Prayer & Action : Outworking
The bible has a verse where it is simply one line to remind us to pray without ceasing, however prayer from the lips has a resultant and reflective of the conscience of God in out-worked ACTIONS.
Every day we can say the lords prayer which in it has EVERYTHING sufficient for whatever you would encounter during the day, or on ANY day for that matter.
The Lord's prayer DOES have a list of requests such as:
1-The Lords kingdom come, The Lords Will Be Done, on earth as in heaven(the kingdom),
2-Give us THIS DAY our daily bread,
3-Forgive us our tresspasses, **as it goes on to give OUR REQUIRED ACTION for peace of conscience
5-LEAD US not to temptation,
6-DELIVER US FROM EVIL, ***Then Signing Off with***
7-FOR THINE IS THE KINGODM (acknowledging Gods Eternal Reign)
----end of Prayer---
Jesus encouraged us to pray this way for many reasons. a) it defines that we are Sons of God and also b) that we embracingly receive his unconditional love for us.
For the lords kingdom to come, there actualy are things we must recognise and identify with as 1-His kingdom COMING TO US and 2-His Kingdom COMING >>THROUGH<< US.
To recognize Gods kingdom, there a couple of relative perceptions one must align their conscience with in order not to miss it.
For example the idea of SUCCESFUL LIVING.
Success : The World
The world will tell you that you are sucesful only when you have a certain amount of money above an average of others, when you THEORETICALY "have your life planned out for the next five or ten years" based on, AGAIN, present monetary income and promisary comfort from a "job possition".
The world will tell you that you are succesful when you conditionalise anger and wrath and maintain unforgiveness and hatred for anyone who does not agree with you or help you or even love you.
The world will tell you that you are a man or woman based on what everybody else thinks of your exposed sexuality to the idea and concept pf multiple intersexual relations.
The world will tell you that shrewdness and ruthless profiteering from others and their situation(s) or circumstance(s) in order to give YOU yhe credit for anything done around them.
The world will tell you that you are sound of conscience when you are filled with false doctrines and ideologies of sectarian effect that traditionaly cause the power of God to come to no effect.
Success : Gods Kingdom
The Kingdom of God says you are succesful when you reach out your hand to the needy (5-fold ministry) as said in Mathew 25 where it speaks of the Sheep and the goats being set at the right and left hand respectively of their walk of faith.
It says that You are successful when your hearts desire and outworked LIFESTYLE consists of the compassion to GIVE food to the hungry, GIVE drink to the needy, GIVE clothes to the naked, FREELY HOUSE the homeless, and VISIT the sick and imprisoned.
Because also elsewhere it is written that true religion is visiting orphans and widows, we can see CLEARLY how Mat25 reveals to us more detail about the sort of "widow-ness or orphan-ness".
These are others orphaned from the Love of God stewarded by others.
The reason this is called "Prayer AND action" is simply to help people escape the "what do i do?" Questions that
come to mind in whatever they might be going through.
A good example of where "prayer and action's" effectiveness have been tainted is in principle doctrinal areas of man's will versus Gods will, where any solution based 'rest and receive' motivations, or even 'sowing and reaping' in the question of "WHAT to sow" are in need of principle realignment.
Mathew 25 contains an overwhelming abundance of things and activities one can think of each passing day tha do in fact count as seeking Gods kingdom, the foundation of which are all Glory to God as He works through us.
E.g. The popular idea of FASTING is usaly reffered to as the art of self affliction or starvation from partaking in order to receive an answer to a prayer but this is CONTRARY and OPOSITE of biblical principle(Re:Isaiah58).
If one is to fast, his will ought to be SO THAT HE IS AND BECOMES AN ANSWERED PRAYER to another, IN WHICH GOD IS FAITHFUL and does not forget our labour of love toward others.
The only thing "not eating" does is tha when it is done for the first time, one realises tha they want to do more than eat, of which it is a stones throw away from the first sheep like principle which is to GIVE ONES FOOD TO THE HUNGRY.
It must be understood that there is no principle in the bible that states one ought not eat for any particular reasoning, in fact COMMUNION as paul and Jesus Himself put it is ENCOURAGED as often as possible and to be done IN AND AT LIBERTY of ones OWN conscience toward God and not by another person's.
It is by GRACE that we receive Christ and His Blessings to steward amongst one another.
We can pray for God to help us with sin that we are in, for example, lust and its multi-intersexual orient, but if we pray "Lord please help me with this lust issue", yet whenever tempted we do not look at verses like "IN YOUR TEMPTATION you will find escape" and apply others like "FLEE FROM FORNICATION" or "RESIST the devil and HE WILL FLEE FROM YOU", then we are running around on circles, worse if one keeps a conscience that degrees of these things are alright to indulge in.
Therefore it is also applicable that as we pray "Lord Bless us" and also seek his kingdom and worry not for tomorow knowing that whatever we do to Gods glory he will outpour and honour by the blessing we are praying for.
In fact the learned result of walking these things out will bring one's prayer to THANKSGIVING without request even knowing that our heavenly father KNOWS ALREADY what we need and we ought to be thankful for receiving it and walk as we have it.