(Updated) The Mark Of The Beast Revealed : In Full New Testament Context

"The Mark Of The Beast Revealed":

An Extended Update of the First Postimg With this title:

Technicaly speaking, "The Mark Of The Beast" has been very "missinterpreted by people over time not having put everything written of "the beast" in the book of revelation together, (A) Between the two manifests of evil spiritual influence amongst man in Revelation 13 being (1) the 7 headed BEAST as it points out the word "beast", and the "Beast" that Had "the appearance of a lamb" which signified false religion mimicking "the lamb of God" but not teachimg his ways or doctrine, the writting of the words "the mark of the beast" being described with "3 sixes" telling us furthermore that it is the number "OF A MAN", which points out MAN MADENESS of three sorts, looking at life where there are 3 things in existense in the physical realm: 

(1)-Things (soils, waters & breathables, plants and animals - and everything given to make in Good purpose from these) 
(2)- Man & Woman (given dominion over these things and their ETERNAL ONENESS OF FLESH/BEING amongst brothers & sisters)
(3)- Stewardship ordained by God to freely give and receive (steward) the fruits of the earth, knowledge & experience of them amongst one another (freely giving and freely receiving) 

The various MAN MADE oposites of these three that dont even agree among themselves are very aparent for anyone to be able to see.

man made
(1) - various variating man made overlaping un-agreeable with each other non-believings that Everything God made is Good
(2) - Man & Woman - man made teaching of mutlliple sexual orients that do not believe that FAITHFULNEES INSIDE AND OUT OF ONENESS OF FLESH/BEING MADE IN THE IMAHE OF GOD AS THE ANGELS ARE ALSO MADE IN HIS IMAGE is an eternal reality, truth or standard concerning each ONE man and each ONE woman's sexual interaction amongt all others being brothers and sisters with their respective oneness of flesh/being amongst others of Spirit and Truth in Community of Christ as different members of the same body.
(3) - tying "giving and receiving to receiving and giving" outlawing, condemning, disaproving, considering "freely giving" and "freely receiving" not normal and enforcing the tying of "one cannot give if one canmot receive, one cannot receive if ome cannot give" to an objectification of SCARCIFIED VALUE (getting its value from EVERYTHING not being available to EVERYONE OR ANYONE) when people themselves as well as the fruits of the earth are ALWAYS INCREASING.

"Right Hand" from even what is given in the book of revelation concernimg the signs of the times e.g. the 7th Trumpet concernimg "the works of the hands", is what the words mean, furthermore what one behaviouraly  and doctrinaly teaches others in life as "the works of ones hands", and "forehead" meaning what one believes or has faith in Doctrinaly speaking, knowing the people of God are also "sealed on their forehead" by their faith in God and His Doctrine and Teaching apart from any "Man Made" doctrine/teaching.

The hint of "3" concerning the mark of the beast is in a few places in the book of revelation, e.g. the LAST BOWL in Revelation Chapter 16 where the river euphrates dries up making way for the kings of the east in conjunction with the book of Daniels endinf of Chapters 11 and 12 at the end of the Waring Between the King of The North and The King Of The South, of the North hearing News from the North and The East that Trouble Him in the end of chapter 11, the "false prophet"(false religion-lamb like beast) deceiving peoole with false signs and wonders, even such concerning the Babylonian Harlot City that rides the beast in the following Revelation Chapter 17, where the 7 Heads are furyher describes as 7 Kings, 5 fallen (re:Daniel interoreting Nebuchadnezars Statue dream which had 5 layers broken by the rock of Jesus' 1st Coming, then 2 antichristic phases remnant of the iron mixed with clay(roman empire as understood by many) and an 8TH king/head whom is THE BEAST ITSELF  ***BUT IS OF THE SEVEN***(Just alike)  and must continue A SHORT TIME, Wherein all this there is mention of the 3 frog like spirits that come out of "The Dragon" (Satan Himslef), The Beast (The First 7 headed one from Revelation 13), and The False Prophet (The Beast that Had apearance "like a lamb"<false religion>, the word "lamb" in mimicking reference to the Messiah "the Lamb Of God", why it is of false religion), ANYTHING COMING OUT OF THE MOUTH BEING ****FALSE DOCTRINE/TEACHING****

