An Insightful Look Into The Old Testament Through New Testament Eyes
*An insightful look at the Old Testament Via the New Testament*
The Old Testament and covenant have been very missunderstood by people over generations to whom scripture and writting has been passed down for thousands of years.
In Deutronomy and Leviticus, it is often forgotten that for certain issues such as what people were told to eat, God foresaw and commanded things such as their distaste and disgust that would be of the things that were sacrificed to idols by those other nations and peoples who were bent on Godlessness and idolatry. Remember that when Noahs ark landed he was given by Ģod that all creeping things on the earth meaning all animal life was to be food for them and instructed them not to eat the flesh with the blood in which there is life but as time went on the principle elements of idolatry began to spring up in the worship of false gods by demonic principle that caused many people to stumble from believing that all creation besides man in the physical realm is Good. Re:1Timothy4.
Also take note of how the sacrificing of animals began in the garden of eden where the tree of *knowledge* of Good and Evil bore the balance of killing(evil) and giving of life(Good). The MIDST of the garden is often interpreted as a physical position similar to saying "middle" or "center", but with the Wisdom of Gods understanding we can see that it is a tree of KNOWLEDGE and it beng in the midst or amongst points more to Adam and Evem themselves whom were in the midst of the garden having been given dominion over it, the kingdom of God being within, or in the very midst of oneness. Their hearts and minds Spiritualy bear more meaning about what "midst" means even in eves encounter with the serpent while the voice she was hearing was the devils voice and not the snake itself speaking but being the point of contact that the devil chose for temptation.
Instead of adam and eve overcoming the temptation of the devils voice through the serpent, the entire knowledge of preparation when it comes to animal life was not yet revealed to them and the knowledge of evil(killing) was excersized upon encounter with the serpent by eve and the fruit of the tree of knowledge of Good and evil shared with adam by which they both began to realise that they were naked.
Take note that God came in personaly and with all readiness made coats of skin for adam and eve to wear, in which all the knowledge of how to kill animals as well as deal with the blood and flesh obviously involving fire and tools was excersized before adam and eve as they were created coats from skin. Though the specific animal involved is not mentioned, it was obviously a large one or ones that were big enough to make two coats for both of them, perhaps a bull, goats lambs or rams, as we can seen in leviticus and deutronomy the kinds of animals that were used for sacrifices also cooked and eaten by those making the burnt offerings but there is no need to speculate beyond knowing they were given coats of skin/hide/flesh, and it is obvious that they were given this knowledge by God seeing that Abels sacraficing included butchering and removal of fat from his sheep.
Its obvious also that if eve and adam had overcome the temptation by the devil using the serpent that God was STILL going to introduce to them things like how to make fire, butchering and preparation of animals and what they could do with them like the making of their coats of skin and such at which point the knowledge of killing would not have been excersized amongst mankind but stayed in the realm of being used on animal life only for preparation of foods sake.
It is really important to note that all the animals that were sacraficed in the Old Testament were also considered food cooked and eaten and often partaken of by those making the sacrafices, as well that the grain offerings and drink offerings were also partaken of both by the preists at the altars as well as the participants whom came with their offerings.
It is important to highlight How God has not changed since the begining and to separate what did change in terms of the covenant that people were operating on based on the promise that adam and eve were given in the garden, and to understand it is the same promise given to Abraham being the only way that he would be the father of many nations and also to David as well and passed on so that it goes all the way to the first coming of Jesus begining the New Testament and Covenant.
Deutronomy has many lawful dictations that inculde the stoning of people in error, punishments of different kinds as well as a grim beggining in exodus where the sons of Levi are commanded by moses to kill their brothers and sons after the extreme chaos that became in the hearts of the israelites when Aaron was convinced to make a golden calf god for the people of israel before the levitical priesthood was setup.
