Oneness of Flesh - Important Issues relating to sexual intimacy

There are a many things of vital importance in life that are taken for granted by the world or taken lightly and dealt with as if they dont matter.

Romance has 'pervers-ivied' the idea of intersexual relationships by the use of casual and intimidatingly innocent apprach toward VERY SENSETIVE and SACRED principles that pertain to the matters of the heart where all the issues of life spring forth from.

Its gay to inwardly or outwardly practice multiple intersexual contact of oneness of flesh #Fornication
Its far from a theory and more analyzing what one is truly doing in spirit and truth as well as the effect upon fleshly conscience
Its like this.

When you are saying "i want to have two intimacies of sexual nature in whatsoever order it be, you are OUTRIGHTLY saying 'i want to put MY private sexual flesh where another man/woman's belongs."

This is because SEX is the becoming of one flesh even unto the imagination, which is why fornication exhalts itself above God and faithfulness, fidelity and commitment ALSO have imagination BUT are in the "safe zone" meaning they DO NOT exhalt themselves above God. They SUBMIT to God and have ALL THE FREEDOM AND MUTUAL LIBERALITY between the individual husband and wife for whatever ther sexual desire of each other simply by that principle.

A Spiritual truth about this is that fornication clouds and impares the discernment and judgments of spiritual matters even simply within ooneself. It can actualy be described as a state of drunkeness just as all evils are far from the sobriety of Gods Word in the truth of such matters.

So ADVERSLY, WITHIN MUTUAL FAITHFULNESS AND COMMITMENT in COMMUNION of Christ, and BECAUSE the marriage bed is not defiled and now HONOURED BY GOD, even the trouble in the flesh is no match for the peace and joy in the holy Spirit by the outworking of Gods gifts and blessing both Spiritual AND Physical as Christ has come in the flesh as a Husband aught to love His Wife like Christ Loves the Church and She submits to Him.

THIS is true love despite even lifes daily ups and downs, and a VERY strong PILLAR or FOUNDATION to help overcome those TOGETHER as ONE FLESH.😇

Frankly, AN angel(messenger in hebrew) is WHOLE(shalom) as A MAN & A WOMAN ETERNALY FAITHFUL AND COMMITED IN AND TO GOD(meaning each other)..

One Flesh means ONE BEING reflective of the same nature on earth as it is in heaven for the angels.

Eternal faithfulness has been difficult for any man made or babylonian based understanding to grasp in the seamleasnes of heavens outcome with the earth even in the new heavens and new earth.

Some people have perverted the idea of an angel into a genderless objectification without even considering why in Genesis God said "LET *US* make Man in Our Image" and "male and female created He them".

This was a realisation of what seemed to be a "roumoured paradise" that no one in the OT could understand save a righteous few.

Lo and behold that IT IS not only "A" reality, but without anyones opinion of it, IT IS REALITY as God has made life to be even unto eternity.