As Far as Our Father In Heaven is Concerned, man made doctrine OPOSITE OF HIS DOCTRINE HAS BEEN AROUND FOR A LONG TIME ONLY SEEING MORE AND MORE OF HIS WRATH AND VENGANCE UPON IT EVEN IN ITS VARIOUSLY INTERCHANGING MULTIPLES, which is why the Book Of Revelation has been written, so to understand so much about pre as well as post Jesus' Seccond coming, How to make sense of "one taken, one left" in Luke 17 and Mathew24 as well as 1Thessalonians4 speaking of the final hour of Revelation 18 which goes into the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in Revelation 19 where "One Taken, one Left" as the beast is captured/taken(cast into THE LAKE OF FIRE), the false prophet is captured/taken(CAST INTO YHE LAKE OF FIRE), and the remnant peoples of these are slain by the sword of Jesus' mouth, this showing that by the time he comes there will be both those who have received the mark alive (whom are slain), and those who did not receive the mark alive (whom REMAIN(1thess4), those who died NOR RECEIVING THE MARK (whom are RAISED), and those whom died receiving the mark over time from the begining whom are not raised for The First Resurection (Revelation Chapter 20-where the devil is bound with a great chain by an angel and cast into the bottomless pit for the 1000 years) where "caught up in the clouds" means those who remain and those raised are "given thrones to reign with christ 1000 years" and THE REST OF THE DEAD DID NOT LIVE UNTILL THE 1000 YEARS WAS OVER, the 2nd DEATH HAVING NO POWER OVER THESE FOR THEY ARE PRIESTS OF GOD ETERNALY ALREADY, Gog and Magog being the offspring of we whom live for the 1000 years, Gog and Magog having never experienced the presence of evil are deceived by the devil loosed from the bottomles pit, and as the deceived surround the camp & fire comes down from heaven and devours them, immediately heaven and earth flee away and all the dead are raised whom did not live until the 1000 years was over, including those deceived who were just consumed, and final Judgement is done having the book of Life and many books of mans own evil works, the devil cast into the lake of fire as well as those who are not written in the book of life, then Revelation Chapters 21 and 22 usher in the New Heavens and New Earth which is the promise that is and is to come, why there was no beast, false prohpet, or devil for the 1000 years before ETERNITY WITH ABSOLUTRLY NO MORE EVIL EVER AGAIN.

The matter of these 3 basic doctrines (1) All things Good (2) Oneness Of Being is an Eternal Truth Being Made in Eternal Gods Image as the Angels are also Made in His Image & So Is Man & Woman (3) God's Desired Stewaedship of the Fruits of The Earth, and their knowledge and experience amongst, IS THE FOREVER TRUTH AND REALITY'S CONSTANT THAT WAS AT THE BEGINING, HAS BEEN, IS AND ALWAYS WILL BEYOND THE "SHOULD BE" OF THE DECEPTIVE ILLUSION OF MAN MADE DOCTRINE EVEN DESCRIBED BY GOD HIMSELF AS "SORCERY"IN REVELATION CHAPTER 18, NO WONDER THE 3 FROG SPIRITS HAVE TO DO WITH "FALSE SIGNS" AND WONDERS CONCERNING THE MAN MADENESS OF THE MARK OF THE BEAST IN COLLECTIVE RELEVANCE. 

Below is what was from the Initial Post:

The devil is trying to rob you of 3 things in many various faces: 

1 - a sober and SPIRIT FILLED mind and conscience acknowledging that all God created below man(waters, soils, plants, animals) are ALL GOOD as well as the purpose of all things created from these things FOR THANKSGIVING (Mathew15/1Timothy4/Colossians2/1Corinthians8-11(11:30)/Ephesians5:18-*20*) 

2 - The Stability and Spiritual as well as soulful wholeness knowing YOUR **ONENESS OF FLESH** IS IN CHRIST AND IS AN ETERNAL TRUTH - that the relation of conduct between male and females amongst is solved in all social areas knowing that faithfulness and commitment of an intersexual nature IS AN ETERNAL DESTINY AND TRUTH for teach and every one of us - Only ONE member of the opposite sex is bae, and the rest are sisteren and brethren wether old or young, you might call them aunties uncles mothers and fathers or brothers and sisters, even little or younger brothers and sisters from your loins 

