An Informal Share on Revelation Chapter 18
For your "one world currency/one world governance" issues at heart.
Realise that a one world currency will never stand nor be possible to acheive.
Lol i just saw how God caught the devil and the spirit of babylon out in its wicked ways.
Read a little book called "Modern Money Mechanics" it is easily googlable and available for pdf download for free.
In this book we are dictated how the monetary system of reserve banking works.
Anyone who has seen documentaries like that one from 9/11 called ZEITGEIST which i dont know how readily available it is now will know what i am talking about in more detail.
But let me sum it up.
The reserve bank gets those BIG PIECES OF PAPER. You knw the ones you see in the movies labeled as "BONDS" of ususaly millions or even billions of dollars?... ok
The reserve bank(s) then take(s) the bonds from the IMF and puts them into a tresury as "mint".
Trust me LITTLE TO NOTHING of money is based on oil value or gold value as is proposed via modern ideals and is actualy twisted fruition of the thorns of unrighteousness.. i.e. yhe language is filthy with unrighteous meaning.
So they get these bonds in billions of dollars and then create paper currency in small bills... 100s 10s 20s 50s and coins etc... even digital currency now.
The auditing of a bank is fraudulence in a very nice smiling manner. Coz remember YOU I.E.(WE) the people have given them authority to rule our stewsrdship with the principle of the transact.. as oposed to freely distributing goods and services.
Ok so they prinit tons of other paralel valued currency and give it to people.
Now THEY CHARGE YOU FOR WHAT THEY HAVE GIVEN YOU. Loans etc demanding MORE ON TOP of what you were given innocently hidden behind words like "profit" or "returns" for "business" sake.
What they call business is this.
Because the IMF or whoever in the higher echelons are the only ones to print bonds... they desire bond profit from the reserve bank system. The reserve bank system in turn desires profit from you.
To explain further BECAUSE WE DONT PRINT MONEY (the reserve bank does), the only way is for them to give us more of it creating ANOTHER DEBT besides the first one.... this is where INFLATION COMES FROM.
The next thing that hapens is the fraudulence between the IMF bond printers and the reserve bank. The bond printers also want profit from the bank so they have to keep issuing the bank bonds and ask for what the reserve banks cannot do themselves.
Do you understand the cycle here?
Debt CREATION and maintainance under the sheath of calling it ECONOMICS.
So now in a nutshell you have learnt how the reserve bank operates.
The next thing you ought to know about A CURRENCY is that BECAUSE IT THRIVES ON THE SAME PARALEL PRINCIPLE between bond printers and those that print money and coins and make digital currency, the lateral between different currencies on the ground is again A JUMBLE OF DEBT CREATION and MAINTAINANCE OF LACK between parties of people and individuals...
If you imposed a ONE WORLD CURRENCY you would realise these things globaly:
1)It will always require MORE money to be in circulation that any budget because of continual growth.
2) It will have no other currency to devalue in place of maintaining its own declining value to impose the falsehood that it is a strong currency
3) you would find it futile for people to use money coz all it would do is slow things down. This would become more evident. Right now in the muddy waters of few people being able to understand or conceive the failure of economics the ideals of the transact and its many policies only exist on paper written as rules and regulations. Of which if not followed bear no meaning to anyone at all.
This is why Revelation Chapter 18 speaks of FALLEN BABYLON.
It speaks directly of this value system that i just revelaed to you and how such an idea would crash the system.
It would expose its inadeqacy and as well would cause you to wake up and smell the coffe of the reality of LIFE AND MEANINGFUL PURPOSE without individual monopoly and there would be widespread individual as well as community gain in providing all goods and services for free.
Perhaps one should look to the word of God for insight on how to steward a nation instead of countless philosiphers and people with man made ideas that have over decades and centuries NEVER BEEN ABLE TO HANDLE THE JOB.
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-TeQ(+263 78 411 6537)