What has not changed about God is that He has ALWAYS desired mercy above sacrifice and this can be traced all the way back to Abraham and Isaac his promised son where the initial instruction was to sacrifice his son, but upon obedience and just before he raised his knife to strike his son, a ram caught in the thicket was found as God commanded him to repalce his son on the altar with the ram representing Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God offered for our sins.
Where most people get the Old testament wrong is by not being able to see the mistakes of certain people, i.e. anyone indulging in multiple husbandry or Abraham indulging in concubines after Sarah died and Isaac found a wife as though he felt finished with what God had asked him to do now chosing to do so out of the will to multiply his lineage. It does not say that God told Him to take on concubines, these were his own decisions. (Genesis 25)
There are many issues revolving around man made traditions that date back to the time of Cain and Abel who's dispute we can see was over God's judging of each ones heartfeltness of their sacrifices to Him, one being the flesh of animals by Abel and the other simply vegitation by Cain, neither being better but God seeing His heart in the context of him rising up against his brother. Things may have turned out different had they both offered animal flesh of which it is obvious that cain would have needed to ask his brother for one fatling of his flock, or perhaps to both share in their offerings to God, but that is not what happened, as well as noting that the traditional respectfulness of age difference between the two caused the older brother to be jealous of the younger seeing that the older was a tiller of the land and the younger a hearder of sheep.
The Old Testament and covenant have been very missunderstood by people over generations to whom scripture and writting has been passed down for thousands of years.
In Deutronomy and Leviticus, it is often forgotten that for certain issues such as what people were told to eat, God foresaw and commanded things such as their distaste and disgust that would be of the things that were sacrificed to idols by those other nations and peoples who were bent on Godlessness and idolatry. Remember that when Noahs ark landed he was given by Ģod that all creeping things on the earth meaning all animal life was to be food for them and instructed them not to eat the flesh with the blood in which there is life but as time went on the principle elements of idolatry began to spring up in the worship of false gods by demonic principle that caused many people to stumble from believing that all creation besides man in the physical realm is Good. Re:1Timothy4.
Also take note of how the sacrificing of animals began in the garden of eden where the tree of *knowledge* of Good and Evil bore the balance of killing(evil) and giving of life(Good). The MIDST of the garden is often interpreted as a physical position similar to saying "middle" or "center", but with the Wisdom of Gods understanding we can see that it is a tree of KNOWLEDGE and it beng in the midst or amongst points more to Adam and Evem themselves whom were in the midst of the garden having been given dominion over it, the kingdom of God being within, or in the very midst of oneness. Their hearts and minds Spiritualy bear more meaning about what "midst" means even in eves encounter with the serpent while the voice she was hearing was the devils voice and not the snake itself speaking but being the point of contact that the devil chose for temptation.
Instead of adam and eve overcoming the temptation of the devils voice through the serpent, the entire knowledge of preparation when it comes to animal life was not yet revealed to them and the knowledge of evil(killing) was excersized upon encounter with the serpent by eve and the fruit of the tree of knowledge of Good and evil shared with adam by which they both began to realise that they were naked.
Take note that God came in personaly and with all readiness made coats of skin for adam and eve to wear, in which all the knowledge of how to kill animals as well as deal with the blood and flesh obviously involving fire and tools was excersized before adam and eve as they were created coats from skin. Though the specific animal involved is not mentioned, it was obviously a large one or ones that were big enough to make two coats for both of them, perhaps a bull, goats lambs or rams, as we can seen in leviticus and deutronomy the kinds of animals that were used for sacrifices also cooked and eaten by those making the burnt offerings but there is no need to speculate beyond knowing they were given coats of skin/hide/flesh, and it is obvious that they were given this knowledge by God seeing that Abels sacraficing included butchering and removal of fat from his sheep.
Its obvious also that if eve and adam had overcome the temptation by the devil using the serpent that God was STILL going to introduce to them things like how to make fire, butchering and preparation of animals and what they could do with them like the making of their coats of skin and such at which point the knowledge of killing would not have been excersized amongst mankind but stayed in the realm of being used on animal life only for preparation of foods sake.