3 - knowing, acknowledging as well as WALKING, LIVING AND DWELLING IN THE TRUTH THAT ***IT IS MORE BLESSED TO GIVE THAN TO RECEIVE*** - in knowing this, AS ALL ARE GIVING, ALL RECEIVE WHATEVER THEY NEED OR ASK FOR WITHOUT EVEN A QUESTION IF THEY WILL OR NOT BECAUSE THE STANDARD OF PROVISION IS THAT EVERYONE IS PURPOSEFULY GIVING. - Stewardship on earth as is in heaven as the Lords prayer speaks of is such that FREELY GIVING and FREELY RECEIVING are the N0RM and the rest is the construct of the babylonian spiritual HARLOT CITY of principles based on this very fulcrum. 

These three categories of things IN THE WORD OF GOD make up the SEAL OF GOD placed ON THE FOREHEAD of all those whom believe im Christ. 

THE OPPOSITE OF THESE THREE TEACHINGS in any way whatsoever IS THE MARK OF THE BEAST in any form of a MAN MADE DOCTRINE that does not line up with Spirit and Truth reality and Eternity as the Word of God is based on and spoked from about the times we are living through as well as what we are individualy going through. 

****Right Hand means the works of ones hands, forehead means what one believes in and where their conscience lies.**** 

Here is scriptural breakdown on the matter and biblical refference for these THREE BASIC CATEGORIES OF LIFE AND WHAT IT CONTAINS  in term of catrgorical order. 

The fruits of LIFE IN MOTION differ as Spirit is made manifest into the flesh DEPENDING ON THE PRINCIPLES AND DOCTRINAL EFFECTUALITY either agreeing with these 3 truths of life or disagreeing and creating chaos as we can see the spirit of the world in babylon does. 


*The babylonain harlot city's fulcrum of spiritual fornication and resultant harlotry and drunkeness via principle efec5:* 

Let me give you a small diagram with a key of revelation: 

(1)frely giving
(2)giving and receiving
(3)receiving and giving
(4)freely receiving 

Reality's happenings:

The hypocritical lying policy of the babylonian Spirit tying one to the other as if neither exist:
(?1no?)       (2)------(3)         (?4no?) 

The hypocritical policy to tie these two together is drunken hypocricy. (Re:Revelation17/18 - Babylon is DRUNK off the blood of the saints, anyone made in Gods image) 

I will leave you with that. 

Eat and drink at liberty and SHARE YOUR BREAD WITH THE HUNGRY. i.e. help the less fortunate. 

Isaiah 58 true sabath keeping/tithing/offering/daily living - re:mat25 sheep and goats 


*Life as we know it* 

2 Corinthians  8:14   also may be a supply for your want: that there may be equality: 

The 'i have a lot of cash so im good' statement gets hypocritical in the worlds ideal of success and use. Whatever monetary gain u have is actualy at the expense of that of others. Why it is called unrighteoss mammon or untighteous gain, aslo why Jesus said "if u cannot steward what belongs to another, how will you be able to be entruster with true riches?"

This scripture displays how God has set up entirely EVERY aspect of life in peoples having and stewardship of His abundance. 

The kind of scarcity "that has never been seen before" is that created by the monetary system and its transact principle which or (babylon's)"who's demands a value BASIS of scarcity. 

Bear in mind that WHAT money is, is BASED on scarcity. For it to get any value or, for it to have any value, it is said not to be there even if it is. This is actualy how reserve banking works as you can google the book called "modern money mechanics" and see by the 2nd page that this 8s what it says and the rest is calculated poverty maintainance. 

Abundance is an everlasting reality that God has and will keep everything in. 

Picture a tree with oranges and remember any time in your childhood if you have plucked from a plant source and eaten. There is nothing except your personal liberality and conscious contentment without any hindrance for such to be fulfilled. 

The monetary system is as a principle that requires you to "go find the hidden golden lamp and rub it three times" or any other objectification in order to then proceed to the freely available plant source and eat. Yes u can call a shop a store room or BRANCH of supply. 

Surely and truly the manifest habits in all other areas of life are affected by this as well as people's communication and other kinds of interaction with each other. 

Babylon is fallen takes on greater proportions of reality when this tree becomes services and goods that people lovingly and creatively manifest into being suposedly and principaly FOR people. 

