becoming one and no longer two seperate entities concerning mutual physical and spiritual commitment as well as communion inside and outwardly in intersexual action, the wisdom of the world not acknowledging fully the importance and gravity of the union when it comes to anyones actual state of BEING concerning a man or woman's created purpose and understanding of what happens Spiritualy around this very kind of relationship.

What secular religion calls "Soul Ties" are actualy Spiritual attacks concerning anyone's conscience and being when it comes to oneness of flesh because of how much the devil and demons hate the power and soundness of Spirit, mind and being that can come from mutual faithfulness and commitment inside and out, not to mention the blessings of life giving to others made in God's image and the abundant fruitfulness of God honouring the marriage bed (inward and outward eternal commitment)

It is important for people to realise also that "Generational Curses" do not exist, and anyone and everyone, wether they chose to believe in God and Jesus Christ or not, have real adversarys roaming around like a prowling lion seeking whom they may devour called the devil and demons, the problem being with those whom try to mix worldly doctrine with the word of God, or those who do not chose to believe in Jesus Christ in Spirit and Truth(e.g. witchdoctors), is that they have obscured Spiritual discernment of reality, especialy those who deny any Spiritual actuality of Life entirely (believing there is no God) even lacking it entirely, worse for those who outrightly put their faith in Satanism and promote & claim the spiritual works of evil done therof, all these except for the iInitial and actual Truth are basicaly the same.

Especialy for those suffering memories from experience of continual oneness of flesh(sexual) departure, even ritual intersexual and sexual abuse where their oneness of flesh was used as a point of contact, or have even in the past come out of conciously engaging in these kind of activities themselves, have come to know Christ, and no longer have any will or commitment toward such kind of being, it is important to know the truth about these matters.

This may be hard to make sense of for anyone whom still wants to be that way, or has been taught and believes certain things such as the lies as though in heaven there is any partner swapping, or mutliple sexual activity of any kind making excuses for the evils that try to plague man on earth where it should be as it is in heaven and not the other way around.

So many people today have been taught, told about, or carried over the generation old "explaination" of "soul ties" for any strange dreams of sexual nature or perhaps certain spiritual manifests that occur surrounding matters of oneness of flesh, when infact there are spiritual entities that try to attack people even through doctrine and teaching of the learned & experiential conscience in order to counterfeit, or confuse them and others in order to destroy their given purpose and destiny by God.

The first thing to note, is that so many self professed christians fail to understand that oneness of flesh is indeed oneness of being, which is not temporary, and others because of the way so many peoole have termed any manifestations even use the term "marine spirits" when trying to explain a "source" of any oposite sex manifestations in someone's life e.g. dreams had of sexual encounter that are para-reality and such.

Why scripture is insisted to be stuck to for its extremely straight forward understanding, when it comes to the matter of oneness of being, the first chapter in genesis has God showing that the Heavenly Hosts themselves are also made in His Image, the first line of man's spiritual conception before the physical placement in the garden saying "let us make man in our image" it then continuing into "IN HIS IMAGE, He made them, male and female", indicating a oneness of being and predestination for anyone born either male or female, and knowing that God is eternal, Heaven as well and its hosts, and also is the state of oneness of being without question.

The fallen angels gave up their origional habitation and origional abode/home/dwelling (even state of being), which is a quick fall given in the very seccond line of genesis where we find "and the earth was without form and void, and **darkness** was on the face of the deep", but for sakes of what i an writting here i will stick to this part from the much that can be taken from understanding how fast the devil and 1/3 of the stars from the sky (angels he deceived) fell.

These fallen angels have no oneness of being to reffer to and either side male or female are departed spirits attempting to plague mankind.

