The Truth about Health & Matters of Material Substance
(knowing that calories/proteins/energy conversions/carbohydrative digitization un-acording to the persons desired use are all but theories unto the 'scale analysis of imbalance between physical scaling mechanics' according to the "organic truth" that all things have energy/power i.e.<you can keep pouring wax on a candle stick and it will NEVER go out-TRUTH>)
that is the debunking of dietary analytics
all you can say roughly is 'perhaps about'-500ml etc for contents sake
having those theories simply put is quite a run around on viscousity and texture oriented attempts at regards to taste
i know some didnt know this at a time
tar when cooled and putty like is the same as bubblegum. even a liqourice maker can explain this to you but it must all come from 1Tmoththy4/Colossians2/1Corinthians8-11(11:30)/James1:25/
re: 4 Levels of Healing
1-believers lay hands on non believers
2-calling for anointing "oil" of which the level of this understanding is far digressive to what oil is(self applied-rubbery/eatery/drinkery/breathery) - p.s. i know its not supposed to be embarassing but ears and nose are included
3-communion (1Cor8-11)-self applied more direct at why paul said "belly/stomach's sake" as well as pointing out for us to ourselves give GOD place in each others liberty
4-Selfsame Indwelling Spirit quickening our mortal flesh (which again is a glorious reminder for us to always strengthen one anothers conscience and not give place to our own eating being testimony to others)
i believe from 1Timothy four, all know a wise man/womans saying "no one needs to shove food down someone elses throaght"
more politely said "no one needs to police anyones eating"
more so in wise african wisdoms "no one needs to cut themselves IN ORDER to put medicine into themselves to heal from a wound or eat their food" (re:Philipians3:3-beware of the mutilation)
it is loved how some other fruit extracts taste like vinegar e.g. paw paw wine, baobab and various eucalyptus like leaf extracts taste at their sweetly sour time of maturity