Beware of Evil Conscience

The IMAGE that the beast in the book of revelation makes to SPEAK or VOCALISE CONSCIENCE OF, is the BLASPHEMOUS CORRUPTION of the IMAGE of God written of in the book of Romans as it introduces the doctrine of Christ to those whom paul wrote to. I.e. WHAT or WHOM a person truly is in Gods eyes.

The seed root of the evil conscience takes on three prongs or points of contact which are:

1) drunkeness/sickness/premature death by abstinance of material substance or food and drink(1Timothy4/Colossians2/1Corinthians8-11(11:30))


3) CORUPTION OF BEHAVIOUR when attending to stewardship of what the world knows as goods and services via the UNRIGHTEOUS profiteering and mass scarcification of those very things WHICH INFACT ARE IN ABUNDANCE creating a false perception or IMAGE OF LIFE.

As for the phrase IMAGE OF LIFE, again, the BLASPHEMY is extense of the corrupt seed of fruitlessness based on selfish nature without concern or consideration of the other being or person made ALSO in the SAME IMAGE OF GOD, now having the conscience VOICED as the image of corrupt infidelity and self righteousness.

Good Questions to ask oneself

Today as you look around, do you see people sharing and caring, or do you see people wearing and tearing each other down competetively as if each day and journey in life was to BEAT one another at a game of some sort?

Do YOU YOURSELF feel in your heart that it is more blessed to GIVE than to receive or do you feel oposite? the latter honestly is not the same as the first and has very dangerous effects on your behaviour around others at all times.

Do you think its worth it to trust in what a pastor or man made doctrine says just because millions of people believe it or because the church you go to has pews full of people and attendance rates that are higher in volume?

Do you think its normal to teach publicly without reading scripture when 1Timothy4 gives us the basic teaching and reminds us to READ SCRIPTURE entirely publicly?

These are things one should ask themselves when they consider their faith and Spirituality beyond material matters and worldly gain.

at the end of the day, we will all stand alone before God and either justify ourselves or BE JUSTIFIED BY THE SON.

remember these things in all that you do and meditate on or speak about.

James 2:12 So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty.