In short anyone can understand that THE DEVIL AND DEMONS HATE FAITHFULNESS AND COMMITMENT INWARDLY AND OUTWARDLY when it comes to oneness of flesh, so people have had hard times trying to describe anything that the New Testament e.g. 1Corinthians7 speaks of as "trouble in the flesh", which at the point of its greatest understanding has not so much to do with physical bodily discomfort, but various temptations that can come from either imposed questionable thoughts, or other people of worldly and oposite nature to understanding that oneness of flesh is an eternal truth, who usualy become vessels of departure by these departed spirits trying to destroy relationships. For any question of infidelity between two who are entirely internaly and externaly commited to one another, settlements of hearts and necesary openess and truthfulness for whatever the question may be are extremely simple affirmations or confirmations to communicate and joyfuly display, e.g. in this day and age, spouses who want to know if anything of such nature is going on around their spouses cellphone communication, where those who actualy have things going on will not want their other half to see or know what is happening on their phone or in any similar kind of area in life.

It is not normal for anyone not to want to let the other half of themselves know what happens at any given time if need be from them in direct communication, yes trusting God, but God even communicates confirms and affirms us as well in such cases, where we also are there to do so amongst each other. Such can be likened to not wanting your foot on the gas pedal while driving know that you can see a car swerving into your lane so it can switch to the brakes and avoid an accident, or simply not wanting yourself to let yourself know what you are thinking or doing at any given time. Yes, God knows us all inside and out, and such is how well two that are mutualy commited inside and out know each other compared to brother and sister, or even parents and their children from a point of BEING, aside from any "likeness of outward observation".

For the sakes of fully understanding people's ideology around "soul ties", it really is a simple matter when considering people either male or female who have fallen prey to constant and continual departure from members of the oposite sex in oneness of flesh encounter namely known as sex, which is the highest point of intimate contact between people made in Gods image trancending brotherly or sisterly relationships across the board young and old.

When someone departs from a person and engages in oneness of flesh relations with another person, they are left with memories, though the Spirit and Truth faith Fact of the matter is that the reality does not exist any longer, and the devil can attempt to use their thinking as a confusion wether the person has departed immediately unknowingly to the departee(which will always eventualy be revealed/realised since God honours the marriage bed), or even in full knowledge knowing the person has departed for another. The world does not acknowledge that such is "knowable" or has any physical effects on both the departee and departed, yet from understanding the nature of ongoingness in state of BEING, this can't be the case.

Nobody is in bondage to these kind of happenings, as it is written, if the Non Believer departs, let them depart, (1Corinthians7) A BROTHER OR SISTER IS NOT IN BONDAGE IN SUCH CASES, because departure from oneness of flesh INWARDLY OR OUTWARDLY is non believer activity and teaching of such kind, it actualy being fornication and adultery.

Some people when departed from, since they themselves we're honestly committed and do know and understand the value of espousal reality in life, can still have the longing or will to have their oneness of flesh fulfilled so much that it is a lingering heartfeltness or thought, where 1Corinthians7 speaks of the "burning", as in "burning DESIRE" to marry (meaning oneness of flesh).

Here some people have to be careful and draw a fine line between all the categories of kinds of peope adressed in 1Corinthians7:

1-Virgins that wish to remain that way

(Whom at any time finding someone to mutualy commit to in oneness of flesh and being can chose to do so, such not being a sin. Also note 1Timothy4 speaking of seducing spirits which "forbid to marry", which does not mean the decision to remain aa one is, but not acknowledging that oneness of flesh and being are an eternal reality, of which the word "marry" should mean "become one flesh", but the world deems it a ceremony based on "being given" by 2nd and/or 3rd party persons. Also notd that the 144 000 count of virgins in the book of revelation is thoroughly described as "not defiled by 'women' " the word of plural refference meaning and pointing at "multiple sexual encounters)

2-Believer Believer Relationships

(A Male and Female Believer in mutual commitment and understanding of oneness of flesh and being, being an eternal truth)

3-Believer Non Believer Relationships

(A male believer and female believer or female believer and male believer, the believer "wishing to dwell with" the non believing counterpart, and much caution given because of non belief such as the refference "how do you know oh wife/husband if you will save your wife/husband" in reference to their faith and corresponding actions, noting that non belief in Christ teaching, doctrine and lifestyle always lean toward inward or outward departure which a brother or sister is not in bondage to in such cases, and if anyone is departed from, they can also chose to remain that way, or if and when finding someone to mutualy commit to in oneness of flesh, can do so, such not being a sin to do so.)