It is really important to note that all the animals that were sacraficed in the Old Testament were also considered food cooked and eaten and often partaken of by those making the sacrafices, as well that the grain offerings and drink offerings were also partaken of both by the preists at the altars as well as the participants whom came with their offerings.
This breaks down in understanding as what the New Testament calls communion represented by Jesus breaking the bread and passing the cup of wine representing his blood which in turn represents anything consumed by the body having strong warning about accepting all creation below man as consumable and Good which is proper discerning of the lords body in 1 Corinthians chapter 11 also reminds us of Spiritual communion as we consider the outworking of our salvation amongst one another.
1 Timothy 4 also shares that such acknowledgement and reminding of others is the foundation of good and sound doctrine that nourishes us in the Faith of Jesus Christ. Colossians 2 supports this as well as events such as peter being presented a blanket with all creeping animals being told to "take kill and eat" by the Lord Himself.
It is important to highlight How God has not changed since the begining and to separate what did change in terms of the covenant that people were operating on based on the promise that adam and eve were given in the garden, and to understand it is the same promise given to Abraham being the only way that he would be the father of many nations and also to David as well and passed on so that it goes all the way to the first coming of Jesus begining the New Testament and Covenant.
Deutronomy has many lawful dictations that inculde the stoning of people in error, punishments of different kinds as well as a grim beggining in exodus where the sons of Levi are commanded by moses to kill their brothers and sons after the extreme chaos that became in the hearts of the israelites when Aaron was convinced to make a golden calf god for the people of israel before the levitical priesthood was setup.
What has not changed about God is that He has ALWAYS desired mercy above sacrifice and this can be traced all the way back to Abraham and Isaac his promised son where the initial instruction was to sacrifice his son, but upon obedience and just before he raised his knife to strike his son, a ram caught in the thicket was found as God commanded him to repalce his son on the altar with the ram representing Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God offered for our sins.
Where most people get the Old testament wrong is by not being able to see the mistakes of certain people, i.e. anyone indulging in multiple husbandry or Abraham indulging in concubines after Sarah died and Isaac found a wife as though he felt finished with what God had asked him to do now chosing to do so out of the will to multiply his lineage. It does not say that God told Him to take on concubines, these were his own decisions. (Genesis 25)
There are many issues revolving around man made traditions that date back to the time of Cain and Abel who's dispute we can see was over God's judging of each ones heartfeltness of their sacrifices to Him, one being the flesh of animals by Abel and the other simply vegitation by Cain, neither being better but God seeing His heart in the context of him rising up against his brother. Things may have turned out different had they both offered animal flesh of which it is obvious that cain would have needed to ask his brother for one fatling of his flock, or perhaps to both share in their offerings to God, but that is not what happened, as well as noting that the traditional respectfulness of age difference between the two caused the older brother to be jealous of the younger seeing that the older was a tiller of the land and the younger a hearder of sheep.
Somewhere along the lines is the tendancy people have to exalt animal life above that of vegitation and think it lesser but both are Good in Gods eyes though plantlife does not roam and dwell the same, and both apear and taste different. The king James version of the bible does Justice to this mind by using the word "Meat" for both in genesis 1 where all plants are given as food for both the animals and man, as well as in Genesis 9 when Noahs ark landed and the word Meat" is used for when God "reminds"/command"s Noah that all animal life is food for man.
It is obvious that the old covenant and testament can be hard to understand becuase of the continual differences in ages or times and the nature of individuals recorded in it versus the community and collective circumstances that would occur also noting the many mistakes that were made by some of the people that God would chose i.e. David taking bathsheba as another wife after sending her husband into battle on the frontlines knowing very well that he was unfit for the task having him die in the end.
Why it is important to remember that God requires mercy and not sacrafice also rears its head in places like Genesis 34 where Dinah the daughter of Jacob comes across Sechem the prince of the land that Abraham was given for him and his descendants to dwell in whom came from a pagan culture.
