Signs of the times - Our Reality Today

Facts of Life as we know it:

Blood Rivers Struck Oceans/Rivers/Waterbodies

All over the world at this very moment exists the reality that a number of rivers and water bodies have changed to blood as well

The Longest river in China which even runs directly through the city alsp used as a path for marine traffic is blood red.

In Russia & cotland there are blood rivers. In DRC there is a blood river.

The ocean bodies around a coastal area in south america are parted vertcaly and are of two cotrastingly diffrrent colours, muddy bright orange and dark blackish blue.

There is a pink landlocked water body in australia that scientists havr been missinterpreting as bacterial phenomenon.

If you google and youtube the phrases "blood rivers" and "different cplour oceans" you find the literal evidence of these things i have revealed to you as present day reality.