4-Widows/Widowers that chose to remain that way

(The word "reccomended" in refference to "remaining after a spouse has passed away" is used here because in the case of believer-believer relationships, there is the first Resurection in Christ with direct reference to Revelation 20 after 19, the 1000 year reign ON THIS EARTH AS WE KNOW IT, Gog and Magog being the offspring of those who live in this period where there is no beast, false prohpet or devil, for believers who do not receive the mark of the beast even if to survive until his coming, those who died not receiving are raised, but the rest of the dead who died receiving as well as those alive having received it at Jesus' coming and slain by the sword of his mouth, do not live until the 1000 years is over where Gog and Magog being the only ones able to be deceived. since not having been exposed to the presence of the devil whom is loosed at the end of the 1000 years, in whos destruction the book of life is opened as all people from all time until then are raised and final judgement is done ushering into the new heavens and new earth.)

5-Widows/Widowers that chose to remarry

(much caution given here against the heart of continual departure and room for anyone to consider their relationship <if the person was a believer or not> with God however it was, noting that if they chose to remarry <if the person was a believer that passed, but this is highly unlikely to want to move on in full knowledge of christ unless drawn back into other belief by the world>, they would be then departing from their prior oneness of flesh, and then afterward, if having gotten into what turns out to be a relationship with someone who departed from them, then it becomes difficult to describe for the natural man how to explain the first ressurection, though it is very straight forward in Christ, even considering they can remain as they are, knowing very well that their oneness of flesh is on Christ, in the same nature virgins male or female are not void of their predestined oneness of flesh and being in christ)

***For (5) One could give a geneological example with Abraham & Sarah/Hagar descendant lineage as an example, because after Sarah's death, Abraham kept having multiple intersexual relationships (concubines), and when on his death bed gave all he had to Isaac, and sent away the children of the concubines giving them gifts one by one towards the east, asking to be buried next to Sarah's grave. Its quite interesting how Ishmael had many son's and no wife's name is given, the son's also relocated toward Assyria and Egypt, and Isaac only had two children Jacob and Esau by Rebekah(one wife).

Back to the issue around the terminology "Soul Ties", and people's spiritual experience, it is simple to note that even virgins know there is such an interaction of sexual nature, and it is obvious that those who wish to remain that way simply DO NOT ENGAGE IN IT, wether in thought or heart, the same goes for anyone having been departed from whom choses to remain that way, they simply DO NOT ENGAGE IN IT, those who do eventualy find someone who undertands that oneness of flesh and being are an eternal truth may infact chose to, but prior to this and not making the decision, NO ONE IS FORCED TO THINK, BEHAVE, OR IMAGINE that way.

This portion is strange for the world to understand because of its nature e.g. the teaching of the ideological term "sexy", where the meaning is, as if loosely thrown around amongst brothers and sisters, as though it has no heartfeltness or mindfulness to it, but just as the way Jesus said "if you look on a woman/man and lust over them, it is just as bad as doing it", of which so many people are misslead by the worlds "sexual eye", that they almost automaticaly say to themselves or others "SO NO ONE CANNOT LUST, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE NOT TO LUST OVER THE OPOSITE SEX", which is entirly not true and in the oposite direction towards the truth that, "NO ONE WAS MADE THAT WAY AND ACTUALY IS MADE CONTENT WITH THEIR OWN ONENESS OF FLESH IN CHRIST, THAT THEY WERE TAUGHT BY THE WORLD(OF PRINCIPLES AND UNGODLY DOCTRINE<S>) AND CAUSED TO BELIEVE THAT THEY WE'RE THAT WAY OF LOOKING UPON OTHERS AND LUSTING" 