In the story Dinah and Sechem meet when she is on the way to see the women of the land and it is written that he lay with her and "defiled" her(they had sex), meaning that the tradition of her hand in marriage being given to a family kinsman of closer relation within Abrahams deacendants was defiled.
You can read through the story and find how upon their sexual encounter Sechem Cleaved unto Her and Loved her and wanted her as his wife. Other translations use the word RAPE but it does not make sense that an act of rape results in LOVING and wanting exclusive marriage. The reason i say exclusive is because Sechem was noted to be the most honourable amongst Hamor the Kings household and the reason the word "defiled" or "Rape" are used is because the only thing that was defiled or raped was the traditional custom to marry a close relative of some sort in order to maintain bloodline on the premise of keeping from bringing the teachings of idol worship into the Abrahamic lineage of Gods promised people, but to remember that Abraham was called by God out of a gentile history after the scattering of language because of people wanting to build the tower of babel.
Sechem even goes to the extent of aproaching Jacob and Dinahs brothers whom were in the field acompanied by His Father the king in order to ask for her hand in marriage. It says that Jacob heard that he had defiled his daughter but the negative reaction that is written of only comes from her brothers.
It is written that the Sons of Jacob answered Hamor, Sechems father deceitfuly, and told both He and Sechem that if they would circumcise every male of their kingdom just as the Sons of Jacob were that they would give Sechem permission to marry Dinah. Sechem found no problem with agreeing with their request and even said that it was alright for both parties to mix families and have the Sons of Jacob take their daughters as men of their kingdom would marry into Jacobs family and Abrahams descendants.
As the story continues, right after all the males in Hamor and Sechems kingdom are circumcised, on the third day, Dinah's brothers namely Simeon and Levi took up their swords having discussed to themselves as if they were giving their sister into harlotry. Again as in many places it does not say that God told them to do so it records that they took it upon themselves to do so.
Simeon and Levi go on to slay Hamor and Sechem and then the sons of Jacob pilage the city again writting that it was because they "defiled" their sister, taking the sheep and oxen and even taking the wives of the men they slayed.
Upon returning to Jacob, their father rebukes them in telling them that they have now made him stink to the inhabitants of the land, being that they had commited murderous acts and Jacob and his household would suffer the revenge of it. It is obvious that Jacob was wiser than they were in what seems to be his silence about the matter nowhere having a record of his persona dissaproval. Dinah's brothers were suposed to have celebrated their sisters union and recognize that God was doing something great between them and whom they considered their enemies.
At this point it is widely ignored that through Sechem and Dinah's union that God was able to make peace between the Jews and Gentiles of that era in tht region, but instead of Sechem and Hamors household receiving the ordinance of God they were murdered by Dinah's brothers whom were still under the veil of circumcision.
The begining of the very next chapter makes this obvious sense seeing that Jacob takes His household, now also consisting of those wives that Simeon and Levi brought from their pilage, moving them to a different region and setting up an altar where he instructs them to remove the false Gods and idols from them instead to worship God. God even goes on to change Jacobs name to Israel during His Journey.
When you look at the Old Testament and see where the begining of the teaching of taking multiple wives comes from, the best place to look for where anything would have gone wrong from the begining in such matters is in the matter of Cain and Abel where Abels wife is not mentioned in writting but Cain's wife is mentioned that he departed to the land of Nod with Her in the east of Eden.
Many people will ask the question of where and when Cain and Abel receive their wives. For the answer, one can look at what adam said once he was given the woman made from his rib by God saying "This is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh, for this reason a man and a woman will leave their mother and father and become one flesh". It is not specified that these are different parents so revealing to one that either way, from parents being different or the same, any woman and man are at first brother and sister but once leaving the sexual confines of their parents and engaging in sexual activity they become one flesh.
It should also be noted that the recorded presence of women and the specification of their name only came when childbearing was involved in order to remember who's children we're who's.