Sadly the  hindrance is one that is of a man made nature and truly with God non-existent even in its working amongst people. 

Remember that in and for SPIRIT AND TRUTH, Jesus TWICE cleansed the temple in jerusalem of money changers SHOULD wake up the entire global community to the reality of life as is known, why his seccond coming is in the finality of the fall of babylon. 

Chapter 17 and 18 telling us that babylon is a HARLOT CITY OF PRINCIPLES is the truth about what God thinks of such. 

There is wisdom in His word for betterment without anyone being left out in their rightstanding of this FAITH. 

Stewardship "advice" has been given in proverbs in absolute conclusions such as "buy the truth and do not sell it" as well as "getting wisdom and understanding". 

The further into Gods word, it is plain to see "It is more blessed to give than to receive" put together inclusively with this verse. Wisdom in this is knowing that as all are giving, all are receiving. 

More Scripture to explore: 

Luke4:18(Jesus reads the scrolls)
Matthew25 (sheep vs goats highlight)
(Begining of Jesus' walk)John 2 (Jesus cleansing the temple)
(End of Jesus' walk)Matthew 21 (Jesus Cleanses the temple for the 2nd time)
Psalm 119:45(liberty)
James 2:12(judgemet by liberty)
1peter2:16(liberty vs maliciousness)
James 1:25(LAW of Liberty)
Galatians 5:13(Liberty vs occasion for the flesh)
1Timothy6:6(Godliness & contentment)
2Corinth3:17(Liberty and the Lords Spirit)
Galatians 5:1(standing fast in liberty)
1Corinth8:9(liberty becoming a stumbling block)
1Corinth10:29(liberty to not be judged)
Romans8:21(Christ is deliverance from bondage into liberty)
Revelation13:18(mark of the beast) 

Explaining the mark of the beast: 

*THE MARK OF  BEAST:- _Meaning_* 

*N.B.* - _the number "six" in greek numeric meaning "  *of man* "_ reffering to teaching or further use as " *_man without God_* " 

*The three 6's that make the mark of the beast are:* 

*6* _man made_  _*(exclusivlely and only partialy accomodating)*_ *devilish doctrine* surrounding abstinance of meats - *DEVILISH DOCTRINE* *_IS ABSTINANCE (1 TIMOTHY 4)_* 

*6* _man made_  & *devilish* / *_SEDUCING_*  doctrine *_surrounding intersexual relations_* promoting fornication by means of *forbidding marriage* by use of "applicable divorce maneuvers/teachings of temporary oneness of flesh" incorporated with *_the indulgence of unacceptable *_intersexual conduct_* enforcing a twisted form of ( *abstinant indulgence* ) towards a marital context - thus making the idea or thought of lifelong or even eternal commitment seemingly impossible or false and non-existent. 

*6* man made and *'ONLY MAN CONDONING unrighteous stewarding'* and self( _selfishy_ ) applicable doctrine fueled by the spirit of the world ( *_Matthew 25_* *:* *g o.a.t's vs sheep* - tries to _" make the goats look like sheep and the sheep look like goats"_ ) in short by use of enforcing " _purchase and supply_ " *< revelation13:17 >* via the value of *"scarce-abundance"* or *"abundant-scarcity"* of identical and *_opositely political_* hypocricy. 

The problems that people are facing are of a doctrinal kind that need knowledgable appliction to transform their reality to that of Christ in Everlasting Life. 



*(Part 1)Meats and Earth - Matters of Matterial Substance*
Genesis 1:29-31
1 Timothy 4 (sound doctrine)
Colossians 2 (doctrinal belief in Christ)
1 Corrinthians 8-11 (communion and its effects on the being - 1cor11:30)
Matthew 15:11
Mark 16:15-18
Titus 2
Matthew 23:25 

Drunken excess revealed:

*(Part 2)Matters of Person and Personality-Men and Women (male-female)*
Genesis 1:28
Genesis 2:21-25
Ephesians 5
Colossians 3:18-25
Titus 2
1 Peter 3
1 Timothy 4:7*
1 Corinthians 7
Matthew 19:1-14
Matthew 22:23-32
Matthew 5:31
Mark 10:1-12
Mark 12:18-27
Luke 16:18
Luke 20:27-40
Hebrews 13:4 