(e.g. the concept of "sexy", ones parents, children, brothers and sisters ARE NOT ONENESS OF FLESH, & even in this concept of "sanctified confines" between and amongst any man and woman of oneness of flesh and being, THEIR SEXUALITY<considering the word "sexiness"> IS NOT DESIGNATED FOR OTHERS, nor is it grounds for "standard of presentation", and infact means "NAKEDNESS<sexiness>", involving "the ideological<imaginative/imagination-al> uncovering of ones fleshly sexuality/sexuality of being concerning oneness", WHICH EVEN A MAN AND WOMAN WITHIN THEIR CONFINES OF ONENESS OF FLESH AND BEING ARE ETERNALY AND EVERLASTINGLY CONTENT WITH EACH OTHER'S NAKEDNESS BEING COVERED AND FOR NO ONE ELSE'S WITNESS/CONSIDERATION,COMMUNION OF BESIDES THEMSELVES IN UNION WITH GOD THE FATHER IN CHRIST.)

This is why Jesus said "it is better to enter the kingdom with one eye than with two and be cast into hell....", (Mark9:47) which does not mean removal of ones physical eye, but removal of THIS VERY DOCTRINE AND TEACHING or "way of looking at members of either sex, male or female", oneself being of either with one's own conscience concerning oneness of flesh/being, the same going for "the hand offending thee", or "the foot offending thee", (hand = works of hands<what one teaches others & promotes doctrinaly>, foot=path or DESIRED direction in life of harlotry, even concerning the mark of the beast and "forhead" meaning "what one believes-has faith in-one's faith", the people of God also being sealed on their forehead in the book of revelation of the uncountable number of people from all nations, tribes, tongues and people/kindred-kinds of people. 

At this point, obviously, already as noted, we are speaking of visualy oriented imaginative harlotry, the lustful eye of such toward anyone of the oposite sex, such works of the hands, or walking as such ARE EXPOSED FROM THE ROOT OF THEM by all that Jesus spoke of in Mathew15 when he described in detail what it is that actualy defiles a person coming from the heart, harmful doings to others, lying, evil concocting, killing, amongst those of intersexual perversions.

Another scripture that also helps peolple understand more about the spiritual environment of life, wether internaly or externaly, is that which says "Why do you take thought saying....", which was in refference to worry's 'for the/to-morrow' but revealing much concerning any ones "consciencial self" 'NOT NEEDING TO be taking thought of the CONSCIENCE OF OTHERS', reflective of Paul amongst 1Corinthians8-11*11:30*(food sacrificed to idols) when speaking of "conscience" directly and properly concluding in answer of question "WHY IS MY LIBERTY JUDGED BY ANOTHER "MAN'S CONSCIENCE<partial man made doctrine has refferal here as oposed to GODS FULLNESS OF TRUTH AND WISDOM>.

Just the portion "take thought", gives us that not every single IMPOSED thinking is automaticaly correct, which from more scripture concerning the Discernment of Spirits(which we should know that which even come by doctrine), enlightens us that because of doctrine and teaching, which also aught to be discerned and the word of God rightly divided, that darkness and light are not the same thing, anyone given the light of the word of God able to understand as much, other than being taught to neglect discernment and see as though light and darkness in doctrine are the same thing.

At this point, it is important to note where we started with genesis and what these "marine spirits" that people term in connection with the phrase "soul ties" actualy are, as in any spiritual manifestation you will find if a demon does manifest in someone perhaps a female, it may declare itself their husband, or a male his wife, but honestly demons and the devil are extremely deceptive there being such as lying spirits, all which only come to steal kill and destroy, either male or female manifests of which are departed spirits entirely attempting to seduce man or woman into lustful engagement inside or out.