At this point one does not need to speculate, but know that it is possible that a twin pair of a woman and a man is a possibility in child birth, and so is that after a firstborn Son that a Daughter can follow, speaking specificaly of Adam and Eve during their child bearing, or even a daughter before and a son after.
It is also obvious that after Cain and other Sons birthings, there is no rule about a woman and man having to come from the same or different womb in order to be one flesh.
What is clear and obvious though in Genesis 4 specificaly verse 19 that Lamech, the fifth generation of Cain took it upon himself to take 2 wives and this is the first recording of anyone indulging in mutliple husbandry, again nowhere having an instruction from God to do so.
About the books of deutronomy and Leviticus, it is important to know that all that is written in them as ordinance do not apply to anyone since Christ has come in the flesh, died and resurected for the sins of all who will believe in Him. All that is written in These two books of ordinance pertains to an OLD covenant that required continual animal or ritual sacrificing and Has passed away for everyone since Christ came needing all to receive the NEW Covenant. The way things happened and turned out in the Old Testament were simply because The Law brought sin and death as it continualy progressed from the ten commandments into the rest of both of these books.
Where people were told "an eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burning for burning, wound for wound" for disputes about bodily harm, Jesus said "I speak to you a NEW covenant and to turn the other cheek" that we know why God said "Vengance is mine and i will repay", also to pray for our enemies and love them still.
The beautiful thing about few parts of the Old Testament is that there are some places where you find New Testament teaching but one has to be extremely careful, an example being in the books of the prophets e.g. Isaiah 58 where True fasting is revealed unlike the common old testament idea of fasting where one deprives themselves of food to suffer so that they can be heard, instead instructing us to share our bread with the hungry. The only thing that not eating can do for anyone is help them bring their flesh into subjection to the Spirit of God so not to destroy the work of God for the sake of food if one needs to discern what they are being led by.
The books of the prophets do carry much New Testament revelation but one has to look at what is written in them from knowing the entire new testament in order to differentiate between the contexts or verses that apply and those that do not.
It is also good to know that Jesus said the law and the prophets were untill John the baptist and there is no greater prophet than John whom did not speak of a future coming Jesus but did say "He Is Here", still having Jesus acknowledge that he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than John the prophet.
Daniel chapters 12 and 11 carry begining mention of the end times and partial revelation of the full book of Revelation in the New testament, namely the 5 layered statue that was smashed at the feet by a stone representing Jesus that King Nebuchadnezzar saw in a dream needing interpretation by daniel having to do with the 5 heads of the 7 headed beast in Revelation chapter 17 where it says that 5 of the kings represented by the heads have fallen, that the sixth is from imediately after Jesus' birth death and resurection, and the seventh to come having the beast itself being the eight and final antichristic phase. These 6th and 7th heads are paralel to the manifestation periods of the seven headed beast and the seccond two horned beast represting the false prophet in Revelation Chapter 13.
#RevelationMusicFamily on FB
#Revelation18SnapBack on FB
#TeQNiQMusic on FB
#RMFTeenTitans on FB
The main Revelation Music Content blog page where compilations from 2018 onwards are available. Also a list of mix tapes and over 100 free downloads.
The "Revelation Snap Back EP" which is a short album and blog with many Revelations pertaining to the book of Revelation in the Bible.
Let The Game Down #LTGD a short album from TeQ NiQ and a blog explaining what Let The Game Down means and how to do it yourself in your own life.
The first ever created Revelation Music blog that contains scriptural referencing and two or three mixtape albums.
Contact TeQ NiQ on WhatsApp (+263 78 411 6537)
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Twitter - @TeQNiQ1
Instagram - @TeQNiQ
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Tiktok - @TeQNiQZim
It is obvious that the old covenant and testament can be hard to understand becuase of the continual differences in ages or times and the nature of individuals recorded in it versus the community and collective circumstances that would occur also noting the many mistakes that were made by some of the people that God would chose i.e. David taking bathsheba as another wife after sending her husband into battle on the frontlines knowing very well that he was unfit for the task having him die in the end.
