How to "use"/(SPEND) money biblicaly

Buy the truth and sell it not. Also get wisdom and understanding

Remember it is more blessed to GIVE than to receive.

Create a system to help others, if of attaining things to help the needy and freely give and GOD WILL SUSTAIN IT (Re:Isaiah58).

If you look at the new testament closely, In the early church periods, all member in spirit and truth created a system of DAILY PROVISION by which things (today known as GOODS AND SERVICES) were STEWARD-ED amongst the church and even others outside the camp.

Luke 16, The parable of the unjust steward tells us that the steward had been unjust to His WORLDLY master But NOT UNJUST TO GOD like most people are taught to believe in theoretical and false theology. In fact his retainment of debts was unjust to God. Where he was wiser in "their ways", as Jesus was giving an example of the children of the WORLD, was both when he gave freely those goods for whatever reason he was thinking(perhaps trying to buy favours), and when he CANCELLED the debts, the retainment was IN FEAR OF THE WORLDLY MASTER.

THIS is why Jesus came to the "YOU CANNOT SERVE TWO MASTERS" conclusion.