The reason so many things are important to consider doctrinaly and teaching wise, why even to mention "IMAGINATION", versus those very departed memories is because Imagination is a prayerful mindfulness that should be based on reality in Spirit and Truth, but the worlds doctrines and teaching of such, starting from what it calls "literature" in the context of "fiction", or and such derivative, moving onto things such as "entertainment", are rarely considered spiritualy engaging, yet in the book of acts we find a good example where paul in a certain location where people we're engaged in idolatry, after witnessing the lords power and strength, they burned all their books and literature which was actualy "witchcraft". In this day and age, there are so many levels of it to consider when it comes to media and the mediums which carry doctirne and teaching, let alone even simply people amongst each other even just by their behaviour by oral tradition or example of charachter, "Social Porn" being a neglected subject of understanding by many people because of "entertainment" & its "lifestyle influence", all this said to understand at least the gravity of "intersexual imagination" for the context of this writing, though applicable elsewhere, e.g. (publishings of false witness-false information-false spiritual truth of reality)

Worldly knowledge does not reffer to any sexual activity in the context of oneness of flesh or being, but more as though it is a distant experience between two bodies of members of the oposite sex, it even reffering to "same sex" encounters, when in fact much can be realised in the truth of understanding oneness of flesh and being, that much more can be "felt", percieved, or experienced inwardly due to the extreme height of intimacy and trancending relationship even beyond that with those whom anyone has been conceived through, the children they conceive through it, even brothers and sisters amongst, oneness of flesh even having started from a brother and sister relationship and trancending such, making it the most unique and outstanding sort of relationship that any person can share with one member of the oposite sex, this relationship being subject to God even in it being the most intimate place where two can agree, there being the Spirit of God for such commitment and meaning of being one flesh.

So to note, for anyone who has dealt with departure issues by anyone else, as a brother or sister in Christ, 1Corinthians7 clearly give understanding that you are in no way tied to those people whom departed from you, nor are you a continual part of any demonic rituals that used the point of contact of your oneness of flesh with them, nor are you subject to any demonic manifests that can be overcome by prayer and faith in Jesus Christ.

When it comes to prayer for anyone who might be going through anything of this sort, it comes back to Mark16, where there is no need to "break the generational curse", but if necessary, to cast out the demon in Jesus Name as follows we who believe, even the presence of God for us all is impossible for such to withstand.

When it comes to the terminology "generational curses" which some people suggest that any marital issues arise from such nature in the case of someone having trouble finding a faithful spouse, or someone troubled by "learned sexual thoughts/temptations from worldly doctrines outside Christ", and how so many who use this term link things like someone's pain in the chest to a grandfather or great grandfather who complained about such, or whatever may have happened because of such spiritual attacks, always remember that the devil is what one could call "sentimentaly evil", and would be trying to deceive them or other people around the person it is attacking to further their superstition, instead of them actualy knowing the truth that it just attempts to study people, those around them, what they believe themselves as well as others, in context of divination, having studied those who have passed away concocting and super-imposing lying exagerated present-like expressions trying to use all these for destructive purposes, when our focus should be on the kingdom of God in all the power he has given us to excersize authority over serpents and scorpions(demonic entitys), and bring as many as we can to the Light of Christ in the Father.