Why it is important to remember that God requires mercy and not sacrafice also rears its head in places like Genesis 34 where Dinah the daughter of Jacob comes across Sechem the prince of the land that Abraham was given for him and his descendants to dwell in whom came from a pagan culture.
In the story Dinah and Sechem meet when she is on the way to see the women of the land and it is written that he lay with her and "defiled" her(they had sex), meaning that the tradition of her hand in marriage being given to a family kinsman of closer relation within Abrahams deacendants was defiled.
You can read through the story and find how upon their sexual encounter Sechem Cleaved unto Her and Loved her and wanted her as his wife. Other translations use the word RAPE but it does not make sense that an act of rape results in LOVING and wanting exclusive marriage. The reason i say exclusive is because Sechem was noted to be the most honourable amongst Hamor the Kings household and the reason the word "defiled" or "Rape" are used is because the only thing that was defiled or raped was the traditional custom to marry a close relative of some sort in order to maintain bloodline on the premise of keeping from bringing the teachings of idol worship into the Abrahamic lineage of Gods promised people, but to remember that Abraham was called by God out of a gentile history after the scattering of language because of people wanting to build the tower of babel.
Sechem even goes to the extent of aproaching Jacob and Dinahs brothers whom were in the field acompanied by His Father the king in order to ask for her hand in marriage. It says that Jacob heard that he had defiled his daughter but the negative reaction that is written of only comes from her brothers.
It is written that the Sons of Jacob answered Hamor, Sechems father deceitfuly, and told both He and Sechem that if they would circumcise every male of their kingdom just as the Sons of Jacob were that they would give Sechem permission to marry Dinah. Sechem found no problem with agreeing with their request and even said that it was alright for both parties to mix families and have the Sons of Jacob take their daughters as men of their kingdom would marry into Jacobs family and Abrahams descendants.
As the story continues, right after all the males in Hamor and Sechems kingdom are circumcised, on the third day, Dinah's brothers namely Simeon and Levi took up their swords having discussed to themselves as if they were giving their sister into harlotry. Again as in many places it does not say that God told them to do so it records that they took it upon themselves to do so.
Simeon and Levi go on to slay Hamor and Sechem and then the sons of Jacob pilage the city again writting that it was because they "defiled" their sister, taking the sheep and oxen and even taking the wives of the men they slayed.
Upon returning to Jacob, their father rebukes them in telling them that they have now made him stink to the inhabitants of the land, being that they had commited murderous acts and Jacob and his household would suffer the revenge of it. It is obvious that Jacob was wiser than they were in what seems to be his silence about the matter nowhere having a record of his persona dissaproval. Dinah's brothers were suposed to have celebrated their sisters union and recognize that God was doing something great between them and whom they considered their enemies.
At this point it is widely ignored that through Sechem and Dinah's union that God was able to make peace between the Jews and Gentiles of that era in tht region, but instead of Sechem and Hamors household receiving the ordinance of God they were murdered by Dinah's brothers whom were still under the veil of circumcision.
The begining of the very next chapter makes this obvious sense seeing that Jacob takes His household, now also consisting of those wives that Simeon and Levi brought from their pilage, moving them to a different region and setting up an altar where he instructs them to remove the false Gods and idols from them instead to worship God. God even goes on to change Jacobs name to Israel during His Journey.
When you look at the Old Testament and see where the begining of the teaching of taking multiple wives comes from, the best place to look for where anything would have gone wrong from the begining in such matters is in the matter of Cain and Abel where Abels wife is not mentioned in writting but Cain's wife is mentioned that he departed to the land of Nod with Her in the east of Eden.
Many people will ask the question of where and when Cain and Abel receive their wives. For the answer, one can look at what adam said once he was given the woman made from his rib by God saying "This is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh, for this reason a man and a woman will leave their mother and father and become one flesh". It is not specified that these are different parents so revealing to one that either way, from parents being different or the same, any woman and man are at first brother and sister but once leaving the sexual confines of their parents and engaging in sexual activity they become one flesh.