(Part3)*Matters of Value*
Isaiah 24:2
Ezekiel 7:12
Ecclesiasties 7:12
Amos 8:6
Luke 16
Luke 17
Acts 20:35
John 2:13-16
John 16:24
1 Timothy 6
James 3:8
James 4:13
Matthew 25
Proverbs 23:23
Revelation 13:17(mark of the beast is man made spirituality in doctrine and behaviour) 

*Conclusion of the times we are living in* 

*_Message to the Churches(doctrinal cleansing)_*
Revelation 2 & 3 

_*Great Tribulation*_ (end times)
Revelation 7 & 14 *_(144 000 & uncountable number from end times)_* 

_*(Signs Of The Times)*_
Seals - Revelation 6-7
Trumpets - Revelation 8-9
Bowls - Revelation 16 

_*Destination AND "state" of the age we are going through*_
Revelation 17( _spiritual description of the spirit of babylon_ )
Revelation 18( _physical manifest,falleness & FALL of the Spirit of Babylon_ )
Revelation 19( _"post" & inclusive of the fall and falleness of Babylon_ #RaptureIssues #MarriageSupper) 

For just the fact that one is forced "not to GIVE" without anything being available for reception by such a principle that Jesus himself has deemed as unrighteous(mammon), also invertingly or invertably causing one to be unable to receive without a concept or state of HAVING, is an abomination to God. 

Where we stand in the worlds presumption of AWAITING Revelation chapter 18 is a position of necesary admitance and reception that IT ALREADY IS our present REALITY. 

God has made it clear in his word that this failed system has no foundation and cannot stand even in itself where it is constantly broken down in self destruction. 

Please post this on your facebooks and any other social media platform and share with others as you can. 

God loves you and this literal unlearnedness is simply being hidden by other agenda. 

The Spirit and Truth is INESCAPABLE though, and it is everyones RIGHT to know in this context. 

As For the Rapture? 

Revisit all the popular quotes 1Thessalonians4 in its ending, luke 17 in its ending for the one taken one left and mathew 24 again for the one taken one left clarity that the body is a carcase and not the body of christ that is TAKEN as the birds and eagles mentioned align with what is written in chapter 19. 

By the time you get to chapter 20 you will see that the dead in christ are raised just as said in 1thessalonians4 and it is to reign for 1000 years not to be taken off the face of the earth and evil left to reign for a period of time. 

Trust that many have been deceived but there is still more than hope in the truth but Faith in its reality despite what anyone else thinks but God through Jesus Christ His Son whom made us all Sons and Daughters. 

Much love. 

Stay blessed to be a blessing. 

#RevelationMusicFamily on FB 

#Revelation18SnapBack on FB 

#LTGD on FB 

#TeQNiQMusic on FB 

#RMFTeenTitans on FB 


The main Revelation Music Content blog page where compilations from 2018 onwards are available. Also a list of mix tapes and over 100 free downloads. 


The "Revelation Snap Back EP" which is a short album and blog with many Revelations pertaining to the book of Revelation in the Bible. 


Let The Game Down #LTGD a short album from TeQ NiQ and a blog explaining what Let The Game Down means and how to do it yourself in your own life. 


The first ever created Revelation Music blog that contains scriptural referencing and two or three mixtape albums. 

Contact TeQ NiQ on WhatsApp (+263 78 411 6537) 

FB - www.fb.me/teqniq-1
Twitter - @TeQNiQ1
Instagram - @TeQNiQ 



The main Revelation Music Content blog page where compilations from 2018 onwards are available. Also a list of mix tapes and over 100 free downloads. 


The "Revelation Snap Back EP" which is a short album and blog with many Revelations pertaining to the book of Revelation in the Bible. 


Let The Game Down #LTGD a short album from TeQ NiQ and a blog explaining what Let The Game Down means and how to do it yourself in your own life. 


The first ever created Revelation Music blog that contains scriptural referencing and two or three mixtape albums. 

Contact TeQ NiQ on WhatsApp (+263 78 411 6537) 

FB - www.fb.me/teqniq-1
Twitter - @TeQNiQ1
Instagram - @TeQNiQ 

#RevelationMusicFamily on FB 

#Revelation18SnapBack on FB 

#LTGD on FB 

#TeQNiQMusic on FB 

#RMFTeenTitans on FB