For more refference and clarity about oneness of flesh matters, for instance, in the context of when Jesus was asked about the woman whom had one husband after the other passing on and lastly herself passing all with no children and asked who's husband she will be in the resurection, this question was carefuly crafted by the pharisees and saducees whom very well knew that two people aught to commit sexualy to one another by consent between them, but were drawn away by traditions of dowry being the means and reason for commitment as well as so many generations of people only engaging in such relationships because of material inheritance and heritage of properties, them leaving out the having of children as though to fool jesus whom very well knew even those people even today who have children but have later been departed from even multiple times. His answer was simple and straight forward, them asking "in the resurection, who's wife will she be?" Saying "Neither of theirs, for in the ressurection (whom he is), they neither "mary" or "are GIVEN in marriage", but "ARE AS THE ANGELS", which goed directly back to Genesis 1 in the initial spiritual conception of Man, God saying to the heavenly hosts "Let us make man in our image, IN HIS IMAGE HE MADE THEM male and female", this "given" emphasized even more in the context of the following physical conception when adam was formed from the dust of the ground and after naming all the animals and being presented eve the first woman made from his rib saying ".... for this reason a man and a woman will leave their mother and father and become one flesh", this "leaving" identified and celebrated by the mothers and fathers being nothing of a consent from nor a payment for or to be able to do so, but by mutual commitment and engament between the two, also "leave" meaning from their parents "intimate confines" if to be understood correctly in the context of "being of age", of course nothing sexual because no one is one flesh with their father or mother even though they are conceived through the relationship, and no one is one flesh with their children even though they are conceived through the same kind of relationship.

There is also mention of "man made tradition" in Mathew15 where dowry falls into category when Jesus spoke about parents profiting from their children, in where he said that the pharisees and saducees say it is alright for a child to say to their parents "whatsoever you profut from me is a gift", where a "gift" is not a "profit" but freely given, elsewhere in Hebrews also written "parents lay up for their children and not children for their parents, obviously why the pharisees and saducees we're so offended along with the truth that "it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person but what comes from the heart", Jesus listing those evil things that could proceed from it.

The portion of peoples declaration of person after having been departed from where the world has terminology calling past sexual encountered people of the oposite sex "exes", is quite a questionable wording, considering that the only thing that can be acknowledged in terms of any oneness of flesh bond is void and no longer.

Besides the memory of past sexual interaction and maybe emotional scars of memories left, aside from all these anyone AT MOST can only be a brother or sister, and of they consider themselves an enemy to you still in any continual malicious intent and behaviour then such is to be noted.

Because of the utmost reality that Jesus revealed showing that even to look on a woman/man to lust is just as bad as doing it, technicaly anyone that one would have imagined in such manner, even their favouritr TV celebrity that they never met, or even did meet at a show and take pictures with, fall into the same category, at this point it being besides the person themselves doing so back to them, or even knowing, hopefuly actualy wanting nothung to do with such kind of interaction or entertain it on their own part of inter-social purposeful behaviour.

What i am pointing out here, is the same as when someone is taught evil by the world having been born pure, and then repentant of any evil engagement in to christ, of which that old nature no longer exists, needs to be accesed, or even acted upon, even though they can recall the memories but have no association with any of the intimate engament at heart or in mind.

This is the same way to understand that even if a member of the oposite sex removed any clothing in front of you, it does not mean you have to or are automaticaly engaged in any fantasy, imagination, or sexual idea and can tell them to put their clothes back on immediately or remove yourself from their physical presence if able to do so.

("flee fornication" - do not engage with the thoughts or actions - should come to mind and being, but given the inapropriate nature of the kind of distracting and disturbing things people can do these days i.e. if you left the room, physical demographic, they would steal important things, that being their main objective of stripping naked - this is quite a demonicaly worst case scenario in whatever variation it may come in).

Note : in public on the streets or anywhere at all because of how people of the world dress, there are those who dress half naked, and no one is forced in any way to think sexualy or look at them for sexual reasoning.

They are also people as well, and the truth is that there is decisive spirituality behind their reason for dressing, some knowing the truth and in outright denial, few merely deceived by "fashion and trending", but the conviction of a regular person who very well knows if they are covered or not in and with all. Your own example of behaviour and being clothed is the bulk of example for their conviction, the same way because of those that they "spend time of acceptability" amongst cause them to feel comfortable in whatever numbers they may be, perhaps not having even one single person available to give them example otherwise. "Bad company corrupts good habits", or at least tries to, but being born of the incoruptable seed of God is where our help comes for such matters.

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