It should also be noted that the recorded presence of women and the specification of their name only came when childbearing was involved in order to remember who's children we're who's.
At this point one does not need to speculate, but know that it is possible that a twin pair of a woman and a man is a possibility in child birth, and so is that after a firstborn Son that a Daughter can follow, speaking specificaly of Adam and Eve during their child bearing, or even a daughter before and a son after.
It is also obvious that after Cain and other Sons birthings, there is no rule about a woman and man having to come from the same or different womb in order to be one flesh.
What is clear and obvious though in Genesis 4 specificaly verse 19 that Lamech, the fifth generation of Cain took it upon himself to take 2 wives and this is the first recording of anyone indulging in mutliple husbandry, again nowhere having an instruction from God to do so.
About the books of deutronomy and Leviticus, it is important to know that all that is written in them as ordinance do not apply to anyone since Christ has come in the flesh, died and resurected for the sins of all who will believe in Him. All that is written in These two books of ordinance pertains to an OLD covenant that required continual animal or ritual sacrificing and Has passed away for everyone since Christ came needing all to receive the NEW Covenant. The way things happened and turned out in the Old Testament were simply because The Law brought sin and death as it continualy progressed from the ten commandments into the rest of both of these books.
Where people were told "an eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burning for burning, wound for wound" for disputes about bodily harm, Jesus said "I speak to you a NEW covenant and to turn the other cheek" that we know why God said "Vengance is mine and i will repay", also to pray for our enemies and love them still.
The beautiful thing about few parts of the Old Testament is that there are some places where you find New Testament teaching but one has to be extremely careful, an example being in the books of the prophets e.g. Isaiah 58 where True fasting is revealed unlike the common old testament idea of fasting where one deprives themselves of food to suffer so that they can be heard, instead instructing us to share our bread with the hungry. The only thing that not eating can do for anyone is help them bring their flesh into subjection to the Spirit of God so not to destroy the work of God for the sake of food if one needs to discern what they are being led by.
The books of the prophets do carry much New Testament revelation but one has to look at what is written in them from knowing the entire new testament in order to differentiate between the contexts or verses that apply and those that do not.
It is also good to know that Jesus said the law and the prophets were untill John the baptist and there is no greater prophet than John whom did not speak of a future coming Jesus but did say "He Is Here", still having Jesus acknowledge that he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than John the prophet.
Daniel chapters 12 and 11 carry begining mention of the end times and partial revelation of the full book of Revelation in the New testament, namely the 5 layered statue that was smashed at the feet by a stone representing Jesus that King Nebuchadnezzar saw in a dream needing interpretation by daniel having to do with the 5 heads of the 7 headed beast in Revelation chapter 17 where it says that 5 of the kings represented by the heads have fallen, that the sixth is from imediately after Jesus' birth death and resurection, and the seventh to come having the beast itself being the eight and final antichristic phase. These 6th and 7th heads are paralel to the manifestation periods of the seven headed beast and the seccond two horned beast represting the false prophet in Revelation Chapter 13.
#RevelationMusicFamily on FB
#Revelation18SnapBack on FB
#TeQNiQMusic on FB
#RMFTeenTitans on FB
The main Revelation Music Content blog page where compilations from 2018 onwards are available. Also a list of mix tapes and over 100 free downloads.
The "Revelation Snap Back EP" which is a short album and blog with many Revelations pertaining to the book of Revelation in the Bible.
Let The Game Down #LTGD a short album from TeQ NiQ and a blog explaining what Let The Game Down means and how to do it yourself in your own life.
The first ever created Revelation Music blog that contains scriptural referencing and two or three mixtape albums.
Contact TeQ NiQ on WhatsApp (+263 78 411 6537)
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Twitter - @TeQNiQ1
Instagram - @TeQNiQ
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Tiktok - @TeQNiQZim